It's A Baby Cake Creep Off!

Alright, minions, let's settle this.
Would you choose...
Door #1?
WILL the head tilt towards you?
WILL the eyes open?
The world may never know... 'cuz I'm outta here.
Door #2?
Heavy is the head that wears the crown... 'cuz that thing is ginormous. ("It's like Sputnik!")
Door #2.5?
No butts, no cuts, no no NO CUTTING BABIES IN HALF, PEOPLE.
How many times do we have to go through this? Eeesh.
Or finally...
Door #3?
Thanks to Natasha S., Alicia F., Mandie M., & Jill D. for proving babies are just as terrifying as I think they are.
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Reader Comments (37)
YIKES!!! #3 should be required viewing for every single middle school child -- that will put them off of trying to procreate.
That last one! Dear heaven, that is a heart stopper! It is an old man! Are we making cakes for Benjamin Button?
Hush little baby, don't say a word
Gonna bake you into a ladybird
If that ladybird falls down
Mama's gonna give you a massive crown
If that crown won't make you laugh
Mama's gonna cut you right in half
Bisection don't seem like fun
Here's a cake of baby Ben Carson
Love the 'So I married an axe murderer' reference! Just so everyone knows, I ORDERED A LARGE :)
Is the cake under the frosting for Door 2.5 chocolate? (shudder)
Spherical, but quite pointy in places!
That last one is terrifying. The body isn't bad, but did the baker HAVE to make the head look like a demented Bill Cosby?
Surely some else will have said this already, but just in case they haven't:
Is that last cake Obama?
WTF that last one looks like the love child of Obama and E.T D: D: D: D:
The last one looks like the bit of Voldemort that was in Harry.
(Typing with jaw on floor. Not easy.)
Can I choose none of the doors?
What is wrong with these people? I just can't...
It's like an orange on a toothpick! (close enough, I hope. I love a good "I married an Axe Murderer" reference.)
But the last one? Yikes!
@Imr: The photo credit tagged it "manly baby" it from there.
(And please, take it FAR from there! Lol!)
So I'm guessing this is some kind of Monty Hall Problem game show and I would like to win the goat, please.
What is wrong with people who get bent out of shape at the idea of cutting and eating cake that just happens to be shaped like a baby? Even if the cake IS shaped like a baby, it's still CAKE!!! Cee Ay Kay Ee... Cake!!!
He'll be crying himself to sleep on his giant pilla tonight.
@ SuBee: Brava! That made me laugh aloud!
If those are all the doors, I'm escaping through the window...
There should have been a viewer warning for #3. You can't unsee it! *shudder*
LOL @ SUBEE! So, my most yikes-ey one is #2. I can't tell which appendage is what. I think it has a right hand up by its head, but if that's a foot sticking out on its left, that baby seems malformed. Also, it doesn't help that the lion's legs look like another hand/foot! Yeeeaaaaaagh!!!
I actually went to high school with the actor who played "Head" in So I Married an Axe Murderer. #3 is going to give me nightmares. Nice poem, SuBee!
THe first one doesn't look that bad. Yikes on the last one.
I'm afraid that nothing has yet surpassed the creepiness of the stillborn autopsy cake that has been featured on this site before.
That last one reminds me of early Middle Ages paintings. In those, babies always looked like old men.
Is anyone else traumatized for life by that last one?
Door #2.5 looks like she's falling off the cake-head first! As a mom, that's giving me nightmares!
Well now for sure I will have nightmares of cake number 3 wow.. scary and it seems they don't know what a baby looks like. I fear this bakery lol.
Oh dear god, that old man baby!
Imagine if the baby part of the cake is red velvet. Eww
Nope, nope, nope, nope - I'll just stay in my corner and rock back and forth. Those are creepy!
Thanks for the South I Married an Axe Murderer reference! "It's round, but quite pointy at parts." Lol!
@ SuBee - PERFECT!
Wowie zowie. You can't unsee ANY of these... "cakes"... and I WOULD not want a piece of them either. Auck. The last cake...[shudder]... OMG. Quite possibly a zombie/shrunken head cake.
@SuBee -- perfection!
I am so sad that cake behind door # 2.5 was done to such perfection. So very sad. Would love to see that bakers entire portfolio.
Is there actually cake in the last one? It just looks like a fondant sculpture.
Having seen the last one,I now know what ET would look like deep fried.
At least I can LOOK at it.
The other three are atrocities that probably keep some people up at night.
(yes, I know it's god, not dog, but it was a typo and I decided to keep it. besides all these cakes are for the dogs)
For Door #2.5, I feel like singing:
"If you're happy and you know it, CLAP YOUR FEET!"
Other miscellaneous observations:
Door #1: that cake has the most disturbing baby head. Who is it, the offspring of a ladybug and Chuckie?
Door #3: No offense intended to anyone, but the baby's right arm (I guess it's the right one because it is to my left) looks like the arm of one of those lucky cat figurines you see in certain Asian restaurants. And yes, I am overdue for a vacation.
Did anyone else notice that the half-baby cake has its legs reversed?