Here's Your Sprinkles

Doin' it wrong:

It IS!!
Not cool, man. Not. Cool.
Update: If you can't tell, the bottom cake is an edible photocopy of sprinkles. Yupperdoodles.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
Doin' it wrong:
Not cool, man. Not. Cool.
Update: If you can't tell, the bottom cake is an edible photocopy of sprinkles. Yupperdoodles.
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Reader Comments (160)
Pictures of sprinkles??? Isn't that more expensive than the sprinkles themselves?
The first one is a "picnic cake," whatever that is-- perhaps the sprinkles are meant to represent an invasion of (very colorful) ants? No?
What the problem with the bottom cake? I can't see where the arrows are pointing to!
Wait... is that... an edible ink picture of sprinkles?
If not, I want to find some uber-big sprinkles :(
It took me a second to realize what I was looking at. Now the question is, is it edible photo paper, or an actual photo?
I don't get it. What is it?
I don't get it. What are the arrows pointing at??
Ohhh, I see it now! It's a picture of sprinkles! Love it!
i'm not sure what I'm supposed to see there? lol
... a photo? Oh, criminy.
WV - mendable. This cake is not.
I don't get it. What are those arrows supposed to be pointing at? More sprinkles?
I don't get it.
I don't get it. What are we supposed to be seeing?
Hah! Edible photo paper. That's schadenfreude in action.
They PRINTED sprinkles???
Oh good grief.
wow, took me a minute to figure out what was wrong with that 2nd cake (other than the overload of crunchy sprinkle goodness). I'd probably rather eat a sugar-picture than all those sprinkles, anyway. :)
ROFL....a picture of sprinkles?? No...they really couldn't have done that.....could they?!
Apparently, they could.
I don't get it....what are we looking at with the red arrows?
Am I missing something? I don't get it.
It took me a minute to figure out what the arrows were pointing at. My brain could not register that anyone would do that....even after seeing every other wreck on your site. How...Why...But... I just cant understand why it hasn't sold after being marked 40% off.
I don't get it...
Is that a picture of sprinkles on that cake?! Wow. Now that's just horrible.
I don't even understand why someone would do such a thing.
Now that I think about it, I guess that's not particularly different from most any other cake wreck.
Ok. You gotta give us more than that. I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out what the arrows are pointing and I could only come up with mouse poo?
It reminds me of the "look carefully into the coffee beans for a bald man" picture. Amazingly stupid pictures of sprikles? Now that is LAZY!
I don't get it...what are we looking at? maybe its just too early for me???
40% off?! With those little crunchy extras?? Aww. With those kind of goodies, you'd think it would be worth more. Nothing like good ol' mouse poos to make your cake zing!
Hmmm....well, I'm not seeing what you're pointing at. Is it a missing spot or something?
it is what?
So let me get this straight - in the first picture it appears the wreck "creator" unloaded their entire arsenal of sprinkles onto a poor defenseless white cake and then tried to cutsey it up by calling it a "picnic" cake. Wow, no picnic I'VE ever seen!
But the second cake, oh now that's the deal! They apparently couldn't even be BOTHERED with a sprinkles container because that sure looks like a PHOTOGRAPH! Check out those nice clean edges! Someone give me oxygen, I needz my sprinklez!
Um, what are the arrows pointing too?
Licorice candies?
*sigh* Not enough coffee this morning maybe... I don't get it though. What are the arrows supposed to be pointing to? The icing border? The smudges on the lid? Can someone tell me what's "not cool man"?
It is what?? I can't tell!!
Are the arrows pointing at the giant rat turds around the edge of the cake or something amongst the sprinkles?
Maybe my brain isn't working, but I have no idea what that 2nd one is...
I don't get it. Is it that edible photograph, uh, paper?
Sorry, what am I missing from pic #2? I don't get what the arrows are pointing at...
Am I just oblivious?
I have no idea what the arrows are pointing to! I must know what I'm missing!
Is... Is the second one just a PICTURE???? O.o
Good lord, have the Wreckerators gotten THAT lazy that they can't even dump a bucket of sprinkles on a cake?
The second Sprinklefail is, by far, the funniest cake in a long time.
I don't want to confess how long I had to look at the second cake to figure out what your point was ....then, ohhhh!!!!!!
Sneeeeaky wreckerator.
This was one of those that when you see it you go "Heeeey!"
It took me a few times scrolling up, and scrolling back down before I saw it.
Side note: I have successfully indoctrinated my children. We walk past the bakery case, and they can point out which cakes are cake-wrecks and why. I may be a bit biased, but I think my kids are awesome.
I'm confused? What are the arrows pointing at? I'm sad I'm not getting a cake wrecks inside joke! I've read ALL your posts!!!!
I thought the arrows were pointing to sprinkles that looked like a certain male appendage. lol
Thank goodness for the comments - I would have lost sleep over that!
PS If you enlarge the photo it becomes pretty obvious :-)
Glad to see that I wasn't the only person who didn't catch on. Thankfully there are much swifter people to help me out!
For those as confused as I was - it's not even real sprinkles. It's just a picture of sprinkles. Because dumping all you've got in sugary cake decorations was too much work!
OH WOW....
I am sad to say that I recognize the store logo on that second cake. Now every time I shop there I'm going to be looking for this!
Thanks for explaining at the end-- at first, I thought the glare on the lid was a big chunk of missing cake in the middle, but the arrows weren't pointing to that...
The red arrows need to be a little closer to the edges of the sprinkles photo. I was staring so hard and the sprinkles that the point of the arrow was actually touching that I didn't notice the edges of the photograph on the cake.