
Some of you may remember this from my post a few weeks ago:
"In fact, I love this next Christmas egg so much that I want to commission someone to make me a plush version of it. Then I'll put the plush in a box, and put that box inside of another box, and then I'll mail that box to myself, and when it arrives? AHAHAHAHAA! I'll... hug him and squeeze him and call him George!
"It's brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT!!"
Well, you're not going to BELIEVE what arrived in my PO box the week before New Year's:
This is from newly promoted Wrecky HEAD Minion Amber, who I'd like to point out even gave George one long stringy eyebrow to match the icing smear of the original wreck. Bwahahaa! It's brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT!
Here's Amber's note:
Amber, I accept your gifts of plushy wreckage and unspoken fealty with all due gratitude and extra-squealy giggles. You are now granted a life-long pass to The Land of Extra Sprinkles, should you ever find it.
Update from john (the hubby of Jen): Hey guys! Amber has an Etsy shop and you should totally check it out. It's call Wumplkins and it's made of adorable.
Reader Comments (76)
I can't believe it! This is just awesome! WAY TO GO AMBER!!
The detail, staying so true to the original cake... It looks awesome!!
@ Haiku Joy: Based off a highly scientific process involving squinting, canting ones had to the side, and closing ones eye while comparing George to the nametag from a distance of about three inches from teh monitor (where <I>did</I> I put my glasses...?)...
I'm going to guesstimate he's about 6-7.5 inches tall and about 5 or so wide.
What everybody else said, Amber! :-) Say, as Head Minion, shouldn't you get a key to the Bunker along with that life pass to Extra Sprinkles? And what about a Golden Ticket? (I suppose you need to unwrap a few candy b...wait a minute, wrong genre - this is cake, not candy!)
<gives a low bow in best gi with bo stick and throwing stars at your feet> I am not worthy, Master, I am not worthy...
What a neat little gift. Great job, Amber! :D
Amber: Thank you for putting a smile on my heart. I needed it just now.
Amber's work is just the beginning of the offical line of Cake Wrecks' Plush Cakes.
GREAT work Amber.
That was so thoughtful and sweet!! And George is simply adorable :). Yay Amber!
That is hilarious, awesome, cute and a little twisted-PERFECT :D you should totally sell these
Congratulations Jen...a wish came true for you!
Well done Amber, I wish I was talented in the crafting department.
Oh, excellent! Thank you Amber for making Jen happy, and making the rest of us smile. :)
Just when I thought my weekend couldn't get any more awesome... Great job, Amber! :)
Amber, that is absolutely wonderful. Congratulations on your promotion to Head Minion; you deserve the honour and you represent us well.
I am so jealous!!!
It's fantastic!
Is it bad I heard that entire bit in Ertha Kitts voice?
So cute!
Ohmmigosh, that's just way too awesome!!
(And way to set the bar high, Amber - gee, thanks)
The mitten feet are awesome!
This is a frightening power. You must resist the temptation to happen to mention in a post that you would prefer that your deck be stained with an image of the Ghostbusters sign. Or how it would be nice if dinners mysteriously appeared each afternoon on your doorstep.
But, did you smash it with a hammer when it arrived?
Great job, Amber!
Love this plushie so much. It has loads more personality than your generic snowman. The background story is just bonus.
Congrats on your promotion, Amber! You have amazing crafting skills. Hope all these comments start off your new year right.
You got him! And he's there! I am flailing with so much fangirl happiness right now. Someone needs to pinch me. I am having a moderate sized freak-out right now. You guys are all amazing.
For everyone asking, I *do* have an Etsy shop, and if you'd like to custom order a George plush, you can contact me via my shop and I'll see what we can do. :D
Also, Jen, I freaking love you. You totally just made my entire year. Thank you times a million AND HUG YOUR GEORGE! <3
honest to gawds that is the best gift of all time! Love love love this!
amber is the best person in the world
please PLEASE tell me Amber intentionally wrote her name in slightly intelligible bad cake-writers scrawl!
a george-creating fan like she is.. I'm almost positive it was on purpose - and it made me giggle :)
I love George!
LMBO @ LightlyBentHalo - sorry to disappoint, but that's just my regular sloppy handwriting. Maybe I have a future career in cake decorating! Hahahaha!