I Can See Clearly Now... And... EW

I don't remember my 2012 slang very well - was this an actual thing people said?
"You're eggs is prego."
There are so many things wrong with that sentence, my brain just imploded.
Still, at least it was a "closed belly" shower.
What does that mean?
The "Peek-A-Boo, I Eat You" Appetite-Suppress-Inator!
(Have I been watching too much Phineas and Ferb reruns? Yes, yes I have.)
Now, that's pretty good, but you must admit: the baby-embedded-in-clear-gelatin is kind of hard to see.
So for maximum "Inator" effectiveness, we're gonna need to open that baby (belly) up.
[head tilt]
Hmmm, but is it possible to make the whole thing shinier?
You know, in a more seeping, moist, and gelatinous kind of way?
Just think, with these Appetite-Suppress-Inators, soon, Cake Wrecks will RULE the ENTIRE TRI-STATE AREA! Mwuah-ha-haaaa!
Thanks to Rish, Rachel G., Karen Q., & Diana M., who'd all look adorable in brown fedoras, I just know it.
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Reader Comments (33)
Those shiny belly cakes remind me of
A. something I would see on a CSI episode, where the killer turns his victims into cakes
B. Some horrible concoction of boiled eggs and an experiment gone wrong. O_o
I can just see them when you cut them...SPLOOOSH!! It reminds me of a very specific event in the delivery room when my son was being born, after which the walls needed washing...
Those open belly cakes are just too icky for words! Ick, ick, ICK! And those babies look awfully small. Are you certain they are full-term?
And the English teacher in me has just had a nervous breakdown over that first cake. I'm going to get a cuppa and some cake - but NOT one of those!
I think the top one actually says "You're eggs is pregs", and no, I didn't think that was a "thing," either.
I am disturbed by Minnie Mouse in the last photo? Is she wearing surgical gloves? What is she up to????!!!
There is not enough
mind bleach in the world for me -
seeping moist cakes URP
I'm sorry, in spite of the good decorative work on these cakes, those gelatin bits undo ALL the redeeming qualities. Why, oh WHY would anyone want a cake like that?
Oh and I THINK the first one actually says "Your eggo is prego" just so it rhymes because goodness knows no one would confuse a woman's eggs for a waffle.
I don't want to see it, but if a woman's belly was bulging as much as the cake, the baby would be much, much bigger! But, the idea of cutting into a baby cake is bad enough (we've seen them here!), cutting into a fetus would be gross. And probably bring up subjects best not brought up at a baby shower...
I probably pointed this out last time, but that says "Your eggo is preggo," as in a Juno quote.
Eww. I would be blowing cake biscuits if I had to eat ANY of these "cakes". Especially if I was handed the 'gelatinous' part. Wrong on so many levels. Not 'prego' at ALL! ๐๐ต๐จ๐
I think that first one is trying to say "your eggo is prego", not that it makes the cake or the saying any better... mmmmm.... pregnant waffles. Lol
The Minnie doesn't have surgical gloves, it's baby Minnie.
Your eggo is preggo = from the movie Juno, Liked the movie, do not like that cake though...
My, what a big belly you have! Must be twins, right? Uh, what is that thing in there? Eeek! A miniaturized fetus! With a full head of hair? At least it will be an easy birth, though it may take a while for all the gelatin to ooze out. Be careful you don't misplace baby Mini-Me. And get him a haircut before he is smothered by his own hair.
Ferb. I know what we're going to do today.....' Hey - Where's Perry......
(hopefully Agent P will do in these decorators in this episode!!)
Am I the only one seeing a giant babybel cheese in the 2nd one? I used to like those cheeses...
Still, bonus points for all the Phineas & Ferb.
Yes, I also think it's "eggo is preggo" as in "Leggo my Eggo"
Good lord, that is never a good idea!!! YUCK!
This. Should. Not. Be. A. Thing. OMG!
The top one looked like a turkey cake with boobs
"...too much Phineas and Ferb reruns" I understand the individual words, but when you string them together like that, it's just nonsense.
Lets cut the cake. Scalpel er knife, please.
This time around, seeing these cakes, I now have "Shiny" from Moana as an earworm.
I had no idea that pro-life cakes were a thing.
How do the wreckers get these so shiny? Eeuww.
I could swear that first one said your eggo is preggo lol and I had to laugh even harder lol.
I think it was "You're eggo is prego" because clearly, if it rhymes, it makes more sense. :^)
I believe the top cake actually says "Your Eggo is Preggo", as in "Leggo my Eggo". This only makes it worse, but at least it makes the word choices make a little more sense?
Just. No.
I'm just continually creeped out by these magically, perfectly spherical boobs.
who decided we needed to see the baby? probably the same "geniuses" that decided that seeing the feet pressing out against the belly was a great idea.
I think maybe it says "Your eggo is prego".
You know, lame pun rhyme joke.
Those are some awfully big bellies and some awfully small babies. The mother cakes must all have that condition where you produce too much amniotic fluid, poor things.
Also, I've never seen Juno, but I can't think of any reason why a person would say your eggo is preggo... Makes about as much sense as you're eggs is preg to me!