A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
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Reader Comments (79)
This is an extremely good example of a bad example...
wv - efilik: Efilik the frosting my tongue will turn blue.
had to google that one. my geek cred. slipped a notch :)
sendingtheclowns said...
Michele Cullen said...
"...Maybe half of the state of Tennessee on a blue rat?"
Good, good...but let's try this, too: how about half the state of Conciousness on crack?
AWESOME! A tip of the hat to you, sendingtheclowns.
It's clearly a blue Bichon Frise that just got caught chewing dad's steak, hence the foamy substance around the edges....
WV: crespe
Dad likes his steak a little crespe around the edges, not foaming in dog drool.
Jen, I'm surprised you didn't realize that this cake was photographed UPSIDE-DOWN. When you turn it right side up, it's obviously the rare Portuguese Mustache Slug, on top of a pedestal engraved with "The Grand Ruler of All Sluggydom" in Mustacheslug-ese.
wv - ansingly. In ansingly day, the Portuguese Mustache Slug can produce enough mustache wax to fill an average-size refrigerator.
So many fails, not enough time.
In other news: My WV is ingslamy
Surfing the wild guess:
Under his treacherous board,
Dad's sinking visage.
It's a cricket bat and the great blue rodent mascot of doom.
You know how sometimes you can't figure out what it is suppose to be, and you read all the comments, and it's like "oh, yeah, that's it", and you go back to the picture and blow it up, and immediately recognize what it is? Well, that didn't work. Enlarged, it looks like a football and a blue Lhasa Apso. I'm sure it is the "Big" that is confusing us.
An airship crashing in the ocean???
@ Kati (5:18PM):
Two things:
1.: Thanks (!!) for the hat-tip; did you use your Santa hat? ;)
2.: If you don't mind my asking, what is that adorable creature that you're holding in your photo?
It's very one-of-a-kindish, from what I can see of it.
I see a caterpillar next to a mud puddle.
WV: blogiumb. The numbness that sets in after reading too many blogs. "I'd have come up with a better description of that cake, but I'm blogiumb."
I keep looking for the "like" button for comments. I think all the guesses are funnier than the cake, this time. And yeah, I'm with the person who said that even after reading the comments, this cake is still a total mystery.
wv: marru. Isn't that the Japanese cat all over YouTube?
@ Fluffy Cow at 5:57
Your WV will live on in ingslamy.
I keep coming back to stare at this particular disaster, and then to the comments to see if someone has figured it out. It sure isn't going to be me. I keep thinking perhaps the brown part is a beer stein or coffee mug but I am drawing a blank on the Mickey ears with catfish whiskers....
Ok, I'll play -- Dad is an incompetent surfer, who likes to wear mouse ears and who never has to see a dentist because he gets his teeth cleaned by remoras.
What is a 'day Dad' -- a male daycare center operator? That would make the pronoun wrong, but at least it is in keeping with the extraneous quotes and would explain the missing comma.
Do the extraneous quotes around "Big" offer a clue? Something is "big" on the cake. Hmmm. A big flea on Blue from Blue's Clues? I can't help thinking that's a "big" football. Do any teams have legless rats as their mascots?
A boat and a catfish?
It is either Aretha Franklin's inauguration hat or a snail.
I'm almost certain the blue log is a mouse; I can't imagine what the black icing would be if not mouse ears and whiskers. Given that and the fluffy white edging on the text, I think the brown lozenge is meant to be a thought bubble. Whoever ordered the cake thought it would be funny or ironic to have the message about their father's "big" day delivered by a (tiny) mouse. There's probably an inside joke in there somewhere.
"rare Portuguese Mustache Slug"
now, that's just dang funny!!! :D
-Barbara Anne
There must be some significance to the brown part having grooves on the bottom with a slab of scalloped-edged smooth on top.
Log cabin???
Which means the other thing could possibly be Big Blue from the X-Files.
That would explain how the left side of the white frosting seems to be magically elevating into infinity.
The whole thing is an X-File
WV: metscru - The guys who roll out the tarp at Shea Stadium
boat on water?
I passed this around, and my 4 year old thinks it is rain. My husband thinks maybe it is a boat (after staring at it for a long time). I kind of wonder if it is supposed to be a wooden sign and then a catfish because of the strange whiskers, but it really looks more like a blue blob with a messy mouse face. I also saw the "dIE" someone referenced in the earlier posts.
Maybe it's a shoe? (Dad has been called in to step on the "big" mouse?)
I...... I.... Ouch! Head hurts.......
Mustachioed mouse on a blue Twinkie is all I can come up with.
I see a hamster proudly posing beside a very muddy hot tub.
It's a poorly done JAWS themed cake. The brown area is the boat, and the blue area is the water/shark biting into the boat. The "Big" Day is a reference to the line, "I think we're going to need a bigger boat." Maybe Dad is a fisherman?
Ok forget what this POS looks like and read what it says! It's your "big" day dad die!