Sunday Sweets: Polar Opposites
(By Jen's Party Cakes)
1) This polar bear is freakin' adorable...
(By CMNY Cakes)
2) These penguins ROCK!
Well, if penguins and polar bears are so great separately, doesn't it follow that they'd be even better together?
"But, wait!" someone will say, "You can't put polar bears and penguins together! They're from different poles! They are, in fact, polar opposites."
Well, someone -- can I call you "someone?" -- I say if we can put a man on the moon, then we can find a way to get these kids together!
We just need to find a mode of transportation.
Maybe the penguins could hitch a ride with an orca:
(By The Chocolate Moose)
A jolly gentleman with a recently emptied sleigh might stop by with friends and take a few penguins home for a visit:
Or perhaps this cool chick will take a wrong turn using Apple Maps and stumble into a penguin colony:
(Submitted by Ellie R. and made by Choccywoccydoodah)
Of course, if you think it might be too hard to get a polar bear to pull a sled full of penguins, we could always ask some sled dogs:
Who knows? They might be tired of running around Alaska.
But maybe we're being too complicated. The penguins could just hop a ship:
(By Charm City Cakes)
They wouldn't even have to dock. Just pull up alongside a handy iceberg!
(By Highland Bakery)
...and voilá!
See, now that I've explained how we could make this work, it's not all that far-fetched, is it?
So the next time you find yourself taking a little vacation way up north...
(By Nice Icing)
...and you see this gang hanging out together:
(By The Couture Cakery)
Chillax. It's totally cool.
Special thanks to Haiku Joy, who made a chance comment in an e-mail that inspired this post. (Your daily haikus make me snort in an emphatically unzenlike manner.)
Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com!
Reader Comments (52)
Awww those are soo cute-loved the eskimo wedding one :D :D
See, most of this post could have been avoided if you'd simply pointed out the fact that the penguins in that first one are clearly tourists, what with the camera and the fanny pack and all. But then we wouldn't have had the joy of discovering the dog sled cake (I think my mouth is still hanging open in awe!). Thank you for not taking the easy way out. ; )
PENGUINS!!!!!!!!!! That is all. LOL.
The thing I cannot work out is how anyone could actually eat any of these works of art!! I would just keep them and have a mouldering lump of....well you get the picture.....
Those poor polar bears' ice floes have about melted away.
Global warming gets us all in the end.
Three words: Penguin fanny pack.
Is that a cat peeking out of the igloo???? I love it!!!! >^. . ^<
I think the penguin tourists is my favorite, but the grin on the orca's face while "snacks" sit beside him is priceless :-)
Is the 'cool chick' supposed to be the White Witch from "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"?
cuteness overload!!! seriously adorable... i am in love with all of them, but especially fond the of the "penguins can hop a ship"... darling and amazing work from all the bakeries!
The next time my navigation lady says, "make a u-turn if possible," I will picture her as
the cool chick using Apple Maps. A woman with the confidence to wear that hair style would
never send me in the wrong direction.
I have been reading Cakewrecks too long. The Highlands bakery iceberg looks a little too anatomical to me.
The rest are lovely!
There is absolutely NO WAY to choose a favorite out of this group! All of them are awesome.
Im sorry but I just snorted AGAIN at seeing how Americans call Bum Bags,Fanny packs that is so RUDE over here....
but does anyone else notice the brain/bum shape in the third cake from the end??
apart from those points, These cakes are amazing!
Love, love, love, the Alaska cake! It's gorgeous.
Kudos to the baker, The Evil Plankton, if they peek at these comments.
So if someone points out the unlikelihood of them sharing a habitat, just tell them to go with the floe?
That Alaska cake makes me think of my Grandma 'Ria, who lived in Anchorage...and then the ceiling leaks all over my face and makes my mascara run... *sniffle* She would have absolutely LOVED that cake...
I love the first pengie/polar bear cake. The pengies are totally tourists and thus proving whoever made the cake knows the two animals are never together in real life. I find that to be awesome.
You could also ask Bugs Bunny. He had a horrible time transporting a penguin.
Gah, penguins and polar bears! So cute! And I think the chick on the polar bear may be the Snow Queen.
Everything is well done (love the wedding cake) but that Alaska cake by Evil Plankton is jaw dropping. Look at the freaking detail!
Yay for Haiku Joy! I should never doubt her, but there are times I still count the syllables in her haikus wondering how she could fit that word in there. She never fails to impress.
Oh wow.. The cake with the woman riding the polar bear seriously blew my mind. That's amazing!
Also love the Alaskan cake. The details are breathtaking.
Love these cakes! They're so cute, I was able to suppress my "penguins have nothing to do with Christmas" rage long enough to ooh and aah! And the polar bears, whales, Eskimos, and the cool chick are equally well done! :D
The woman on the polar bear made me think of Phillip Pullman's 'His Dark Materials.' Another outstanding group of cakes and an awesome post.
I think a lot of these cakes are great! ...Is it sad that I'm actually disappointed there are no really bad ones, though?
