Blink 182 And You'll Miss It

Brian J. wanted his baker to make him a Blink 182 cake.
Specifically, this Blink 182 cake:
This is Cake Wrecks.
That's probably not gonna happen.
Instead, this happened:
A picture of a Blink 182 cake... on a cake.
But can we take this farther?
How about a picture of a Blink 182 cake... on a cake... on a shirt?
Then a picture of a Blink 182 cake...
on a cake
on a shirt
on Blink 182:
Yeeeah. Now we're cookin'.
But just to bring it back full circle:
A picture of a Blink 182 cake...
on a cake
on a shirt
on Blink 182
My work here is done.
Thanks to Brian J., who's probably wondering if I wrote this just so Jen and I could call this cake a business expense.
Yes I did.
(Shhh. It's tax season. LET ME HAVE THIS.)
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And from my other blog, Epbot:
Reader Comments (13)
I don't think I've seen a more brilliant post! Ever!
Seriously! One of my favorite songs. Now I want that cake, even though I'm *double* 23. :-P
Too late! I've blinked enough-- MY HEADDD!!!!....Toss me a pair (or a thousand) of those SHADES!!!!
Ok but can we get a picture of:
A picture of a Blink 182 cake
on a cake
on a shirt
on Blink 182
on a cake
Some people are just too useless to LIVE.
Best. Thing. Ever.
Is it just a weird perspective, or is that last cake TINY??
Can I get a picture of that?!
It's all the...small things that make this post what it is.
Say it ain't so.
This is seriously the best. I think they need to put that in their order book.
Lol oh that was hilarious.
Ummm. Exactly what size is John's cake lol
That cake at the end is all the small things