Sunday Sweets: Doctor Who

I'm proud to say that I was raised by geeks. Star Trek and Doctor Who were staples in my household, and when I was little my folks even bundled me and my brother off to a Doctor Who event where I got to meet the late Jon Pertwee. At the time, of course, I was more impressed with the full-scale model of the TARDIS control room where I got to push ALL the buttons. Anyhoo, naturally it was only a matter of time until I found enough Whovian Sweets to justify a post. Ready? Here we go...
Presenting the most scrumptious looking Cyberman you will ever see:

This next on isn't actually cake; it's gingerbread. And K9 is looking suh-weet.

Hannah C. found this display at The Cake Shop in Liverpool.
Update from john: This photo just came in from Leigh Henderson of (She's the maker of the infamous thorax cake, so click the link at your own risk!)
Yup. It's cake. And no, she's not a professional. I can't believe it either. But that's not all...
It has an inside! She did it with mirrors and LEDs. Wow. Freakin' wow. (See more insanely detailed progress shots here.)
And did I mention wow?
- Similar Sweets: Star Wars
Reader Comments (184)
I love the last cake, Martha Jones! She is my favorite. Thank you for showing the Doctor Who cakes, they totally made my day.
These cakes rock!!
why is gingerbread not cake?
I've just this weekend been rewatching end of Series 1 (9th Doctor) and Series 2-3 (yaaaaay 10th Doctor) to get my husband caught up on the David Tennant years. So this was both perfectly timed and perfectly awesome.
I definitely think I need a Tardis cake for my next birthday. :) Being in one's fourth decade is nothing compared to a Time Lord, right?
Love the Tom Baker one! I would love to have a scarf like that. Too bad I hate knitting ;-)
Wow, these are all very impressive. I especially love the Ood!
There must be some [here in the States] Have you watched 'cake boss' as they have some stunners.
Holy. Cow. I AM SO HAPPY!
I loooooooove Doctor Who, so this is the happiest day in my life!
I love the Ood, and the Abzorbaloff. K9 is looking cuter then ever, and I think the Cyberman looks like one of those cute Galactic Heroes action figures for toddlers (anyone know what I'm talking about?).
THE DOCTOR! Those are all fantastic. K9 is on someone's kitchen table, if he was made by a talented amateur, I would like to befriend that person so they would make all my cakes for me.
These are awesome! I especially like the dalek one and I'm now wondering if I can get one just like that for my daughter's eighth birthday next week.
I love Doctor Who. Now I can't decide if I want an ice cream cake or a Doctor Who cake for my birthday :)
That last cake is fab, but why is Martha white? At first I thought it was supposed to be John Barrowman (but there is no Capt. Jack tradmark coat)and the figure has bossoms! David Tennant never looked so cute!
Thank you for posting these great cakes!!
Oh, the Dalek cake! Love it!
My birthday was on the 13th so this Sunday Sweets was so perfectly timed! I Love Doctor Who! Thanks for making my birthday even more special!
Love it!!!!!
I think I may have to make a Tardis for my husband (it's bigger on the inside).
It's like you've gotten into my head- I just started re-watching episodes of Doctors 9 and 10! Now I have an excuse to eat cake while watching (but then, who needs an excuse for cake?)
I love these!! Kudos to being raised by geeks. My geekery had to develop on its own
Oh my god, that Cyberman is TOO CUTE.
I've never been prouder of being a total geek. I too grew up on Dr. Who and am loving seeing him everywhere now. Hmmm, my birthday is next month...good thing my husband took those cake decorating classes!
Gingerbread is more of a biscuit really.
My sister made" rel="nofollow">a TARDIS cake for a friend's birthday recently. Not as good as these, but she's not a professional.
The blue icing stained everything it touched. She had blue fingers for about a week. :D
We don't have bakery windows like that because being a geek-to-the-bone has only been cool for a small number of years.
Remember, when most of us were kids, Dr. was thought to be a cult thing... It seems now like everyone was secretly a fan. :)
I'm trying to make up my mind whether or not I should be flattered to be featured on a blog dedicated to cakes gone horribly, hilariously wrong... ^^
...I'm going with flattered. :)
(Also, I have to mention that LJ user "pnr" was my partner in this particular crime and deserves equal blame. :) )
Oh, those are awesome!
I have been rewatching series 1 of the new Who stuff with my neighbors, but they have been out of town and I've had to go a couple weeks w/o...getting serious withdrawal, and I thank you for helping relieve that.
I've never commented before but I just wanted to say that seeing today's post absolutely made my day! Doctor who is my favourite tv show and I absolutely love the Dalek cake!
@ Leigh since it's about Time Travel, just have a 2nd anniversary of your 20th!
I, too, was brought up the right way and Tom Baker will always be my favorite Doctor. My mother refers to her purse as the TARDIS, my sister knit herself a replica scarf, and I use the "one for casual, one for best" line as often as possible. (The Doctor is given a physical by a very confused physican, who discovers the Doctor has two hearts.)
Oh, happy day!
Are we going to see Star Trek cakes next week?
Woohoo for Who!! Those're awesome!
I guess I'll be the first to say that I have no knowledge of anything you're talking about in this post. I have never been a geek (nor have I claimed to be one), but these cakes are pretty impressive!
The Cyberman is adorable.
The guy from Love and Monsters is frightning.
Those Ood are just plain cool!
The Lonely Assassin is disappointment
I doubt that's Freema/Martha, more likely to be either Catherine Tate or Michelle Ryan...
They are fantastic cakes, but £650 for the last one? My second hand car cost less than that!
Thanks for this one! I'm a lng-time Doctor Who fan, I even have a hand-written letter from Tom Baker to me from when I was about 7 (I had written to him and asked him where I could get my own K-9).
Now my husband & I are getting my 9-year old daughter hooked on the show too! :D
Why, yes, I would like to eat David Tennant, thank you!
Funny - I had just google imaged "Dr. Who cakes" a couple weeks ago, planning for my son's birthday. Lots of funky Tardises! (Tardii?)
OMG! I LOVE this post! I'm such a nerd XD Look! It's the monster from Clom in the last pic on the right XD Haha I want one of these! Wow, I am getting the cyberman picture and making it my desktop background XD
*grabby hands* I want a K9!! I totally loved K9!!!
love Dr Who, love the cakes! Now I want a Tardis cake.
I love Cake Wrecks. I love Dr. Who. Today's post is about as close to Nerdvana as I am ever going to get. Thanks for making my entire weekend!!!
From what I understand, being into science fiction is more common, and less seen as a sign of being a loser, in the UK. This according to one British guy's opinion, maybe other people would disagree.
I love these! My middle daughter was Dr. Who last Halloween, so this weeks sweets went over huge in my house! Thanks so much.
If my son ever sees those cakes, I am doomed...
Awesome post! Who knew!
LOVE IT! We're huge Dr Who fans around here and this made our day. I especially loved the Ood! I could almost hear the Tardis' wooshing sound in the background!
This is my favorite Sunday Sweets ever. I love this show a little too much. The Cyberman cake is ADORABLE. :D
I do believe this is my personal favorite Sunday Sweets.
I have been waiting for this post since I first discovered Cake Wrecks. And you absolutely delivered!!
I love the fourth Doctor cake the best, I think, but that final display window is amazing.
Those are soooo cool!
@ Amanda Zoe actually entered the fourth decade at 30...Not quite to the fifth yet! Seemed like a "doctor"-ish way to measure age, though!
Ok I just gotta say it (with a metallic voice)
Extermicake! Extermicake!
So absolutely amazing! Ah, geeks raised by geeks. What a wonderful world it is! I'm proud to say I'm raising my daughter right. She watches Star Trek, Star Wars, Dr. Who and thinks Hellboy is her best friend.
My hubby made me a TARDIS so I could dress up as Dr. Who last year. The last TORCHWOOD special was just a tease. And so was the Dr. Who. Not so sure about this new Doctor.
We don't get displays like that because not enough bakers were raised by Geeks.