Mmmm, Crunchy!

Hey, kids! Do you know what day it is?!
It's Chocolate Covered Anything Day!
[Kermit flail]
Yep, today is the day when you can take anything and everything and cover it in CHOCOLATE!!!
And you thought chocolate-covered bacon was awesome.
Caught a fish on your camping trip?
Cover it in chocolate!
Wolf Spider crawling on you in the middle of the night?
There's literally no end to the things you can cover in chocolate!
Right, guys?
Hang on.
Dipped or sculpted?
[grabbing baker by lapels]
Well, whichever it is, you're going to larva this one:
Okay, seriously. Japan? We need to talk.
[putting arm around Japan]
Look, I get it. You're fun! You're kooky! Hello Kitty and tentacles and all that. But chocolate covered beetles? Really? Is that even a thing?
It is?
Well, could you at least make them a little less creepy?
Apparently not.
Thanks to Kristina M., Cattie P., Jessica C., Amy M., & D.L., who will never look at that chocolate fountain in Golden Corral the same way again.
Quick Note: Hiya, guys. Here at Cake Wrecks, we have right at 600,000 regular visitors. I've met a lot of you, and I can say with some authority that you are all awesome. Seriously.
So we're doing this Charity Countdown thing, and we're trying to raise five grand for 8 pretty cool charities. That means, if my math is right, that one out of 600 readers would have to give a buck a day for 8 days and we'd meet our goal.
One person out of 600. 8 bucks total. A frozen lasagna is 8 bucks.
So. Be the one. Go here and do it. It'll make you feel good, and that little will help someone a lot.
And thanks for being awesome.
- john (the hubby of Jen)
Reader Comments (89)
"Kermit flail" had me laughing from the start. Good thing, because I was reaching for the garbage after that.
Ok, John, you sold me. I'll go donate now.
I'm proud to be one of the 600,000! I love my daily dose of Cake Wrecks. :D
In general, the concept of "Chocolate Covered Anything" is totally awesome! Covering beetles and pig's heads in chocolate - not so much.
On the bright side, there was not one chocolate-covered CCC (ptooie!) in the bunch, so we've got that going for us...
Jen and John, thanks for the reminder. I'll get out to your donation pages this weekend - I promise. You guys rock - in so many ways!
what do I do after I read a cw post?
two words: kermit + flail.
thanks, cw. you made my day.
Bahahaha...Beetles and poo wangs and Kermit Flails, Oh My! Reading all these comments and seeing those "cakes" made me laugh so hard I shot soda out of my nose! Oh sweet baby mowhawk carrot jockeys that was funny! Thanks Y'all! Now if you'll excuse me I need to finish cleaning up my monitor...
It's been said already, but "Kermil flail" made my entire month! Smiling!!
--Owner of "The Muppet Movie", the soundtrack to the "The Muppet Movie" on vinyl (yes, vinyl!), 3 seasons of "The Muppet Show", and enthusiastic viewer of the latest Muppet movie.
Oh, tsk. I thought the beetle cakes looked great.
That first cake though, all I could think of was, two rats got into the bakery, messed about with the chocolate sauce machine and got trapped in it. Ewww. LOL
The bugs are sculpted, you can relax:
Sweet. Zombie. Jesus. Oh chocolate - how could something as wonderful as you go so horribly, terrifyingly bad? Why? Why...!??!!!?
Oh, that last one with the pink grub. All I could think was, "Forget the smashing of the pink peppermint pig. I want pink peppermint grubs and a goliath beetle made out of marzipan."
I love that you're doing the charity thing again this year, but I liked it better when you highlighted one each day. I get that you wanted people to be able to donate whenever, but maybe you could have them all open the first day and still highlight one each day?? Thanks for all you do for these fabulous charities!!
I can't believe everyone isn't more disturbed by the pig. It can't be a real pig, can it? I'll have nightmares about that for years. Some people actually eat insects, which can't be much different from lobster, so the bugs don't shock me much.
Oh my gosh... That spider gave me chills! I know it looks cartoonish, but still. Ew.
Ah, those chocolate bugs ... I have a revelation that might be quite shocking for you. As late as in the 1950s, may bugs (also known as cockchafers) coverd in sugar glaze were sold in bakeries in southwestern Germany. And yes, they were eaten. A traditional treat that went out of fashion at some point. Isn't it sad how streamlined modern culture kills beloved old traditions?
Is there a way I can donate using Paypal?
Thank you for making my day with the kermit flail comment! Do you have any Muppet cakes to share for Sunday Sweets?
it's the spider that gets me. the fish is sad, the boar's head is fairly well done but the spider isn't so itsy bitsy.
I actually like the beetles. weird. I do hope they're not real ones because of their size but, yes, if they were little beetles covered in chocolate I would try one. I'd try a chocolate covered grasshopper if it were presented to me so I guess a beetle's okay. (I'm a little concerned about the legs as I'm not sure they'd go down easy.)
