Hellooooooooooooo Minions!
Jen here.
Big News: Today marks the 10th - TENTH! - anniversary of this blog. You've just sucked ten years of my life away, with your wedding disasters and your overly literal snafoos and your unintentional buttercream dingalings, and I hope you're proud of yourselves.
Of course ten years is a MASSIVE milestone to reach online, and darn near unheard of in the vanishing world of blogging. Cake Wrecks is like a dinosaur you find frolicking through your lawn sprinklers one morning: you're not sure how it survived this long, or just what it thinks it's doing, but while it's there you may as well share pics on Facebook and have a laugh.
Now, I could regale you with sentimental anecdotes, maybe talk about how this site changed my life, or the time John nearly died on our first book tour, or, the true highlight, the time Brent Spiner put on a Carrot Jockey necklace.
But all that sounds way too final, and frankly, I'm not done with you people yet. Or Cake Wrecks.
So rather than bowing out gracefully on the perfect end date for a career well... er... careered? Is that a word? - Rather than all that, John and I've decided to pick up the reins and keep on beating this particular dead horse:
We never liked this guy.
Or, to put it in a way that's less likely to get us hate mail, we plan to ride this rocket allll the way down to glory, until you guys stop reading.
("We get the fancy ketchups? OH HAPPY DAY")
Now, as I think maybe three of you have noticed, we've spent the last 364 days re-running some of my favorite posts. Going forward I'll actually be writing some new stuff again, including all new Sweets. As the cool kids say, it's gonna be LIT. Mostly from birthday candles, but you get the idea.
So I hope you'll stick around, minions, and say nice things about us to your friends, because I need a lot of validation. (So, so much.) Also, send me your wrecks! Let's keep this party going!
Thank you for using our Amazon links to shop! USA, UK, Canada.
And from my other blog, Epbot:
Reader Comments (108)
Happy Anniversary! Or Happy Birthday! Or Happy Decade!
Whatever it is, I'm happy to say, I've been there from almost the beginning, and this site it the first one I hit every morning at 6:00, and then right on to Epbot. It's been great, and I'm very glad it's continuing!
HAPPY ANNISERVARY...errr, HAPPY ANNIVISARY...damn...HAPPEE ANNIVERSARY...ugh...HAPPY 10! WITH SPRINKLES!!! Jen and John (thoj) I will be a FOREVER CAKE-WRECK-A-HOLIC and damn proud of it. Your daily dose of wrecks, witty and hilarious puns, stick figure comics, do more GOOD for us than you can possibly imagine. I for one, thank you immensely. CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE every day! NOW, BRING 'EM ON, WE KNOW YOU GOT 'EM.
Congratulations on making it to ten years!
Unless I slept in one day, you missed my all-time favorite wreck this past year: Mrs. Ruby Slippers from South Africa, and her melting chocolate wedding cake. I think the best part was the "ghoulish" cake topper' it was so hysterically appropriate!
Hooray! I've been patiently waiting for this day. All those reminders of my memory fading faster than I deserve were painful, yet still satisfying.
I could not get through my work week without you. I discovered your brand of zany 7 years ago and have been a daily reader since! Please keep on keepin' on.
Welcome back! We’re ready to roll. Keep the wrecks coming. I appreciate my morning laugh. Before I have to, you know, work at my job.
Yay! Yay! Yay!
(I tried to come up with something witty, but really, that just sums up my thoughts right now. My morning is now much happier!)
Congrats on TEN YEARS! Doing anything creative for ten years can be draining. Hope you are refreshed because I need my daily fix of bad cakes.
Thanks for the many laughs over the years. :D :D
Yay!!!!! I have enjoyed the last year of repeat faves, but am so excited to see all the new stuff! You and John are amazing and such a source of fun, joy, and inspiration to all of us! Welcome back! Happy 10th Cake-iversary! Wreck on!
Congratulations on 10 years of making me hold in the laughter while sitting in my office at work!! I'm looking forward to the new posts!
Hooray!!! Y’all have made me laugh more times than I can count! The no spanking sexual harassment cake was the day I found this blog and I’ve been laughing ever since!
Que Kermit flale.
Congratulations on 10 years! And we are so excited you are coming back.
Hooray! Great news!
Happy Anniversary!
And YAY!!!
*throws confetti*
Yay! I’m so glad you’re continuing! I’ve loved the walk down memory lane,and can’t wait for new wreckiness!
I would be bereft if you stopped Cake Wrecks. I guarantee that bakers will continue to make them and I need this centralized location to continue to make fun of them.
Whew -- I thought you were about to announce your retirement. Congratulations on the milestone! 🎂
Any Cake Wrecks post with a Princess Bride reference in it has to be good.
1) Do dinosaurs get ringworm?
2) Don't think the Kentucky Derby will be calling for this horse. Maybe the glue factory.
3) That's a rocket? Hmm! Looks like a three-legged patriotic male...well, you know. But where did it get the legs from? To quote Galaxy Quest, "OH! That's not right!"
Happy Wreckaversary!!! I believe I have read every single post. You were about a year in when I first discovered your blog, and I binged back through the archives to get caught up, and have been a faithful minion ever since, both here and with Epbot and FoE. I once dressed as the Epbot with a mixer bowl on my head in your honor! Thank you...for bringing much laughter, many chuckles, and more than a few belly-laugh induced snorts my way over the years! Here’s to many, many more sprinkles! Much love to you!
Ah, the sound of ultimate... suffering? I"m glad that you're getting back in that dead horse's saddle again.
Happy Arnvrsay with sprinkles
Under Neat That
Keep up the good work!
