Sunday Sweets: IT'S ABOUT TIME

Goooood morning, Sweets fans! In case you missed it, most of us lost an hour last night thanks to Daylight Saving Time. (GRUMBLE GRUMBLE MUTTER CURSE.)
So in this trying time, let us look towards the patron saint of being late:
(Cut The Cake Kitchen, UK)
The White Rabbit!
He may be late for a very important date, but who can stay mad looking at this? Love the soft blues and Cheshire's painted eyes, which I could swear are actually glowing.
Yep, since we're going to spend all day complaining about the clock, we may as well look at some gorgeous edible ones:
(Cake Virtuoso Studio, Ireland)
OooOOooh. As much as I'd like to take out my sleepy aggression on a cakey clock, this one deserves a protective glass dome and a place of honor.
I can't figure out how big this next one is, but the intricate gears inside are giving me all the heart eyes:
(Sirha Catering, France)
Speaking of gears, how about a steampunk twist on the nursery rhyme "Hickory Dickory Dock?"
(Cake Dutchess, The Netherlands)
The mouse actually ran up the clock because he's a horologist and it was running slow.
Weird question: do you have a favorite clock? 'Cuz I do: the gilded 13 hour clock in Labyrinth. Sadly I couldn't find a cake version of it, but this one is close!
(Sweetness, location unknown)
I like the faceted gem up top, and all the swoopy leaf details.
Remember when Salvador Dali clocks were all the rage? I think they were required wall decor back in college.
(By Peapodlucy on Deviant Art)
Of course the melting clock is great, but the goldfish and her waterfall are the real show-stoppers.
Plus those peacock feathers!
Have to include a Cuckoo clock, because this one is adorable:
(Short North Piece of Cake, Ohio)
It's just so happy.
Ahh, but we can't talk about time - and how much we wish we could change it - without THIS colorful character:
(Bijou's Sweet Treats, Virginia)
Er, I mean Doctor Who!
There are so many great TARDIS cakes out there, but this one grabbed my heart with that luscious buttercream "paint" - it's so perfect.
Now, granted, the TARDIS is bigger on the inside... but can it hit 88 mph?
(By Ron Ben-Israel. Photo by Christopher Duggan)
Besides, this Delorean wedding cake (AW YEAH) also features the clock tower, so that's like a two-fer today. My favorite bit is the lightning bolt up top; such a great design.
And finally, let's end our time together with a little more steampunk:
(Cakes By Suzanne, Ireland)
Anyone else coming back for seconds?
And see what I did there?
Happy Sunday, everyone! May your day be Sweet and your coffee be strong.
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And from my other blog, Epbot:
Reader Comments (21)
It’s too early for Dalylight’s Savings Time. <<uncontrollable eye twitch>> Why did we choose THIS morning to get up early and go see Captain Marvel? Oh well, at least the pain is assuaged by beautiful cakes.
I think I'm too tired and sleepy to post what great cakes these...……...
Love the March Hare; and that top hat ....! The melty clock reminds me of "The persistence of time" thing (Salvador Dali). Don't be late for these beauties...wonderful!
Now I'm wondering about the feasibility of a completely-edible clock with a working mechanism. Not necessarily keeping good time, but at least running. Gears made of gingerbread, axles made of hard candy for strength and low friction. Driven by weights on a cord... I don't know what to make an edible cord out of. I'm fairly sure that candy floss doesn't have the strength to be spun into thread. I suppose one could make a chain using hard candy to make links, though it would be extremely tedious.
Is that a cloud in a clear bubble on top of that Back to the Future cake? I cannot get a good enlargement... but if so, how'd they do that?
I can't decide on a favorite, although the Starry Night TARDIS is in close running with the Delft-style clock.
However, my eye caught the dates on the Delorean: I'm guessing the first date is when they met (?); the second date is their wedding day,... because the third date is exactly fifty years later. That's sweet.
I'm amused by the flowers in the background of the Back to the Future cake. It makes it look like the lightning is actually coming out of a cloud. Nice job, photographer.
This seems to be the ssource of the fish Dali cake
That last cake has my birthday on it! Too bad no one gave it to me for my birthday though.
I think that white rabbit cake is my favorite today - gorgeous!
The fish cake appears to be by peapodlucy on DeviantArt:
Looks like the Dali cake belongs to a bakery called “French for Sugar” out of Denver. All of these are lovely!
love the Starry Night cake :D so well done.
Thinking a bit more about constructing things from gingerbread... my local library provides access to a laser cutter. It can be used for things like cardboard and wood, so it should be able to handle hard dry edibles.
Love all of these, but you missed my favorite clock!!! Cogsworth! I found this one for you .....
That Tardis/VanGogh cake is amazing! It would've made today much more bearable. That cake is a waaaaay better idea than daylight savings time!
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So hard to pick, they are all absolutely amazing...but Tardis -- And Van Gogh (easily one of my top 10 favorite Dr. Who episodes...) But then that mouse fixing the clock is just so adorbs!!
I agree - a cake version of the clock from “Labyrinth” would’ve been AWESOME!! :D
It really bugs me that the gold gilded cake has the wrong Roman numeral for the #4. It should be IV.
@Michelle, there are several explanations for the "mistake". 1) Sometimes IV is written IIII for visual balance of all the numerals on the clock face. 2) Since on a clock both IV and VI are upside-down or semi-upside-down, IV is written IIII to avoid confusion when quickly glancing at a clock, especially when hurrying across the town square at the farthest point from the town clock. (IX and XI could also be confused, but they are both at a much easier angle to read accurately.) 3) IIII is the original way that IV had been written. 4) IV is the beginning of IVPPITER, Jupiter, and early clock makers were hesitant about using even part of the name of one of their gods.
I want to go back in time and have a Delorean wedding cake!
"Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads."