Battle of the Beach

{We now return to your favourite underwater crime series, "Crab Cakes: Ocean Justice"}

"Mwuaah haa haa! You'll never stop me! I may have lost six legs in the last battle, but I'll never lose the power to DESTROY YOU!!"
"Stop right there, partner!"
Little did the Sheriff know, he was about to meet Doc Oct's gang of corrupt cephalopod cohorts straight from Squid Roe:
Mr. Blue...

Note from Jen: I have to add that the second to last crab reminds me of my favorite poem: "Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning." That is all.
Reader Comments (148)
To Jen:
Hopefully no one suffered internal hemorrhaging due to the last cake.
Ohhh freddled wait, that's only the third worst.
So does that mean that cake is the second worst in the universe?
I'm thinking that Crazy Lou just saw a double rainbow.
"Squid Roe!" My favorite part of the entire commentary.
Crazy Lou for the win. Although the poor guy looks like he's had a rather bad head injury...which might account for his behavior. 0_o
I think my favorite is 'Gulp'. Ahahahahaha, those eyes. I'd be scared too, if I were locked in a display case with these wrecks!
Your commentary is divine.
I so want a green ""WwwhhaaaLLAA OOOAaAaaHHhhH!" monster cake for my birthday later this month!
Hil x
Didn't need the link- I'm one hippy frood :) Thanks for the great post today- we're truly lol'ing over here.
yeah well I read "underwear crime series" and the post took on a whole new meaning.
HAHAHA! Oh my gosh! There's not enough penicillin in the world to get rid of those crabs..
Oh my gosh! Now I feel like a COMPLETE loser! While on vacation at the beach last summer my kids and I picked up one of those crab cakes (much like #1) bc we thought it was ADORABLE!!! Lol! We loved it! :)
"Crazy Lou" cracked me up! Thanks for keeping me laughing!
AAAHHHHHHHaaaaaa! This is one of the funniest one yet!
Your writing of the "story" was fabulous!
Okay, the twins ARE adorable. The rest, though.. what's with the trend of making them all look evil/mischievous? They're all like >=) GONNA GET US
Oh, and @Colette: Puh-leeeze! If they messed up a cute, fairly simple little crab, I'd love to see what they could do with the Aries ram! Imagine!
The only problem with this site is that my co-workers don't get it. They have no clue why I sit at my desk laughing like an idiot at a bunch of cakes. It's ok though- I get it and I know a lot of other people do too! :D
Crazy Lou FTW BTW! :P
Okay, that was awesome. Jen, you rock!
Crazy Lou had me laughing out loud!!
I can't wait for the crab crew's next adventure against Sharktopus!
WV= mench. one of those verb tenses for munch. When it came time to defeat the evil octopus, all the crabs had to do was grab him and mench.
Too funny. Who would want a crab cake? My fave is Mr. Blue though. :)
"Squid roe" is hilarious on at least ten levels. Bwahaha!
Aw, C'mon... Crazy Lou can't help it. Did you SEE the size of that brain tumor??!??!!
H2G2 FTW! Yes!
One of your best commentaries!
you need your poetry appreciation chair!
Squid Roe? (very loud groan) Now you've done it. My philodendron just turned ashy and wilted, and my dog is clawing at the door to escape.
Squid Roe! *snortlaugh*
My husband is off on a deployment and I'm having a hard time adjusting to the quiet here at home... but I read your posts every day. Today especially had me tearing up I was laughing so hard. Thanks for breaking up the monotony for me and bringing a smile to a Navy Wife's face when I needed it most! :0)
Love the octopodes as well! And I thought I was the only one.
I always a love a good Douglas Adams reference!
AAAaaaaaagggggggggghhhhhhhh! Vogon poetry! *slowly dying........slowly dying LAUGHING!*
Love this!
FEEEEET! yuck!
I'm so in love with Crazy Lou! How could he not make you laugh? I so want him for my next birthday cake!
Oh man, and I thought the crabs on "Deadliest Catch" were ugly... a couple of these guys look as if they might've been sloshing around in the hold of a crab fishing vessel a little tooooo long!
wv: dishalve: to try to put the cake back together after hacking it in half from fright.
Merry from Annie's Book Stop
I almost started laughing out loud IN CLASS when I saw the Crazy Lou cake. LOL! Thanks for the laugh!
Yeah, I actually really like Doc Oc (pic #2) - quite adorable for a CCC. I'm very fond of Prof. Knowsitall (Pic #8) as well - I'd really like getting either of for my birthday (Sept 7, hint hint, nudge nudge)
Is it at all possible we could talk you into doing some extra research and finding a whole post's-worth of Hitchhiker's Guide cakery?? That would be sheer genius - just like Douglas Adams. If you've already done this, I guess I deserve to have some Vogon poetry read to me...
I love that the half-round Sheriff and Dr. Knowitall are both labelled "yellow". Those lily-livered fools. They'll never defeat Dr. Octopus that way.
Is it just me, or are the half-oval crab cakes made from easter egg cake forms? They seem a little uneven, one side of the body thinner than the other...
And Crazy Lou!
Bwahahaha ROTFL! :D This is one of the best cakewrecks posts ever, and the other posts are hard to beat! I LOVE IT! Gah, the *suspense!* :) What will happen next? Maybe bakeries will stop making mutant crab cakes (crab?! really? what celebration calls for that? "Hey, sweetie, it being that time of the month and all, and you feeling so crustacean-like...well, I thought I'd buy you a ca-AHHGH!") cakes and turn their focus to fine-tuning their Picasso-like art skills!
Sorry, I didn't catch that. When is the next episode?
Crazy Lou is my hero.
Crazy Lou looks like Azathoth from The Adventures of Lil' Cthulhu. (about 2:20)
Piling on to the "yay for correct use of Greek plural" bus. Love to the octopodes...and if there was any one blogger I'd peg as a shoo-in for getting that one right, it would be Jen.
There should be a secret handshake or something.
*holding head* i just realized that I had been missing all these "fabulous" cakes! something with changing something, then Jen said the readers wouldn't change, and I believed her, so I didn't think anything of it, but it did, and I haven't read any cake wrecks since july 17th!!!
Actually like #1. Sort of Emo Crab...
And, I like #6... Now THAT is my kind of Quintopuss
What in the world is wrong with crazy Lou's head? Are his brains leaking out?!?
Oh, the Vogonity!
*sigh* At least 10% got the Vogon reference. I adore you Jen!
Ah! I needed a laugh. That was great!
Is it wrong that Crazy Lou made me smile?
WV: aphan: Even though he made me smile, I am not aphan of the wreckerator.
Oh sweet Mary on a pogo stick, you have killed me. Again.
Crazy Lou actually made me draw back from my monitor. Also, love the Hitchhiker's reference.