Dastardly Dad Designs

I guess I have to call this a tie:
Yep - tied for worst icing cohesion and worst neckwear representation. Unless that's supposed to be an alien joystick, of course. In which case, someone needs a checkup. Ew.
How about some tasty powdered hot dogs on the grill?
And for the discriminating Dad, there's always this classic WTF design:Jeremiah L. submitted this beauty over 10 months ago, and I still have no idea what it's supposed to be. A car? A grill? A set of weights? A toolbox? A lunchbox? Elmo? Herbie the Love Bug? A picnic basket? Bertie Bott's fizzing whizbees? Phil Spector? Seriously, WHAT IS THIS?!?
Stephanie H. & Phyllis L., I think I need to lie down for a bit. That white spot on the bottom chocolate cupcake is making me question my own sanity.
- Related Wreckage: Face Time on CW
Reader Comments (190)
Wickedly horrible!
i think it's one of those round red grills. but it is very 'interpretive'.
I thing you guess right with gas grill--see the white thing on the side, that's the propane tank, and the brown swath across the front is the lid handle? But sheesh, who has a RED grill?
WV: harkin--I'm harkin' up a big PTOOOIEEEE for that CCC wreck!
What about the "D" on that first pic? "Happy Father's ay? . . . . D"
I think it is red grill with the lid down!
Was the "D" in the 1st one supposed to be falling or is that just an added extra?
I think the alien weenie is AWESOME!!!!! Maybe my dad would like that.. He is a fan of Star Trek! :P
I'm going with the red grill, but ONLY because of the white object on the side, which appears to be a propane tank.
The first cake had me puzzled for ages! I seriously couldn't figure out what it said. At one point I thought it said Happy Fathore, oy! The worst thing is you never actually know with these cakes either.
I think I need someone to explain to me why the D has walked off on its own.
Hard to tell by the position of the sticker, but the cupcake grill mess looks like it says, "Happy Father! Day"
Just me?
on the second one my money is on phil spector!
Wow...I was going for "boombox" on that red one, but that was after staring at it for 10 minutes and getting a little dizzy. At least I know what to get my husband to make him laugh...
It's a grill. The white spot on the bottom cupcake is supposed to make it look like a wheel.
I think the last one might be a taxi or car created by someone with "Constructional dyspraxia" (the inability to relate parts to a whole). You seem to have several examples throughout you blog! If you look carefully, you have the wheels, the windscreen seems to have slid off to the right, the brown amorphic shape could be the grill and headlights. (Although they may also be confused by the 'grill' definition here)and...
OK, so now I'm clutching at straws!
It's Stevie What's-Her-Name's interpretation of a Webber grill.
Second cake: that's what people get when trying for a dreaded CCC!
Alien Joystick- i see what you did there. :LOLOLOL:
"Phil Spector?"
wv: botarqui. It sounds like an exotic liqueur.
"bring me some more botarqui and rum. I still can't tell what that last cake's supposed t'be!"
Sorry, my last comment should have read: the THIRD cake is what people get when they attempt the dreaded CCC!
It's definitely a grill...notice how the plastic silverware looks like the grill tools? C'mon now!
Okay my 3 year old walked up, pointed, and said it's Mickey Mouse's car.
How can you argue with that?
That is so awful. But, yeah red grill like this - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0007XXNQS
The question is... Are the knife and fork a part of the design, or were they thrown in as a nicety for that one super picky eater who always embarrasses you at dinner by sending back three dirty knives and using a fork to eat their french fries?
Oh no, the poor "D" fell down, go boom! :*(
Okay I've got it. I think the last one is a BBQ grill. The plastic utensils had me thrown but here goes.....It's one of those round topped grills. It has the meat fork and other tools that hanging from the grill on one side and a towel hanging on the other side and those are wheels on the bottom. Whew! Ow! I think my head hurts........
WV: blons - how a blond spells blonds
HA! That last thing is a riot! Ah, I love this blog...
At first I thought "it" was "father". I can almost see a head (like beetlejuices), a large body, legs, hands holding silverwear. But, now I too think it is a red grill. a charcoal one with the lid down.
My dad's aesthetic would just love those cakes...he's in it for the cake primarily after all...
hahahahaha... at first I thought the red one was Chef from South Park...
Liked the way you snuck the Phil Spector comment in...where you thinking with the wig on or off?
"Phil Spektor"? HA! I think I actually cackled. How embarrassing.
I think the one with the burgers and hot dogs actually looks pretty cool.
I couldn't decide between the worst depiction of a La-Z-Boy chair or a grill. I think I'll go with the grill. I can't identify the chocolate cupcakes though - meat? grill legs? aliens?
It's totally Fat Albert.
Alien joy stick...bahahaha!
I now need a conversation in which to use that phrase!
ROTFL....Phil Spector..LOL...white spot....LOL....oh my..first good laugh I've had in days.
I looked at that last cake from all angles. I would say it's a car but the knife and fork definitely throw me off of that. I'll have to keep looking.
The first thing I saw was a beheaded Santa. Yep, nothing says "I love you Dad" like a dismembered off-season CCC.
Guys. Obviously it's a sumo wrestler. Seen from behind. Who has broken his leg. And splinted it with cutlery. Duh.
Are those real hotdogs on that cake?
and real cheese on the "burgers"?
Yep, that looks like the weird red grill (square?) my husband picked up at home depot last year. Maybe the wreckorator was drunk?
That 3rd CCC (patooey!) is just wrong.
I have to say that last one appears to be a very badly executed Weber grill, gas bottle and all. And the white spot is an axle hub I presume.
But "Happy Father's Day" to all the "ads" out there...
I can't get past the green-tinted hamburgers on the second one. Ew.
The third cake is the Typewriter from Sesame Street!
I can see why people might think it's a red Weber grill, aside from being a CCC (pah!), but it's not! It's the Typewriter. I recognised it immediately.
The red cake is like one of those pictures in a psychiatrist's office... "Now, tell me what you see..."
It's the Kool-Aid Man!
Koolaid Man?
That last one is Amy Winehouse, no one knows what she's supposed to be either.
That last cake is a glorious wreck! It is the Rorschach ink test of cupcake cakes -- what you see in that undulating mass of red and ambiguously incongruous details speaks volumes about what lies in your soul. As for me, I saw what the beloved cartoon character, Fat Albert, would look like after getting run over by a steamroller. R.I.P., Albert.