Battle of the Beach

{We now return to your favourite underwater crime series, "Crab Cakes: Ocean Justice"}

"Mwuaah haa haa! You'll never stop me! I may have lost six legs in the last battle, but I'll never lose the power to DESTROY YOU!!"
"Stop right there, partner!"
Little did the Sheriff know, he was about to meet Doc Oct's gang of corrupt cephalopod cohorts straight from Squid Roe:
Mr. Blue...

Note from Jen: I have to add that the second to last crab reminds me of my favorite poem: "Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning." That is all.
Reader Comments (148)
OMG, that is my favorite poem too!
I like it. Some of the words I didnt understand, but some of the imagery was quite effective. Interesting decorative devices which seem to counterpoint the underlying metaphore of Humani-, oh, sorry, caketivity of the cakewrecker's soul.
Poor Lou. He was probably once an poetry editor.
I'm starting to lose faith in humanity. Seriously.
So if the crabs lose, does that mean we have Crab Patties?
More importantly, what documentories were they watching before making these cakes? Crabs are not the same shape as Kirby. They tend to be a lot flatter. Seriously, they look like Kirby with mutation. Fat, pink and with added lobster claws (with varying degrees of fail) and odd expressions.
How are you SO funny EVERY single day? You made me snort milk out my nose.
Triple points for Hitchhiker humor on top of everything else. Brava, Jen!
what are bakers smoking these days?
Best. Post. Ever.
I think CCC in the second picture is really kind of cute (I can't believe I'm saying that about a CCC).
That was by the far the FUNNIEST Cakewrecks EVER! Hilarious as usual, but even more deliciously ridiculous!
I love Shark Week, I feel this is an ode.
AWESOME. that is all :)
Jeez ya slay me Jen! I love your puns...squid roe!! Priceless!
Thanks for the smiles...and guffaws! :D
I think I woke up my husband when I saw Crazy Lou because I was laughing so much. Oh my cow this was the funniest thing I've read in a while, and I needed the laughs. The cakes fit the commentary so impeccably.
"Gulp." Priceless.
Lol Crazy Lou sort of resembles an insane Jar Jar Binks. Now that would have been hilarious if that was what he looked like. Just cannot stop laughing like a mad hyena right now lol.
i don't know about you guys, but i *want* a crazy lou.
How to we start a Crazy Lou fan club anyway? He has kept me laughing all day!!!!
Uh, Lou, your um toupee seems to be slipping. Er, is that part of your head? Ew...
Doctopus (couldn't resist the mash-up): now that's a sardonic smile! Yikes!
I knew the Vogons were lurking nearby -- all that "Resistance is Futile!" stuff made me think of a Constructor Ship before a Borg cube. Ah, the poetry of Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz.
I'm sure the Dentrassis make awesome cakes. Douglas, you are missed.
Possibly my favorite post on here EVER. Crazy Lou cracked me up!
WV: Shloclyt. "Some shloclyt Crazy Lou on fire!"
Hahhaa, I completely lost it when Crazy Lou appeared, and then the gibberish written below. There was a lot of crazy mental pictures going on there. LOLLL. oooh, Crazy Lou. *shakes head*
LMAO.........As much as I enjoy seeing all the beautiful and not so beautiful cakes on this new blog I've found, I also enjoy the commentary immensely!
I shall not get crabby today! :p
I think the last one is supposed to be Mr Scatterbrain from the Mr Men cartoons.
Crazy Lou is my favorite.
I think Dr. Octopus strongly resembles Krang from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
And who says crabs are a bad thing? Bravo on the commentary well played as usual!
Yay for Vogon poetry! Lol Sounds like a fun show.
Not only was that post hysterical but then you end it with a Douglas Adams reference???? Suddenly I feel like maybe I write cake wrecks and I just don't know it. Awesome.
The last one is Mr Messy! from Roger Hargreaves Mr Men.
The fact that you said octopodes instead of octopi made my day. Someone else who knows that it's Greek, not Latin!!!!
Amazing, as always!
I thought the "Sheriff" was really cute. It reminds me of Calcifer from the movie Howl's Moving Castle!
It looks like someone rended all those cakes in the gobberworts with their blurglecruncheon.
wv: roiten - Vogons are bad at roiten poetry, but not as bad as Grunthos the Flatulent.
Love, love, love Crazy Lou. Does he know he got shot in the head?
Is the 4th one the love child of the Cookie Monster and an octopus?
I thought "Gulp" was kind of cute... if his limbs were in the right spot.
Maybe #2 was meant to be Admiral Ackbar.
In which case, of course, it's still a hopeless Wreck.
Jen, if I didn't already love you, I would love you. Vogon poetry? See, pure awesomeness.
the only thing missing was the agrajag cake wreck (in his final "kill arthur dent body").
"Oh fruddled grunt-buggly,
Thy micturations are to me
As lurgid grattlebottoms in a turgid bee.
Groop! I emplore thee my footling turlingdrome
And hooptiously drangle me in the gobberwords with my blurdletruncheon
See if I don't."
Apologies if I have any of it wrong. That was from memory.
And I wonder why I'm failing my degree.
Speaking of degrees I am immensely glad to see so many glorious cephalopod puns in there! I warn you now, I will be stealing those for some of my presentations!
Is that Meatwad?
Jen, you are amazing. Seriously. That was hilarious XD Love the HHGTTG reference too; it fits perfectly!
Jen, you are my hero for loving Hitchhiker's silliness:)
Forty two. Your Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy reference just made my day. So long, and thanks for all the fish!!(Actuallly works here!)
The look on the seventh one's face was actually kind of adorable.
I have read the books that note at the end is from!!! Go Hitchhikers!!!!
The checklist behind Lou has to read demented, slightly creepy, odd and drunk. Check, check, check and check.
WwwhhaaaLLAA OOOAaAaaHHhhH!!!! Jen? Have you read the poem "my favourite bathtime gurgles? Also, 42. That is all. P.S: read the instructions on a packet of toothpicks.
The crying crab is adorable. <3 And I love Crazy Lou.