Ten years? Wow. How old does that make me... Konradulatons, though. Can't wait to keep reading!
This makes me so happy! Love you guys and can't wait for new posts!
Yay! I love CakeWrecks!
whooop whoooop!!!! I'm pretty sure I found you early on as well. Sadly, non of my submissions have ever been used.
Love you all!!
Yay! Good on ya, Most-High Cakey Goddess of Snark (that’s from memory, so I may have forgotten an epithet or two)! I’m SO GLAD you’re writing new stuff; the past year has rarely surprised me because, due to you being so funny (yes, it’s all YOUR fault), I’d already read pretty much all of the past columns. So this past year, I’ve just been waiting for you to get done and write some new stuff. And now you ARE! Oh, happy day! But let’s not have cake to celebrate...that’s just asking for trouble.
Congrats on 10 years! For almost that long, I've looked forward to your blog as the 1st thing I do on the computer each day. I appreciate being able to start off with a laugh-sometimes hysterical, sometimes merely SMH. I will certainly keep reading as long as you keep posting!
Oh thank goodness. I kept thinking, I've seen this one before! Thought I was going out of my mind. Of course, I was, but this wasn't the sign.
I'm looking forward to new posts!
Wow! it's been 10 years since I accused you guys of being unfair to the overworked, underappreciated cake wreckerators of the world.....needless to say, I get it now! Thank you for being the funniest part of my every day (which may sound sad but, really, you are that good!)..Please don't stop, it's the struggle that keeps us alive! Happy Anniversary!
Since congtations are in order... CONGRADATIONS!!! I've enjoyed the past year of oldies, but I've also been looking forward to this day. On to the new stuff!
Congratulations on the anniversary! My costume blog will be 10 next year (not that I have the army of readers you have, but I like what I've done with it).
Your Sunday sweets have taught me a lot about how fancy cakes are made, and your daily posts...are helping me keep my weight down. (Oh, and occasionally they make me laugh!)
Thanks for your blog--it's a bright spot in my day, even though I don't comment here much.
Yay on you both! Congrats on the Big 10! I view/read both of your blogs during my lunch hours, and my day is always better for the fun. So, so glad that there is no end in sight! Thank you!
Today is MY BIRTHDAY!!! And your Anniversary!! How awesome is that!
I've been enjoying your blog since the beginning and am thrilled that you are keeping it going!
I want more sprinkles!!
You always make me giggle, and that right there is the reason I will always read Cake Wrecks. 10 years for a blog is an tremendous accomplishment. Well done, Jen and John!
When I read, "So listen, here's the thing," in my FB feed just now, my heart kind of flip-flopped! :O
I was wondering recently when the 1 year rehash was going to end. You guys definitely deserved the break, but I soooo look forward to seeing new ones again!
10 years! <Kermit Flail!>
Happy Amiversany! This is one of the blogs I turn to when I’m having a crappy day, because crappy day+ crappy cakes+ALL THE PUNS=Laughs, which in turn = not such a crappy day after all. So thanks for all the laughs, groans, and sometimes gagging. Here’s to another ten years of hilariously disappointing cakes!
Thanks for the laughs! Big fan since almost 6 years ago when I had horrible morning sickness being pregnant with my son. You made me laugh when I needed it most, and you still don't disappoint. Congrads in capital letters!!!
Oh, Happy Day!
Congratulations on your anniversary! It has been a decade of so much awesomeness! Many places can show the wrecks, but only y'all contribute warmth and fun with them. I'm proud to say I've attended both book tours (standing awkwardly because I didn't want to freak you out with my excitement) and have had a few contributions (even made a book!).
Thank you for ten years of gentle snark and wrecky goodness. I look forward to many more years!
Remember, this is for posterity.
Thanks for all the laughs!
Congrats on such a milestone! The past year has been fun, revisiting old favorites and being reminded of stuff I honestly forgot about. It'll be exciting to come back every day now and see new horrors! :D Love you guys, and thanks for 10 years of laughs! Looking forward to many more.
This is the best Monday ever! Yay! I've enjoyed strolling along wreckery lane, but keep wondering what new wrecks are going unacknowledged.
Yay! I still check this site every single day! Love me some wrecks!
Happy falker satherhood!
Er, I mean, “Happy brithday!”
Wait...maybe “Congradulashuns”?
-Kermit flail- Yaaaaay! I enjoyed the reruns and I’m looking forward to the new posts. :-D
Holy frijoles Batman!
10 YEARS you say?
It’s hard to believe.
WAIT! No it’s not!
Jen and John (THoJ) and all the wrecky minions make Cakewrecks THE place to go to laugh so hard that coffee goes up your nose, where it’s reasonable to expect that you might spray your computer screen with whatever beverage you are drinking at the time, and where cake is always on the menu. Who doesn’t like cake?
Congratulations to you, to your minions and to the wreckyverse! The world is a better place because of you.
Loved you then, love you now. Your site always makes me laugh. Congrats on going the distance! Looking forward to new posts and new wrecks. Bash on!
Congratulations! I've been here almost from the beginning (off and on) and introduced many friends and my husband to your wonderful wrecks. Often this blog makes me laugh out loud! Thanks for all of it!
Congragiationz with sprinkles! Love this site! I believe I was one of the 3 that did notice
the repeats. The Rainbow Connection Sunday Sweets is one of my favorites.
Here’s to many more years of sweets and wrecks!
Yes, I knew this past year were reruns because you told us a year ago they were. Still funny. I read today's post while holding my breath fearing that you were going to end the blog. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for keeping it going. I look forward to it every day, and my coffee would not taste the same without it. You and John are truly gifted. Congratulations!!! :()