Directionally Challenged

What happened to these wrecks?
But I bet you can figure it out.
And now, your wrecky moment of Zen:
Dawn actually wanted a cake wreck for her friend's birthday, so she asked her bakery to misspell the name and write, "Hearts and sprinkles" on the edges - but with NO hearts or sprinkles on the cake. Instead, what did she get?
"Hearts and Sprinkles! They even spelled Lindsey's name right!," Dawn writes. "That should tell you just how rare and wonderful it is to get a Cake Wreck. You can't even order them!"
Nice try, Dawn, but this just goes to show: a determined wrecker can even wreck a wreck.
Thanks to Denise B., Jen J., Jennifer S., Lindsay F., Sarah F., Make A., and Dawn O. on top and underneat that, a big smiley face.
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Reader Comments (26)
Happy Birthday on both
Happy Birthday on both
One cake isn't enough
Happy Birthday on both
Seems fitting that there is a toilet on number 2.
ONE of those things is not like the others...
ONE of those things DOESN'T belong!!
Can you guess which thing is not like the others...?...Yes-the baker who's hitting the bong!
Good job, boys and girls....=^e.e^=
It took me way too long to figure out what the customer actually wanted on their cupcake besides "a10".
Well, these just go to prove, the wreckinators can read, but they can't think.
Hahaha. I ordered a cake once to say "I want sprinkles" just like the classic wreck and it said " I want sparkles" so yes, they wrecked my wreck.
Bwah to both @Fluffycow and @Nancie! Hilarious!
I'm with @Shirley Fowley -- this proves wreckerators can read but can't think.
In the doughnut wreckerator's defense, the person writing the instructions should have written it as a "10." But then again, a determined (or is that demented?) wreckerator would have goofed it up anyway.
"Today, on Tic Tac Dough, we have Jose in the lower left corner!"
The "a10" is certainly not the fault of the decorator, who followed the instructions given and managed to not write "write a10 on one" either across the whole assemblage of cupcakes or on each of them.
I didn't know it was the number 8's birthday. And here, I didn't get it anything.
At least some of these bakers did technically follow instructions. For example, the first cake has writing in purple.
A wrecked wreck. Yup, that's dedication.
Mr. In Purple. Paging Mr. In Purple!
FarWell, Wecome? # 4. I am confused, is Michael coming or going or having a birthday? Maybe he is confused too!
Happy Birthday to Forwell and Wecome! Sorry we didn't get you anything but you can have some of Mike's cake!
Cake number 1 reminds me of this:
When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat that doesn't go, and doesn't suit me,
And I shall spend my pension
on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals,
and say we've no money for butter.
The rest of the wonderful poem by Jenny Joseph can be found at
That is NOT a toilet on cake #2, it is obviously a basketball net, now let's all get our minds out of the toilet.
Happy 40th in purple sounds like a synesthesia thing.
Not bragging, but I saw Happy Birthday Men and the Number 8 open for a10. I still have their album.
You stole my idea, wildmaven, only I was going to say Jose Ferrer on "Hollywood Squares". We just need a cake that says "Paul in the middle"!
I'm a bit disappointed that the icing color for cake #1's inscription wasn't green.
I can't figure out whether Mike is coming or going in that fourth cake...
Sarah, neither can anybody else!
What is Fanwell/Wecome Belaw supposed to mean, and what the heck are those green and yellow blobs on Mike's cake? I hope Mike managed to have a Happg Biuthdy in spite of his cake!
I love that the "in Purple" cake has a giant label that says "Yellow". =-)
That last one, let's give up. Let's all just give up. This proves they're neither listening or thinking.
When you can't even get what you ask for, even when what you ask for is what you would get if you were aksing for it to be done right.
I want off this retarded planet. Right now.
Oh man lol. I liked that last cake. The wreckerator couldn't even wreck the cake correctly lol. Still pretty though. The rest of these have me laughing so hard I think the neighbor thinks I am dying lol.
"When I am an old woman I shall wear purple . . . but maybe I ought to practise a little now? So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised, when suddenly I am old and start to wear purple!" -- Jenny Josephs.
Great poem - and that's what I want with a "40th birthday in purple" cake. hahahaahahahahahahaha!