Because Every Blog Needs a Jingle

There's a series over on called Geek Pad, which is a "weekly roundup on the latest in news and gadgets". This past week the show's creators and hosts, Sam Riegel and Rob Blatt, honored me with a gift. The gift...of music.
Hit it, boys!
(This is the whole episode. If you get impatient, skip ahead to 1:27. Oh, and parents: be aware there is some mild language in the vid.)
I would like to thank Sam and Rob not only for the music (the song I'm playing), but also for being such devastatingly intelligent, witty, and attractive guys. Impeccable taste AND funny to boot? You two feel free to geek out at my pad anytime.
You know, to play cards. My hubby and I are always looking for new Spades partners.
Reader Comments (76)
Yay and hooray! Definitely well deserved props, Jen. You are already a legend. Did you notice me in the video? I'm the one passed out on the floor with an empty bottle of Cabernet! Good times!
Alixandra Hice
That's great...
LOVE it :) hahahaha
Waaaaaaaay too much fun! Very cool!
Awesomeness! I loved it!
That rocks! All this fame and fortune because the world if full of people who are in the wrong line of work. Life is good!
Haha! Love it!
cake rex, oh man, i died!
Great jingle, and so well-deserved! Hope someone makes you a nice cake to mark the happy occasion...
That's fabulous!
That is the coolest thing EVER!!
I love it! It is fantastic, I was laughing so much cause it is all too true! This is one of my favorite blogs.. my husband is always wondering what I am cracking up over... :)
Awesome! Congradulations! ;)
That is great! It's going to be in my head all day. You totally needed a theme song.
YAY! you deserve it! haha its lovely! and will be stuck in my head all day. CAKE REX! bahaha!
Is there any way you can have that jingle play whenever someone opens your blog? Just wonderin'.
Ha! Thats great ^-^
I've shown your blog to my husband and he cannot read it for very long. He's too busy laughing and telling me to stop! ^-~
Keep up the funny, I love it!
SO AWESOME LOL! Too bad they didn't get the whole professional cake thing but still totally rad ROFL.
Perfect! Loved it.
I just found your blog and I am loooving it. So funny!
That is so funny, I can't start my day without a laugh at your blog!
Ahhhhsome!!!! I wanna jingle!
that is awesome! and so funny!!! and can i just say, i LOVE spades!
I love how they admit they thought it was going to be boring - LOL! Not gonna lie - I thought the same thing :0
BUT - before you delete my comment - our way-too-hasty assumptions turned out to be dead wrong and now your site (along with garfield's daily comic ) are the only add-ons on my yahoo home page. Although now my co-workers think I'm a little looney since I sit alone laughing my @$$ off (I've tried to share with them - but they're not weird enuf to get it).
Hey, that's awesome! Congratulations! Publicity AND a jingle. It doesn't get any better than that. :)
Absolutely Amazing! The sheer amount that this blog has grown and gained recognition over the last few months is simply mind-blowing! You're truly an inspiration to all us bloggers.
Keep up the great work, Jen! :)
Damn. Man-on-the-right (also known as microwave cop) has a wedding ring. That ruins my plans for the day.
Anyway, congrats!
Hilarious! I love Riegel and Blatt (if you haven't already, you have to check out their "weekend plans" music video!)
Way to go - the jingle and the props are so very deserved. The cakes are crazy, but it is the commentary that makes me laugh out loud.
Hey... is one of those guys a voice actor? Why do I recognize the voice?
Haha! That is an awesome vid. Now, if someone could do a jingle for me, I'd have it made in the shade.
Awesome, everyone needs a theme song, LOL!!! Funny
Also, you mentioned that there was language, but you didnt mention that there was mention of something every parent of a newborn to 5 year old needs-- a third arm.
Wow, you are for real famous... that is way awesome, you deserve it, you are very, very funny. Go Jen!!
ehhehehe - thats awesome!!! You should see if you can embed that part of the video on your page somewhere. =)
Congratulations, that's awesome!
Jen, as if coming to this site for the cakes wasn't joyous enough, I love that you give us obscure pop culture references in your blogs.
Obscure ABBA reference FTW!
Great, now I'm going to be walking around the house singing the Cake Wrecks song all day!
Truly inspiring. Wonder what the rest of us have to do to get a jingle? :)
Also, I have to wonder if they just didn't happen to come across the naked mohawked babies riding carrots. If they had, surely that one would have made the video.
Just promise me that next week the jingle won't be blaring at me when I click on your site...I'll likely be fired. I can only barely contain my laughter as is.
Awesome!!! Love it - especially their theory on how the wrecks occur!!!
(HEY - for once, my verification is ACTUALLY a real word - blithe!)
odd word verf: ressesse - playground, a la Francais style
That's great! Getting a mention is one thing but getting your very own jingle is something else.
That totally ROCKS!!! So very cool! Btw, wonder where I can get one of those 3rd arms?!
That's awesome! You have your own soundtrack, now you need this so it can play wherever you go (saw this today and it made me laugh):
so..wheres the wreck?
Those guys ROCK, and so do you! The jingle is a much better earworm than some of the horrible "holiday" songs that have begun playing. Yaaaaaaaaaaah!
Word verification: inglorke. Opposite of outglorke.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! to Laura H for catching the ABBA reference! I was REALLY hoping I wasn't the only one to get it...because it would be just a teensy bit depressing.
JennyKitten76--I know what you mean. I sent the mohawk baby carrot jockey cake to a co-worker and didn't get any reaction at all. What's wrong with people?!?
Word Verification--bolsicin. Only use as directed by your doctor.
Love it!
Congrats - well deserved!