Sunday Sweets: Father's Day Treats

Today we're celebrating dads!
The cowboy dads:
(By Una Docena De, permanently closed)
The baby bottle wranglin' dads:
(By Cake Central user Gucci 77)
Gamer dads:
(Baker unknown. Anyone recognize it?)
Biker dads:
(By De La Creme Studio in Missouri)
Dads who cook:
(By Lee Sin in Malaysia)
Dads who fix things:
(By Ellie's Elegant Cakery in Somerset)
Dads who chauffeur the family around:
(By Le Torte di Clari in Italy)
And dads who are undisputed air guitar champions:
(By Kelly's Creations)
Dads, while we know you're not all perfect:
(By Dolce Favola in Italy)
To us your kids, you'll always be pretty super.
(By Hope's Sweet Cakes in Alabama)
Happy Father's Day, minions! May it be extra sweet.
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And from my other blog, Epbot:
Reader Comments (6)
Happy father's day! Also, the talent shown by those bakers is amazing! :O
The tools cake is my favorite. I love the rustic feel.
Redemption for dad cakes after yesterday's wrecks!
Great finds! All of these are amazing.
I think the cowboy one is my favorite.
I really like the PS4 contoroler cake.
I assume Alexander's cake is for a birthday, not father's day? Or does he have 18 kids? And what is in the middle of the cake that the circular saw blade got stuck like that?! Is that real sawdust or shaved chocolate? Beautiful cake, so many questions...