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Wow, the blockbuster holidays just keep comin' this month: did you know it's national Clown Week?!?
Needless to say, the clowns of the world (the ones who wear make-up, I mean) couldn't be happier about the week-long celebration:
Oh. Well, I mean, most of the clowns are excited. Why, just look at this giddy fella!

Mr. Bubbles?
Uh...sir? [honking rubber nose] Hello?

And I'm sure these two...severed heads... are just resting, too, kids. Ha. Ha. Erm...
Oh, look, here's a happy clown! So happy, in fact, he's gone cross-eyed!

Theeere it is.)
On the other hand, he might be bleeding demised. You know, ceased-to-be. Expired and gone to meet his maker. Stiff, bereft of life, run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This may, in fact, be an EX clown.
Or he's just resting.
Well, no matter; here's a clown with a full LOAD of...uh...exuberance:
Happy Clown Week, Jennifer, Julie M., Heather B., Eve & Noelle, Ashley, & Kathryn H.! May all your pies fly true, your noses honk, and your cars maintain their TARDIS- like defiance of the laws of physics.
Reader Comments (108)
I find clowns too creepy to enjoy this post.
Love the Dead Parrot sketch reference!
SQUEEE on quoting my favorite Monty Python sketch EVER!
wow - no wonder people are afraid of clowns - the 2nd one (I think) looks like the clown from the Stephen King book
No Loch Ness Monster! You're not getting $3.50!
I work with a guy (a chef, too) who is afraid of clowns, so naturally I sent him this link.
My WV this morning: frost
I wondered why the electronic sign on the back of the bus this morning said "Happy Holidays". Ha! Thanks for clearing that up.
It's also World Breastfeeding Week. Oh, wait, I probably don't want to see what the wreckies would come up with for that...
Or maybe I do. Booby cakes are funny.
wv: fings. This is funny, because they actually offer fings as an off-menu item at Burger King here. Half order of fries, half order of onion rings. And they were talking about it on the radio this morning. How serendipitous!
Beautiful plumage, though!
These cakes are made for these clowns:
These are freaking terrifying.
The following Billy Madison quote kind of sums up wrecks #2 and #3:
"Hey, kids it's me, I bet you thought that I was dead! But when I fell over I just broke my leg and got a hemorrhage in my head! Ha-ha-ha!"
Lol huge fan of monty python. The third one looks like half slug, half annoying clown thingy. I really hope there isn't a national mime week. Have yoe ever noticed that ronald mcdonald is half clown, half mime? No seriously. Look at him! Ok, I know, off topic. Now, my clownaphobia impression. AAA! CLOWN EVERYWHERE! THEY'RE TAKING OVER THE WORLD I TELL YOU! THEY'LL ENSLAVE US ALL! yeah.
All I have to say is that there is an ad right next to this entry featuring Ronald McDonald.
The Parrot Sketch - one of my all-time faves! Good call!
From the live performance:
"All statements to the effect that this (clown) is still a going concern are, from now on, inoperative!"
I don't think I can recover from this post. Terrifying, absolutely terrifying.
It looks like the cross-eyed one is pining for the fjords... :P
LOVE that sketch!
What's with the X's and +'s for eyes? Very strange...
That last one looks like a lightning bug clown!
Monty Python AND my friday begins! ^.^
-French Bean
I hate clowns *shudder*
I hate you. I hate you so much. The only thing worse than these clowns is the zombie clown from Zombieland. Ugh.
If I opened up a cake box and saw any one of these clowns leering at me, I'd have to be sedated.
Monty Python - Awesome way to celebrate Friday!!!
That being said, I embrace diversity and therefore am not adverse to clowns. However, that first one brought images of John Wayne Gacy to mind...*shudder*
And an ex-cake too! Long live the Dead Parrot sketch!
maybe #2 is drunk. he looks awfully content. and the last one--wow, what a bargain! $3.50! though that doesn't look like an original price tag. maybe they had buyer's remorse and tried to resell it at a discount.
You just squeezed both a Monty Python and a Doctor Who reference into the same post. A post about clowns. I love you, from the very bottom of my geeky heart.
Ahhh...Python in the morning. Makes my day!
Is there such a thing as a Norwegian Blue Clown? Maybe he would wear daisies. :)
I am appalled to admit that when I looked at #3, I didn't see "dead tired". Instead, I saw a super creepy clown lying down on a soft bed of cake waiting for the cameras to start rolling, if you know what I mean... I think it's the pedo smile on his face that did it. :(
wv: metou. I really do not want to metou, Mr. Creepy Clown!
What is with the weird x's for eyes? That is the strangest thing I have ever seen!
You know, I'd always wondered how they could fit so many clowns into those tiny cars. Now I know: they're TARDISes (with working chameleon circuits)! ;)
Oh, and the "cross-eyed" bit made me giggle. :P As for the rest, those are almost enough to make me afraid of clowns. o_O
There's always room for a Monty Python reference. :)
Clap... clap... clap... (that's a slow clap, btw)
Fabulous reference to Monty Python's Dead Parrot sketch. Beautiful segue and perfect usage. DIVINE.
Monty Python FTW!
"I'm not dead yet!"
wv: blardst. I got nothing, but it sounds like it goes with my quote.
As if clowns weren't creepy enough, people have to put them on cakes where those terrifying white faces and too-wide grins can judge you as you eat their bodies...why, why, WHY do people think clowns are cute?
Mere looking at the pics makes one wants to grab one. Great design and superb taste for sure.
LOL all the 1st one needs is a cigar and stubble.
I think the 'cross-eyed' one (har har) is actually kind of cute and non-scary...which is an achievement in clown anything. ESPECIALLY since it's a CCC! (ptooi!)
Dead Parrot FTW!
My stepmom has been a semi-pro clown for a long time, and she collects clown memorabilia. Most of her stuff is non-scary, thank goodness. She gets my dad to clown with her, which is hilarious. I think she'd probably enjoy these cakes, even if they are on the wrecky side.
@ John: HAH! Pinin' for the fjords! =)
I think the last clown killed them the drawing room...with a machete.
Btw, Monty Python just warms the cockles of my heart!
I SERIOUSLY hate clowns. I have clown hatred. I despise them. If I saw one on the road, I'd have to actively restrain myself from ploughing him down with my car... I HATE CLOWNS. If someone gave me those scary-ass cakes, I'd make them eat it while punching their head.
Best Monty Python sketch ever. Also, one of the funniest posts, EVER! I love this blog.
I see Suzanne beat me to mentioning this being world breastfeeding week. :-p
WV: laysmell These clowns, laysmell like they've been sleeping for a long time. A very, very long time.
Came to this site right after reading this article about a woman in a clown suit robbing a bank.,0,3597682.story
Now I know she was just celebrating!
Coincidence? I think not! ;-)
Think I am finally beginning to understand why so many people hate/fear clowns..yeeesh!
I've never understood the fear/hatred of clowns. I think I must never have gotten close to one as a child. But if I'd been faced with these cakes in childhood, I can imagine developing said fear/hatred.
Kinda bummed that two people beat me to "pinin' for the fjords". At least I got a cool WV: strain. Nuff said.
P.S. Sometimes people in on-line forums will write that the phobia of clowns is also known by a technical term, "coulrophobia", but this word doesn't seem to have any plausible etymology, and there's little evidence that it really exists except as something people pass around as a bit of trivia.
In case anyone was wondering.
Oh sorry, no time to comment - I'm taking the train to Ipswitch! (That's a pun!)
You are gonna hate me for this today, but love me tomorrow. It's rung down the curtain. Yep.
I agree the last cake looks like it has a full load in its diaper!