Wrecktopia of Cornucopias

After the turkey, it's the quintessential symbol of Thanksgiving: the ol' Horn of Plenty. It's basically a cone-shaped basket filled with fruit and veggies. Everyone got the mental image? Good. Ok, let's ease 'er on into the Wreckiness, then, shall we?
Not bad, not bad - although my teeth are hurting just looking at that ginormous mound of icing, Kat K. Still, there was skill involved in the execution, and here on Wrecks - as in life - we do our best to focus purely on surface beauty. So, moving on.
Hm, we seem to be veering into "ice cream cone filled with flowers" territory, Jana. Still, not horrendous. Next?
Hey, Jessica H., are we sure this is for Thanksgiving? 'Cuz that looks like a burlap Christmas stocking.
Ack! Shiny poo pile! Keep moving, K.R.! Keep moving!
Ah, this is better. A nice, comfy shag rug. Although, what's that on the side?
Oh heck no, Jill S., they did NOT just ice all over the sides of those paper wrappers, did they? Well, there went the whole "Cupcake-cakes aren't as messy" argument. Plus, with those candy corns and green squigglies and all, it looks like someone upchucked over the edge. Yelch.
Of course, you could go to the other extreme:
Jaime L., these cupcakes aren't all iced together into one solid mass, which means two things:
1) By my definition, it's not *technically* a cupcake cake - maybe more like a "cupcake mosaic". A really lazy mosaic, sure, but still not as evil as a CCC.
2) By anyone's definition, it's not *technically* decorated. A scattering of plastic flotsam does not a decorated cake make.
And speaking of cupcake cakes: some of you took me to task yesterday for failing to point out the CCCs in the Fall Fumbles line up. And yet, when I DO hold up those wrecktastic creations for the derision they are so rightly due, others of you complain that I'm harping on CCCs too much. It's like my own personal Kobayashi Maru, honestly. Anyway, rest assured, dear readers, that my left eye continues to twitch uncontrollably with every CCC posting whether I point out its inherent structural deformity or not.
Reader Comments (85)
I can't tell if that first cake has Bananas or Corn... I'm thinking it should be corn...
@Jen: "It's like my own personal Kobayashi Maru, honestly."
I love you, man. :*)
Whatever those purple things are supposed to be in the third picture, they look an awful lot like lilacs to me. Which aren't even an autumn flower. Ugh.
@Cake for Breakfast: Are you by any chance a fan of The Inside? Or is that an old-school Bill Cosby reference?
Whoua ! I'm very impressed by deserts. Expectially cone-shaped.
It give me some idea for my next cooking.
I already love this blog, but the scifi references you toss in make me adore it even more.
sometimes I wonder what happens in some people's brains.
then, I have to clean out my brain because i realized someone thought of those...
I keep seeing the last cornucopia cc everywhere! I couldn't figure out what it was. I thought maybe it was a CC that shifted during transition! Now I get it. Yikes. I'm sad I do.
Um, wow. . .I totally just got back from the store where I SAW boxes and boxes of replicas of that last wreck. I gasped and said to my bf "That's the cupcake creation I saw on cakewrecks this morning!!!" Hehehe!
Word verification: crateran. . .the currant state of our economy according to some politicians.
I think the first one looks like a giant colon. I don't like it.
And by "colon" I mean intestine, not punctuation.
This make me want to run to my grocery store just to see if they have any Wreckocopias on display. Maybe tomorrow. They had those bandaged smiley faces at Halloween, so I bet they have something good this week, too.
Is there an example of brown icing NOT looking like poo anywhere? I kind of imagine not.
"Is there an example of brown icing NOT looking like poo anywhere? I kind of imagine not."
lol-Ok, in my video it started out looking like poo but I think it turned out alright :)
-SeriousCakes :D
Horn o' Plenties gross me out. These did not help my aversion. ;)
Thanks for the Trekkie laughs :P
Yo Jen - Geeks rule! And funny geeks rule the geeks. You're bringing the funny, the sci-fi AND the sweet? Your hubby's one lucky humanoid.
