
'Twas the week before Halloween
And all through the bakery
'Twere this stuff:
And this stuff:
And all kinds of fakery:
("Happy CHALLAH-ween! Haha! See what I did there? Eh? EH??"
"Stop talking.")
The sperm ghosts were piped onto basketballs with care:
But we're pretty sure this one was done on a dare:
Shoplifting ghosts
make a run for the door
While Frank with two man buns
croaks, "NEVERMORE"
Doll hair mixed with icing
does the work of the devil
While amoeba ghosts haunt
on a molecular level:
(Q: Why are amoebas bad at running prisons?
A: Because they only have one cell!)
Candy corns "ARRRR"
And bowling balls fly
Don't like these wrecks?
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Hats off to Patty A., Emily C., Anony M., Marianne F., Chris B., Rebekah W., Katrina V., Kimberly W., Amy T., Katie R., & Andrea O. for the excellent wreckporting.
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Reader Comments (15)
Hello again!! Nice to see you!
Naaaa na na. That's not a bowling ball. It's a sign (at least here in Germany) showing the person wearing it is blind:
I guess the baker dropped hers/his accidentally on the cake.
1) Is this fruit bats after a banana? Or a ghost that went through an oil spill?
2) The wicked witch crashed her flying...banana? Guess she couldn't afford a broom.
3) The bread-th of the folly of this concoction is astounding.
4) Ghost sperm? How does that work? Never mind, I don't want to know.
5) Where's the chicken to go with these dungplings?
6) He doesn't stand a ghost of a chance of getting away with this.
7) Green Goblin meets The Hulk meets a steamroller.
8) This baker was just trying to get ahead of the competition. The bakery business is very cutthroat.
9) Reminds me of an old National Lampoon article on T.F. (Terminal Flatulence) One of the warning signs was mysterious cloud formations. 'Nuff said.
10) It's Yellowbeard's little baby boy.
11) Someone needs to pin this baker to the floor and tell him to spare us or we'll strike him.
12) Look, it even has the color for the flying banana.
I’d totally go for that challah cake (without the plastic spiders).
DIY may be the default winner since nothing bad's happened to it yet. :P
At first I thought the candy corn pirate had two hooks, then I saw that the smile is attached to the eye patch. How awesome!
OMG it's the challah.. OF DOOM!!!!
I was perusing Cakewrecks while eating lunch at my desk. Rookie mistake. The bloody poo cupcakes in the moldy green container...Urgh!
For the past 8 years I have been faithfully waiting for the day I would become a wreckporter, alas...I believe that I am fated to live in and visit towns with competent bakers and adequate supermarket decorators. I sing the lament of the lonely wreckie looking for a wreck to report... :-(
On the other hand, I have guffawed loudly and sometimes even long, as well as laughed until my sides ached and tears were streaming down my face. Keep up the great work and my hat is off to all you awesome wreckporters out there...doing the REAL hard hitting journalistic work in the supermarkets and strip malls of America...and the world.
To the dung heaps, my first thought was "Holy hemorrhoids Batman!"
I am laughing so hard right now. That DIY wreck. I can only imagine the horrors others can come up with doing that.
Mike, surely you remember Monty Python? EVERY sperm is sacred! The ones that don't become people become ghost-sperm, causing phantom pregnancies, niggling suspicions of overdue periods and inexplicable sticky patches. (Also known as ectoplasm).
The DIY will definitely end up being a wreck...the Bag of yellow icing looks 2 or 3 times as big as the bag of black icing!
They have the icing ratio's sooo wrong on the DYI cake!!! LOL
The top one is definitely the Mothman.