Is the fish cake to commemorate the Gulf oil spill?
Tell me that's not a chocolate covered grasshopper. Please?
A kudos for each of the Monty Python references in the comments. And to John(thoJ) for his clever plot to put us all off chocolate. Which might have worked if Sharyn hadn't blown the whistle. DOC is watching. (The other six are still at the mine.)
#1 (Actually, this applies to all of them) Could and should may sound similar, but they are not synonymous.
#2 Chalk up another one for the Boar's Head Carol. This is a still from the little-known finale to the 'Babe' series; 'Babe Meets Willy Wonka'.
#3 A fishcake. The first cake with the great taste of fish!
#4-8 Please don't be real. Please don't be real. Please don't be real... I'm not squeamish, I just like to keep certain categories well separated. Two completely random examples would be 'food' and 'any land critter that has its skeleton on the outside'.
Yea on the Charity countdown again. I was hoping to see this again this year. May I make a request? Could you create a link to to automatically make the $8 payment in one click? Clear as mud, yes? This way the charities can get the most from the credit payments and not have to pay as much in fees. Plus I don't end up with eight different $1 charges. Just a request. Many thanks for all you are doing for kids.
Oh please tell me that the wolf spider was sculpted out of chocolate and not the real thing..please? Lol you will find me hiding under my bed with a fly swatter and praying the evil chocolate bug things can't find me.
Ughhuhhuh. There are no wolf spiders in my room. There are no wolf spiders in my room. They do not crawl on me while I am asleep. There are no wolf spiders in my room. Thanks Jen and John. Sleeping tonight was overrated anyway. :) Funny post, but chocolate will not make this better. Now I have more time to read through Cakewrecks archives while huddled and rocking back and forth on my bed. There are no wolf spiders in my room. There are no wolf spiders in my room. There are no-ohmygod what was that?! Therearenowolfspidersinmyroomtherearenowolfspidersinmyroom...
What's a "kermitflail"?
A beetle is a beetle - but a boar's head and horrifying spider are so much worse (please please please don't post a big spider again, please)
*kermit flail*
From the bulging, 'it could always be worse' file, there is the giant weta. Picture a cricket that works out -- a lot -- and likes to munch on steroids (do a web search if you dare). This thing is seriously large; the largest specimen yet found is the size of a man's hand and is -- get this -- immature because the wings haven't developed yet. If Jiminy had been a giant weta, Pinocchio would never have dared to tell a fib.
From the 'reasons to be thankful' file: The giant weta lives on an island off the coast of New Zealand, it cannot travel long distances (though weta politicians are close to reaching a 'professional courtesy' agreement with TSA) and is a protected species (from what might it need protection?), thus safe from the clutches of wreckerators.
The source of all this comforting imagery is three guys who went forth earlier this month, looking for the largest giant weta they could find. Thankfully, they are entomologists, not chocolatiers.
Pleasant...dreams? Heh heh heh...
Pig head: This reminds me of the U of Arkansas mascot, the Razorback, so I'm cool with it.
Spider: Does not look like real chocolate but real spider--ugh.
Otherwise, as long as something is really chocolate over chocolate cake, I don't really care what the shape is. I will close my eyes and enjoy the chocolate goodness. Ahhhh.
OK, I give up. What's that first one supposed to be? Besides disgusting, I mean.
A dung beetle. With chocolate. Suggestive...?
Diana, this is a Kermit flail
...I thought the beetles were really cute, especially the 1st and 3rd ones... even the pig one was fine, because it still looked like well-sculpted chocolate! that was happy! the spider just looked a little clumsy. the fish, though? that fish looks like a piscine Carrie. it thought it was going to be pretty. it thought it was going to be loved. but now it is horrified with this world, and it is one knife-slice away from a psychic meltdown.
>.< poor "Kotarou kun"!
OK. The first one.
Do I want to know, even?
Now I'M gonna have nightmares...
No one quoting The Whizzo Chocolate Company here? Seriously?
OK, here we go:
Milton: We use only the finest baby frogs, dew picked and flown from Iraq, cleansed in finest quality spring water, lightly killed, and then sealed in a succulent Swiss quintuple smooth treble cream milk chocolate envelope and lovingly frosted with glucose.
Praline: Well don't you even take the bones out?
Milton: If we took the bones out it wouldn't be crunchy would it?
It is now my goal to add "Kermit flail" into a least 3 conversations a day - you guys rock xx
thats all you need dung beetles crawling on your food. yuk.
Umm.....ew. Ew, I say again. I'll eat pretty much anything, but ew. Disgusting. Tell me, where do you peolpe find all this awesome stuff? Seriously!
I think the fish was from the oil spill.
Having just started perusing this site a few weeks ago, and dying of laughter many times, I saw the chocolate insects and just had to say they lent themselves to some possible album titles:
"Meet the (Chocolate) Beetles"
"(Chocolate) Beetles for Sale"
Of course, I could see that some people might just scream for "Help" or even grab a "Revolver".