Surely the first bear's scarf is made of polar fleece.
I, too, love the Alaska cake, and also the pastel waves on the sailboat cake.
Thank you, Jen, and John, for bringing so much humor, beauty, and joy to our days. And to your commenters as well.
Just for clarification: as lovely as the woman on the polar bear is, it bears (pardon the pun) mentioning that Choccywoccy's window displays are always carved and moulded chocolate, rather than cake.
The Alaska cake is A.Ma.Zing. More views on the Evil Plankton's site... Including a bear fishing for salmon swimming upstream. I need one.
My husband loves penguins and I love polar bears - my uber-talented sister in law made a cake topper for us of a penguin kissing a polar bear sitting on some ice :)
I can't tell you how much I look forward to the Sunday cakes. They always brighten my day!!
Opposites attract.
Polar bears and penguins rule.
So adorable.
(Although Haiku Joy would say it better.)
The worst wrecks start with inspiration from the most fabulous cakes.
Huzzah, chance comments!
End-of-semester stress fades.
Sharyn made my week.
(applauds) excellent story, Sharyn!
I was almost surprised there was no comment on the sea horses but I'd momentarily forgotten it was Sunday and Jen doesn't always write these posts. It's weird the way my brain is wired.
Now, pardon me while I go drool over that totem pole some more. :)
How could they use an iceburg? it would melt before it hit the equator.....
In a similar vein as the cake creations based off of Threadless designs, the cake with the penguins as tourists taking their picture with the polar bear is actually an old t-shirt design from, I used to own it. Here's a pic of me wearing it from about four and half years ago.
Is it just me or is the Snow Queen's right foot on backwards? It looks like the underside of her toes have nail polish on them.
Should I point out that
If penguins met polar bears
The bears would eat them?
I love those adorable seahorses!
chocolate or cake.....that lady riding the polar is freakin' awesome.....
fantastic cakes all around!!!
Aw dude, Ellen beat me to it! That Bugs Bunny cartoon was the first thing that popped in my head; the whole time I was looking at them, I was thinking "Pen-goo-ins is prac-tic-ally chickens" and "HoBOken?!? Ooooo, I'M DYYYYYYYIN'!" And he cried icecubes instead of tears. :)
Great job Sharyn!
They are all TOO cute!
The first penguin and polar bear cake was from the Threadcakes competition a couple years ago, I remember seeing the entry and the in-progress shots for it when I was going through the gallery. Here it is, actually</a<.
These cakes are so sweet! The little penguins made me think of the Claymation Christmas "Angels We Have Heard on High" sketch. Though none of these cakes had walruses...
actually, that first penguin/bear cake--the penguins look lik tourists with the fanny belt, hat, camera, etc.
OK, one of the penguns has a guide book to the North Pole. One of them has a camera and is presumably the Dad penguin taking a picture of his two chicks posing with a strange creature that they wouldnt see at home at the South Pole. Conclusion: Penguins on holiday. How did they get there? Simple: they flew. On an aeroplane. Which had the air conditioning on full in the cabin.
The Snow Maiden cake is amazing. The polar bear is obviously pulling something behind it on those harnesses. But what?
@Attismum. Ok, you just ruined it for me. I went back to look at the Snow Queen cake, and that foot is seriously disturbing. I think they would have been better off to have it hidden from view on the other side of the polar bear.
But overall these are darling. You seriously can't go wrong with penguins (maybe I shouldn't have said that--some baker out there is sure to take that as a challenge and prove me wrong).
Hey! FYI! That "Eskimo/Alaska" cake is Canadian, as is the creator The EvIl Plankton! We haven't used the word "Eskimo" here since the 1960s, and the totems are from the Haida Gwaii First Nations people who live off the coast of B.C.(British Columbia) on an island. No snow! Lots of surfing, hiking and hot springs! As for the sled dogs, we have those just about everywhere in Canada. Credit where credit's due. Just sayin'...
i've been trying for 2 halloweens now to convince my husband to be either a polar bear or penguin (I'll let him pick first!) and I'll be the other. POLAR OPPOSITES! I think it's insanely clever, and I'm glad at least one other person sees the humor as well.
That first penguin cake reminds me a lot of "Pingu". Have you ever seen Pingu?? It is a British/Swiss collaborative stop-action clay animation tv show.
I am pretty sure that first cake is a Club Penguin cake- It's an online game that my daughter plays, featuring polar bears and penguins.
This is by far my FAVORITE post of yours EVER. Penguins are my favorite FAVORITE and I hope someday someone makes/buys me one of these types of cakes for my birthday. I'm the baker of the family and make their cake dreams come true, it only follows that I should have the cake of my dreams too. Without having to make it ;P
Best guess: The SnowQueen/Ice Maiden cake is the White Witch from the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe movie. Her chariot is pulled by polar bears in the final battle. I don't know why she's riding the polar bear, though. Especially since it appears to still be harnessed to something. So maybe I'm wrong...