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Wow, the blockbuster holidays just keep comin' this month: did you know it's national Clown Week?!?
Needless to say, the clowns of the world (the ones who wear make-up, I mean) couldn't be happier about the week-long celebration:
Oh. Well, I mean, most of the clowns are excited. Why, just look at this giddy fella!

Mr. Bubbles?
Uh...sir? [honking rubber nose] Hello?

And I'm sure these two...severed heads... are just resting, too, kids. Ha. Ha. Erm...
Oh, look, here's a happy clown! So happy, in fact, he's gone cross-eyed!

Theeere it is.)
On the other hand, he might be bleeding demised. You know, ceased-to-be. Expired and gone to meet his maker. Stiff, bereft of life, run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This may, in fact, be an EX clown.
Or he's just resting.
Well, no matter; here's a clown with a full LOAD of...uh...exuberance:
Happy Clown Week, Jennifer, Julie M., Heather B., Eve & Noelle, Ashley, & Kathryn H.! May all your pies fly true, your noses honk, and your cars maintain their TARDIS- like defiance of the laws of physics.
Reader Comments (108)
Those clowns are creeping me out. Remember "IT"!!!!
Bahaha! Kudos for quoting Monty Python! (And srsly, why DO so many of those clowns have X's for eyes?)
Clowns often have + style make up around their eyes, like this:
I've never seen any with X eyes though!
Maybe they're supposed to be "cross-eyed"?
This is hilarious! The Monty Python quote is fully appreciated by the way.
so do you think they all float down here?
THIS, my friend, is a DEAD! PARROT!
Ye cannae change the laws of physics!