
Some of you may remember this from my post a few weeks ago:
"In fact, I love this next Christmas egg so much that I want to commission someone to make me a plush version of it. Then I'll put the plush in a box, and put that box inside of another box, and then I'll mail that box to myself, and when it arrives? AHAHAHAHAA! I'll... hug him and squeeze him and call him George!
"It's brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT!!"
Well, you're not going to BELIEVE what arrived in my PO box the week before New Year's:
This is from newly promoted Wrecky HEAD Minion Amber, who I'd like to point out even gave George one long stringy eyebrow to match the icing smear of the original wreck. Bwahahaa! It's brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT!
Here's Amber's note:
Amber, I accept your gifts of plushy wreckage and unspoken fealty with all due gratitude and extra-squealy giggles. You are now granted a life-long pass to The Land of Extra Sprinkles, should you ever find it.
Update from john (the hubby of Jen): Hey guys! Amber has an Etsy shop and you should totally check it out. It's call Wumplkins and it's made of adorable.
Reader Comments (76)
EXCELLENT! I'm squealing inside, too! *clapping hands* *jumping up and down*
That is simply amazing!!!! I love it
This is amazing, absolutely amazing. Some day, God willing, I may have a George to call my own.
Amber's promoted!
George has a good home! Break out
the cake and good booze!
Amber, the details on this plushie! What a clever job you did. About how big is he? Palm sized? Crook-of-the-arm sized?
By George, that is awesome.
Such a thoughtful gift.
YAY! This makes me happy! It is brilliant indeed!
Simply fantastic. You deserve all the boxes, specifications and wrecky plushes your hearts desire, and should I only be so fortunate to contribute to that deservedness one day...well... ;D
Brilliant job Amber. I think this toy could really take off. Who wouldn't love a George.
He's adorable.
Amber wins the internet! That is amazing!!
I love this so much! I can't stop smiling!
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! I love him!!! Kudos to Amber!!
Very creative! I like getting weird gifts like that for Christmas....I sometimes say wacky things and people take me seriously and make them. Like, one time I said "I sure would like a 'Santo Darwin' Catholic alcove in my house." No joke, my sister-in-law made it!!
Amber wins the internet today!!
That's entire cups of awesome.
That is absolutely hysterical.
I think there's a new CW website mascot.
That is awesome! The cake version of George made me smile and this plush version captures his happy carefree personality perfectly. Well done Amber!
Please, please, PLEASE, if Amber has an online store - share the link with us so we can order our own special Georges! My eyes are SO GREEN right now...
That is so awesome! I want to squeeze him too...:D
It is so awesome when you can turn a major fail into an epic win like that. I'm still grinning. Well done, Amber!
VERY impressive replication!! Yay Amber, and you too, Jen!
Now THAT is a Minion. Next question, Amber--how are your spinach puffs?
Amber -- Bravo!!!
I'm impressed with the nose-it suggests schmeary, yet it is cloth.
What a nice gift. Love it!
Awesome job, Amber! From a poor-quality picture, you did A+! And ditto: if you have a job making these, that would be totes fab!
GREAT SCOTT! Wait--I mean, George.
What adorable replica-Wreckiness! Well-played, Amber. Well-played.
Where do I get one????? o.O Pleeeeease tell me you have a store, Amber!!!!!
I knew it wouldn't be long before someone made you a plush, just as you asked. If I'd had the talent, I totally would've done it myself! But for now, I bow down to the newest head minion, Amber. Well done, indeed.
It does make me wonder, though, if there are any other wrecks that would work equally as well in plush form...
Amber - George is amazeballs!! Echoing the sentiments of everyone else... Do you have a store? I hope so!
That's so AWESOME!
Head minion Amber should partner up with CW to sell these on the CW site. I would DEFINITELY buy a George mascot for myself, to celebrate the awesomeness that is CW and the laughs, cleverness, craftiness, and mischievous complicity it inspires in all of us CW fans!!! CW rocks, and GEORGE ROCKS TOO!!! :)
I agree with Marilee! Amber wins the internets!
If the name tag is the size we expect, it looks like he's bigger than a cupcake but smaller than a breadbox?
I'm laughing so hard right now. Thanks for sharing (and thanks Amber for making)!
awesome. just awesome.
Awesome! :)
Yay! I love it!
Amber! You are the genius of the world! I sewed my thumb to my project in eighth-grade home ec and gave up on the womanly arts after that, so I am even MORE impressed by the perfection of George!
O M G - that is the CUTEST WRECK I HAVE EVER SEEN EVAR! Amber, I think I love you.
There once was a plushy named George
Whose head was as big as a gorge (go with me here, not many rhymes for George)
With little hands on his chin
And big spots for a grin
His applauds took plenty of courage! (Just slur this a little bit to sort of rhyme, then snort/giggle at the visual, BWAHAHahahaha!)
Excellent work Amber, I hope you made enough to share with the rest of the class, hmmm?
Now I have a Carrot Jockey necklace and a Neckless George on my Cakewrecks wish list.
So awesome! I love handmade stuff! Amber, you rock. :)
*laughs, and laughs, and laughs some more* This is great! Amber is awesome and deserves the newly-created post of Head Minion.
That is 5 kinds of awesome right there! Great job Amber!
Adorable! I want one!!! Amber, sell them on ETSY!!!!
That is just TOO fabulous for words!! You rock, Amber!!
This is epic. A good job well done Amber. It is well deserved. I laugh out loud every single time I come here (except Sundays when I gasp with delight). CW is the Czar of the intertubes.
Ah yes - using the nametag for scale! I think your assessment is probably correct, Happy Camper.
That's awesome.
I see an etsy 'store' in Amber's future, should she choose to accept the challenge..... :)