This Sunday is the day we tell Dad what he means to us - hopefully in a complimentary kind of way. You know, like this:

that you were utter crap, of course, but I'm
trying to focus on the positive here. Ice cream?"
The important thing is to always be honest. For example, if your dad is a beer-swilling couch potato, you might try this model:

See, since the sign says "World's Greatest Sports Fan", there's no need to find anything positive to say about his parenting skills whatsoever. Score!
(And if you're wondering why this design is on a green brick background and has a giant banana on it... so am I.)For this next one, I think Brian M. said it best:

"Of all the Dads out there, you are one of them."
It's usually a safe bet to go with a simple "Happy Father's Day".

Well, I did say "usually".
And at least they remembered the "h".
Oh, and check this out: I got the same Wreck from two different people!

Ah, I love my
Wreckporters. What other blog has evil
henchpersons of such tried and true dedication, I ask you - eh? That's right, NONE of 'em.
Noelle K., Mary V., Brianne, and Alea J., if there was a "Blog Reader's Day", I'd totally feel bad for not getting you a cake on that day.- Related Wreckage: Passive Aggressive Cakes
Reader Comments (63)
I resigned from my job today to go back to school full time - and I am very excited and a little scared! So, here I am at lunch looking for something to make me smile and as usual you came thru...except I laugh out loud and my (ex)co-workers must think I'm nuts, LOL.
Is there a Farter's Day and I didn't get a cake for it?
This wouldbe great for my dad! I couldn't spell 'father' for years, so he always teases me because I'd spell it 'Farther'. so that's what I address all his cards as to this day!
The "farther's day" cakes reminded me of a car commercial that was aired many years ago. The tag line was "go farther". The letters would fly into the center of the screen one at a time; G O F A R and so on. We happened to record a TV show that the commercial ran in, and found that by pausing the tape after the T had flown in, the screen said GO FART. My family and I are just childish enough to have found that hilarious, and replayed it many times. Thanks for recalling that memory!
WV: promishe; n.,vow made by an inebriated individual
Hey guys, I submitted the second Farther's day and it's was in Brooklyn. I went back a few days later and it was gone. The employee did come around to see what I was taking a photo of.
Just wanted to let you know...
I made my dad a Cakewrecks Fa(r)ther's Day card. It's got that "1 Dad" cake on the front, and on the inside it says, "Of all the Dads out there, you're one of them."
He liked it! <3
I have students (in college) that spell Father the SAME WAY... try reading a paper that says things like :...and her farther was kill in a drive shoot". Really, I couldn't make that up...
I... I think that the "sports fan" cake is a couch potato decoration put on top of an already failed Oz cake. That's supposed to be the yellow brick road, and the 'banana' is supposed to be the swirl where it starts... Seriously, I think someone just removed an oval-based figure of Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion, and stuck the couch there instead.
the banana is s'posed 2 b a rug
Thanks a lot for your advice guys, it helped me a lot, I went to and followed their step by step instructions and it worked perfectly, now me and my girlfriend are back together.
I know! I know what the banananana...DARN YOU, STYLUS PEN!!!...Anyway, as I was saying, I'm pretty sure the BANANA is supposed to be a rug. Maybe. Ok, maybe not. There must be a sports team somewhere called the Bananas...a children's soccer team, perhaps?
the banana is part of the rug, but the green bricks.......?
If the first cake was given to the father of a 50-year-old, it makes perfect sense.