Guess What The Order Was

Wreckporter Dan W. thought it'd be fun to let the kids at his son's birthday party decorate their own cupcakes.
So he went to his local bakery and ordered 50 cupcakes with... can you guess? I mean, how would you phrase that?
No, seriously, it's funnier if you guess first.
I'll wait.
What, you want a hint? OK, here's how Dan's cupcakes turned out:
Did you get it now?
That's right: Dan ordered 50 cupcakes... with the icing on the side. [rimshot!]
I can't even make this stuff up, gang.
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Reader Comments (44)
The only thing I can think of that explains why bakers manage to do things like this is that they all have a severe case of cranial rectalitis.
Bwahahahahaha XD
Ppppfffbbbfffttttttt!, snert, snort, hahahaha, coffee on keyboard! Even with the HINT, and guessing correctly it was still so damn funny, my poor keyboard got it's usual bath of coffee. You'd thin I learn not to take a sip while getting my daily morning dose of Cakewreckieness! So worth wiping down the keyboard and getting the coffee out my nose!
O. M. G. I legit snorted. out loud. at work.
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I enjoyed the revisit last year, but this one kicked the new decade off right!
What the . . .! This is a new low. Unless they used edible paper liners I seriously don't understand how they possibly thought that's what the customer wanted. Thank goodness for wreckerators though - they're keeping this site alive and well!
Well, at least the ones in the middle aren't messy. That's a common complaint about CCCs.
THAT'S being specific.
I would MAYBE have asked (had I been the orderer), "WHICH SIDE?"
This is the funniest one yet. It beats 'I want sprinkles' by a mile.
That's gonna be a classic!
pfhhhhhh.. bwhahahahahahaha! Oh. Oh my... That's awesome.
You can make anything foolproof, but you can't make it damned-foolproof.
Do these bakers sit up nights trying to figure out ways to drive their customers bats?
Humanity is doomed.
I can't even with this one! lol
I think I hear someone whispering, " Eh....close enough... "
(They must pay REEEEALLY well.. That, or it was "Take A Kindergarten Class To Work" day.)
No way! That had to be a mischievous baker, right? Who would want that?
Welll, technically the baker is correct.
Not that the baker is SMART.. just correct
After looking at the picture but not what he actually asked for, my thought was maybe "50 cupcakes with nothing on top." What he actually said was funnier. :D
That's really bad. Not as bad as the censored "Summa --- Laude" cake from Publix though!
I can't even.......................................
Too funny!
Can we also discuss the decision to provide 26 white and 24 chocolate? Unless that was a very specific part of the order (and they managed to get that right but not the icing situation)... *SMH*
The baker must be a dad because that is the daddest of dad jokes I ever saw
This is actually the hardest I’ve laughed at any of your posts. Surely this isn’t real! LOLOLOL
Amelia Bedelia got a job at a bakery?
Amelia Bedelia works at a lot of bakeries.
I didn't even get it. I failed to realize that was the icing on the side. Stupid me. I can't even...
I guessed 'frosting around the edges' and that's close enough for the win. :-)
Am I the only one who worried that he had ordered naked cupcakes? That’s probably how I would have ordered them.
One time my husband and I went to our favorite Mexican restaurant but weren't very hungry so we decided to split an order of enchiladas. I like the sour cream while he LOATHES it. So we asked the waiter, who had questionable English skills, to put the sour cream 'on the side'. Let's just say that night I ate mostly tortillas and sour cream from the ends while he had all the meat and cheese from the middle. I've never shared a plate of enchiladas with him again!
Oh, the site isn't dead! Yesterday they wanted me to buy the name....
Sounds like a Bill Engvall story, about a young lady who made a cake from cake mix.
The instructions said to grease the bottom of the pan.
So she greased The Bottom Of The Pan.
Little house fire.
Can someone please explain what the expected result was? I have no idea what "icing on the side" might mean other than what he got. Which is weird so can't be what he wanted.
Oh man I hope he didn't buy them but I guess you could still have the kids frost them. I am honestly not shocked by anything wreckerators do anymore lol.
This is the funniest wreck ever.
@Vireya: I assume what he wanted was bowls/tubs of icing, separate from the (un-iced) cupcakes, so the kids could decorate the cupcakes themselves.
@wendelenn - Thank you! I guess it is an American idiom which is lost on those who don't speak American.
@Vireya: "On the side," in restaurant-speak, means "separate from." For example: When you order your salad with dressing on the side, it means that instead of pouring the dressing over the salad, they should put it in a small container (on the side of your salad) so you can add it yourself. This is what he wanted with the frosting for the cupcakes, so the kids could add it themselves.
Apparently restaurant-speak does not extend into bakeries...
Oh, excellent. I did guess what the order was..but wasn't sure how it would be executed. Well played, baker! :p
Priceless. Truly. I guessed it, but that makes it no less wreck-tastic.
Eh, I'm with the baker on this one. Unless you talk to them and explain in detail what you want, everything is literally taken. Plus, did the baker have any disposable icing bags or containers to fulfil this request? If I don't have such supplies on hand, it would not cross my mind either...
Amelia Bedelia but she can't bake either
Reminds me of a story I once read in Reader's Digest about an American tourist in another country who ordered a breakfast of two fried eggs with toast on the side. After an unusually long wait, he spotted the waiter walking very slowly, carrying a plate with two eggs and a slice of toast carefully balanced on its edge between them.
...I'm trying to imagine those decorators working at a bar... what if someone asks them their martini be on the rocks, shaken, not stirred?
The aforementioned patron better not be zero-zero-some number... for the wreckorator's sake.