I can NOT believe my OWN husband outed me from the Geek closet here. I was doing that just fine on my own, Sweetie - and hey, no disparaging the Trek Shrine!
I had never heard of cupcake cakes until this blog! My horizons have been broadened. ;)
OMGosh!! I can barely make it through your blog without having to make a potty break! Seriously. Best Idea for a BLOG! Who has not been horrendously murdered by some insane baker telling you that is what you ordered....I just love that you make me laugh and I am now a STALKER of this blog for sure! BRILLIANT!!!!
I recently came in contact with my first CCC. I mean that I was offered a cupcake from as opposed to staring at in disbelief in a bakery somewhere.
The amount of icing slopped between each cupcake was amazing. The final cupcake had so much icing down the sides, the girl taking it took about 5 mintues before she figured out how to pick it up. Eating it...I shoulda had a camera on me.:)
i wholeheartedly agree with you on CCCs. they are a disgrace to the human race as a whole, and they must be eradicated!
The sad thing is, my parents used to have a shag rug that looked like that...but with a beige stripe in the middle.
I think most of those look more like dirty tornados than cornucopias.
This lot was so funny I nearly snorted hot tea out my nose. That would have been a good story... 'Well, I was looking at these photos of cakes...'
The last one is sort of refreshing after the others, but I never would guess it was a cornucopia if it weren't for the context. I like that it doesn't try to be more than a group of cupcakes.
Boy am I glad I don't live in America - I don't think I could handle these Thanksgiving cakes!
And I do like the Star Trek reference: word verification 'enedshat' ... SHATner perhaps?
Wow! Those are pretty sad ... when did CCC become popular? It's like one day we they were not here and the next day, like some kind of horrible zombie invasion, they were everywhere!
Ok, the ice cream cone with flowers? My four year old just said, "WOW, a TRIANGLE with icing!"
Most of them are just missing Taz!
I could go on and on about how horrible these cakes look, but I figured I'll just tell you about my experience with a CCC. It was about a month ago at a birthday for my twin nieces, and our stepmother bought one of those cakes. She said it was called a "pull cake". There was WAY too much icing and not enough cake. People are getting ripped off big time when they buy these!
I like the first one, as long as I don't have to eat it.
Fug is fug.
The ONLY reason that there are a lot of CCCs on this blog is that CCCs have a FAR higher likelihood of being fugly.
Babe, you are doing great work. This blog is one of the highlights of my day. You're brilliant and wonderful and I'm thankful. :D
I was thinking that one of them (#2 in the "cornucopia" section) looks like something that would be laid out with the, er, deceased.
And just below that one, seemingly, could be a leg 'o lamb cake...or a brown tornado.
Either way.
Jen, might I just say, how very much I appreciate all the sci-fi references? I was already delighted to see the oh-so-Wrecktastic Daleks and Cassandra from "Doctor Who," but the reference to your "own personal Kobayashi Maru" had me cracking up. Now, work in some "Stargate" references (I wouldn't be surprised if some decorator, somewhere, has tried to make a CCC that looked like the stargate) and I will...well, utterly adore this blog above all else is already being done. I'll think of something.
I have to share... We were showing the turkey wrecks to my mom, and of course she thought they were bad, although some were "cute."
Then we scrolled down to the cornucopias, and she looked at the burlap stocking one and said, "Now THAT one looks like a turkey!"
I love you for properly referencing Kobayashi Maru.
I saw that last "cornucopia" at my local Sam's Club. I had no clue what it was until my DH told me. Even now, I still struggle to see it as a cornucopia.
I absolutely LOVE!! that I just discovered your website today and already have run across 2 sci-fi references- Star Trek and Star Wars.
You rock =)
If you tell me you can actually BEAT the Kobayashi Maru in bad-ass Kirk style, you will be my new hero. ha!