Sunday Sweets Welcomes A Slice Of Fall

Last weekend I experienced something wondrous and oh-so-rare for a Floridian: I got a little chilly outside. That's right, my friends, it got down to almost 74 degrees. Granted, it was nearly midnight at the time, but I'LL TAKE IT.
So this is me officially welcoming Fall, the Sweetest way I know how:
And also the sparkliest way I know how:
Orange and teal is my favorite color combo, so I'm over the harvest moon for this stained glass beauty:
(By Sweet Art of Mine)
And this ruffly ombré reminds me of a crackling fire on a cold Autumn's night:
(By Karina Golovin)
Rustic wood planks are the perfect contrast to these gorgeous flowers:
(By Daantjes Taarten)
And this soft stenciling reminds me of aged plaster, with the perfect golden tone:
(By Mama Nena's Bakery)
The doorway in this stone tower is a brilliant use of trompe l'oeil:
(By Torty Viz)
Like peeking into another world!
I've never seen ruffles quite like the ones on this middle tier:
(By Dorty Havelkova)
They're like giant rose petals, but with a crisp modern flair. Love it.
More of my favorite colors - and a gorgeous reminder that Fall cakes can have cool colors, too!
(By Odry Cakes)
The teal is the perfect backdrop for all those turning leaves!
And finally, a Fall stunner with the most amazing topper and art:
(By Pasticci di Molly)
The umbrella, the falling leaves, those beautiful swirls of red hair... ah! That's it, I'm ready for sweater weather now.
Happy Sunday, everyone!
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Reader Comments (14)
OMG that ombre cake :D and the stained glass cake :D sooo artistic :))
The first one is almost perfect--it just needs a tiny squirrel to be complete. :) Love the colors on most of these, too.
LOVE these! The third from the bottom is my favorite. Or maybe the first one. Thanks for these -- so fun to look at.
That ombre ruffle cake (#4) is divine. Love #6 too.
They're all marvelous! I like the little peek-a-boo of the ruffles on the bottom tier of the white cake. For some reason, it makes me think of can-can dancers.
Thanks for making me think of Fall as I sit on my couch in front of the fan trying not to melt when its 95 degrees outside in OCTOBER.
The white one with the hidden petticoat is a reminder of the power of orange knickers.
Oh my word, that trompe l'oeil - I want to walk through that doorway.
Seriously? Sweaters at 74 degrees? That's where I set my thermostat.
@Kerrikoala : Squirrels like... these? :-p
We're finally getting some fall weather, so it's nice to see these again. Welcome back, autumn!
Each cake moved me a little:
1. Gorgeous and realistic
2.Love the painting on the bottom tier, but the clunky jeweled "bracelet" around the top tier is too heavy. If the baker has repeated the rope-y motif at the bottom of the bottom layer, that would have been enough IMHO.
3. Nice
4. Amazing. I wish we could see the other side where the ruffles travel further up the cake.
5. The aged wood on this cake is great, but the overall presentation is outstanding! Bravo, baker, bravo!
6. Nice. A soft yellow is one of my favorite colors.
7. The painting in the door opening is magical!
8. On the middle flower petals, what are those dot things? A bug? Are there more of them? Not my fave.
9. This would be really nice if they took the hamburger buns off the top of each layer. It's weird.
10. Serene, exquisite, (add your superlative here)
Once again, my favorite day...
I love cake. I love a great buttercream icing. I am a cake addict! I have little control if there's cake in the house.
But these cakes are beautiful works of ART and I would NEVER sink my teeth into them.
My favorite is the wood plank cake. It is just totally adorable. The only problem I have with the trompe l'oeil cake is the black layer. I don't think black should be a primary color on a cake unless you want your guests to have black mouths.
Catching up on posts I'd missed, I originally read the title as "...Welcomes a Slice of Fail."
And I was a little disappointed to find I was wrong.
Jen be like "It got down to 74 last night" and I'm sitting here up north, where "It got down to -5 last night" is more of a thing like, bruh?
On a different note, these cakes are amazing. I love them.