The All-Purpose Cake Wrecks Apology Post

Greetings, offended party!
If you've been directed to this link it's because your friend/SO/boss/family member/baker/etc feels badly about that thing they did, and they want to make it up to you. So sit back, relax, and prepare to be apologized to in the sweetest, most personalized way possible.
Hi, person whose feelings I care about.
Or, "Crislian." (Fun Fact: That's how they say your name in Denmark!)
Listen, remember when I did/said that thing? The thing that was maybe not so great in relation to your feelings/situation?
This is just an example. Our thing is way worse, I know.
(Besides, we both know EVERY boby loves you.)
Anyway, so I did/said the thing, and I was all:
And then YOU were all:
Which made me TOTALLY:
Because I never meant to be mean like that - not when there are so many OTHER ways I could be mean, am I right? Eh? EH? Heyoooo
Oh, too soon for jokes? Cool, cool, you're totally right.
Um, moving on...
Look, let me get to the point.
I know you like dinosaurs.
Also I'm sorry.
But just in case you don't believe me, I got you this:
It's a picture of a cake.
I hope you like it.
But in case you don't, I also got you this one:
Which has a little something for everyone, IF you know what I mean.
Heyoooooo oh. Still too soon? Right. Sorry.
Thanks to Emily L., Amber B., Jackie M., Jen L., Lindsey K., Wendy J., Rebecca B., Patricia L., & Donna B. for this sorry state of affairs.
Thank you for using our Amazon links to shop! USA, UK, Canada.
And from my other blog, Epbot:
Reader Comments (23)
I wish all apologies could be done via cake.
That first cake.....why would you put raspberries and steak fries on it? Or are they potato chips? I'm glad that "Tesus" or "Yesus" loves me and dinosaurs.
Too funny. LMAO!
The cat one and the last one really look nice!
OMG Cake! I really wish I could be sure that the friend/SO/boss/family member/baker/etc I said/did that thing to had enough of a sense of humor that s/he would take a link to this post as an apology, but with my luck it would just make things worse...
"A little something for everyone." *snrk* Oh, I love you so. (But not like that. No shade though.)
The properly spelled "Nobody Loves You" cake was funny enough; somebody must have wanted to up the ante.
As usual, I'm in awe of the perfection of this edition of CW. You guys must have amazing memory to be able to find the perfect cake for each situation. That glaring cat is awesome!
WELL. A codpiece and a corset. Sounds like a song......didn't Steamy Mix have a song like that? With a Tom Purrty?
go to ha(des)? That is not much of an apology....
Those look like apple slices. Not fresh ones, mind, but more along the lines of what you'd find in apple pie filling.
This is perfect timing! I thought I had wronged a human-type person in my life recently. Turns out I didn't and they ended up apologizing to me, strangely enough, but perhaps I shall send them this link to further confuse the situation. Or just the picture of the last cake; it seems fitting. (Don't ask why.)
Also, I thought that second one read "T lo boby" at first, like that cake was for J. Lo's sibling or something. That poor cake. It doesn't even love itself.
That cat is perfection! I have one that totally gives me that look.
Dr. Frank N. Furter! Is that you??
Thank you for clearing that up! I do believe you're right!
Comedy gold, Jen. Comedy gold.
The last cake would be perfect for the “sweet transvestite from Transexual, Transylvania”, eh?
Lol wow that cat really did look mad. The crying happy face was enough to have me laughing like a hyena for no reason at all other than it just tickled my funny bone for some reason lol.
These were funny and made me laugh. Cake Wrecks is awsome. And are those peach slices on the first cake?
I liked the cat.
I'll bet the people who were waiting for that last cake to be cut could hardly stand the
I think the yellow things on the first cake are either orange slices of yellow slugs of death. either way they do NOT belong on an apology cake. and I think the last cake is Dr. Frank N Furter modeling his optional Red corset and thong. hubba hubba!!!
I would hug the cat cake. Probably not the best idea. But still.
The yellow slices on the first cake look like those canned cling peaches.