Sunday Sweets: Hand in the Cookie Jar

It's National Cookie Day!
Let's celebrate it by taking a look at some wonderful cookies.
We'll start with a cookie of Cookie Monster eating a cookie.
(It's like Muppet Inception.)
(By Raspberri Cupcakes)
Cookie Monster's a macaron, a meringue-based, filled cookie that's crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, currently made in every possible shape, flavor and color.
(drum roll, please...)
Disney Tsum Tsums!
Honestly, I don't know whether I should eat them or adopt them, but I DO know someone better give me tsum soon!
Of course, macarons are just one kind of cookie.
I found so many fabulous cookies, it was really hard to choose which ones to feature.
Really. Hard.
You see, there are cookies that look like they ought to be framed:
(By Cookie Connection member Sugar Pearls Cakes and Bakes)
Cookies that look like sliced rocks;
(By Cup My Cakez)
And cookies so cute you can't see the forest for the squees.
(By Sugar Coma Cookies)
You can get cookie puzzles...
(By Yankee Girl Yummies)
(I guess you'd start eating the edges and corners first, right?)
...and gingerbread cookie wedding "cakes."
(By Julia M. Usher)
(There's a tutorial. Are you feeling adventurous?)
And I don't know about you guys, but I want to plant this and see if it grows.
(By Sugarbliss Cookies)
Those succulents just look so... so... succulent.
Of course, if desert plants aren't your thing, how about a beautiful "needlepoint" heart?
(By Cookie Connection member Teresa Pekul)
Even the "mesh" is hand-piped!
For those who dream of adventure, here's the "Traveling Girl," inspired by a handmade doll.
(By CakesDecor member The Cookie Lab)
Don't you want to tag along, or at least meet her tailor?
You know, there are so many great cookies, I could just keep adding more and more.
Still, I guess it would probably be wise to stop.
(By Sword's Sugars)
What? You want one more? Well, WHO am I to deny you?
(Owl pay for that pun later, won't I?)
OK. I could never say no to you guys...
Let's end with this gorgeous cookie, shall we?
(By Mézesmanna)
Everything is piped freehand, with no stencils.
(Here's a link to a comparison of the cookie and the tablecloth that inspired it.)
I hope we've inspired you to have some cookies for National Cookie Day!
Have a Sweet day!
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Reader Comments (25)
All of those are beautiful, and worthy of being called art. I will admit to squeeeeeing out loud at the second picture :D :D :D
Being a cookie monster myself, I LOVED these! So beautiful, and the bakers are so imaginative and talented. I would admire them and take pictures and hold them and call them George. Then I would eat them. 'Cause -- cookie monster.
No. I'm not eating those.
Soooooo pretty!! So cute!
Gingerbread Sunday Sweets must be coming soon!
The needlepoint one is mind-blowing -- each little "pixel" a different color on the flowers. Really fine artwork.
Such works of art! I don't know if I could bear to have my zrt eaten after doing all that work.
Beautiful!!! P.S. the cookie is prettier than the tablecloth!
Oh my! Especially the needlepoint!
And I agree KathyW, the cookie is even prettier than the tablecloth. Now where is that gingerbread tutorial? It's time to bake!
WHOA-MA-GORSH!!!! These are AMAZING! I dont think I could eat any of them. It would feel like going to the Louvre and chomping on the paintings! BUT....I want ALL of them!!!
Those succulents look real. And delicious. But mainly real. I'm impressed.
Cover those things in lacquer and hang them on the wall as art! But I might have to eat the macaroons first..... Nom, nom, nom - me like cookies!
Too beautiful to eat!
I would never have known the "wedding cake" was gingerbread, if you hadn't told me. To be honest, I still can't really see it. It looks more than a series of stacked pretty ceramics to me.
The flowers, MAYBE. But the dishes---no.
But I have to believe it. I went to the website (which I don't usually bother with) & Ms. Usher confirmed that it was, in fact, all cookie. I can't even get the kit gingerbread houses to come out right; they usually fall over & provide an afternoon's snack. So however adventurous I'm feeling, I don't think I'm ready for that tutorial.
Wow! The needlepoint heart and the last cooke are phenomenal! And someone needs to make plushies out of Eeyore, Pooh, Tigger and Piglet NOW! Me want! Omnomnomnom.
These are breathtakingly beautiful! I don't know anything about Disney Tsum Tsum's, but I want the one with the pink bow and the x eye; it's so cute and pathetic. I want to take it home and make it all better. Yes, please, give us more cookies if they're like these. I know, "cakewrecks" and all, but slipping in some cookie goodness on Sunday is totally approved. Thanks.
@physicsmom: That would be Scrump, Lilo's homemade doll from "Lilo & Stitch." A movie I've watched many times, even though it's supposed to be a "kid's" movie. Shhhh--don't tell!
These are AMAZING!
@Maureen -smile
Like physicsmom, who is the wee turquoise tsum tsum?
Wish us luck; we're going to try the geodes.
The needlepoint and the last one have my heart. I just love free piping. Such talent and patience.
I went to the link on the last cookie- her other stuff is mind blowing too! I think this has been my favorite Sunday sweets in quite a while. Sooo beautiful.
Needlepoint... tablecloth... speechess
Speechless! Just. Totally. Awesome.
Thank you, CW, for continuing to share fantastic talent for us all to drool over.
The skill in some of these, particularly in the needlework one, is beyond my comprehension. I can't even imagine how long it took to make it, or anyone having that level of patience! Mind completely blown.
Are you implying that Traveling Girl is a werewolf?
LOVE these!
Oh my goddess these are all lovely.
I just have one wee quibble, the sliced geodes cookies would look more realistic without the sand on top, since sliced is not their natural state. Cracked geodes may be sandy, but not the sliced. But that's just a nit;pick of a lovely cookie.