Lord Of The Facepalms

Brandon wanted a Bunko-themed cake with three dice on it.
Danielle asked for "Linda" in white icing.
Francie ordered a 50th birthday cake for a friend, noting that she wanted to pick it up "today."
Kristin's friend ordered a cake that was supposed to read "Happy Mother's Day/Birthday" or "Happy Birthday/Mother's Day" - whichever the baker thought sounded best.
And finally, there were three choices of decorations on the order form: balloons, roses, or mums. Dee chose mums.
Thanks to Brandon M., Danielle J., Francie R., Kristin D., & D.R. for proving one does not simply order from a wreckery.
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And from my other blog, Epbot:
Reader Comments (17)
Stupidity such as this can only be answered with facepalms...
Not only did they still use roses, but "mums" is written like a name. Who is Mums? I am Mums. Mumsy. Mom?
Well.............maybe "Mums" is a term of endearment.
And maybe "Mums" likes dark blue roses. .(?)
AND, is colorblind.....because the dark blue and glue-gun orange look so (SO!) yummy together...Yah?
Thanks for the eye-candy facepalms!
Lord of the Rings faceplams are the best facepalms.
Well, in the UK "Mum" is what you call your female parent. Unless you have two, in which case it's Mums. At first, I thought it said "Good Judy Mums". Good golly, Miss Molly!
I just finished re-reading The Lord of the Rings and I'm about to watch the movies. I will be sure and look for these scenes. With cake!
How does one decorate with mums? Photos of mothers???
Literal Wrecks and Lord of the Rings! Two of my all time favorites in one post!
You know what they say... Mum's the word...
Excited to see wrecks I don't remember. Is it bad that I'm grateful for all the wreckerators out there with low comprehension? Their idiocy brings me so much joy.
Oh man I agree with all the facepalms. I am surprised the wreckerators didn't get a slap to the face with most of those lol. Especially Linda's cake. What the heck happened lol.
Boromir and Aragorn! Swoon!
'Mums' can mean chrysanthemums, especially in cheap florists. If the person ordering had used the expression I could understand the confusion, but this was apparently a choice offered by the bakery. Did all the customers who chose mums get this? Here in the UK it suggests a lesbian couple (who are parents) getting married, or competing in a game show together.
I like dum wreckeraters becows they make me fel smort
I really hope they decided to keep Martha's cake, and just give it to her two days late!