The Wrecky Infamy is Spreading

Here's a report sent in from the front lines by brave Wreckporter Mrs. Tantrum:
"I wanted to let you know that I attempted this morning to discreetly take a photo of a spider cupcake wreck at my local [name removed to prevent possible lynching] store with my phone. Apparently the bakery manager and store manager are on to the Cake Wreck Blog, because I was shouted at by both of them "NO PHOTOGRAPHING OF THE CAKES!" I told them I was sending the photo to my husband to see if it was the one he wanted for the party today, they replied "No you aren't, you're going to send it to that cake wreck blog like everyone else."
YES!! The power! The absolute power! The universe is mine to command, to CONTROOOL!!
[picking self off floor] Whoops - sorry 'bout that, Mrs. Tantrum; just took a little power trip there.
SO... anybody else get the spider-wreck photo? :)
Reader Comments (140)
Awww . . . that means they know they suck :(
But goody for you!
So they know it's a wreck, but put it in the window anyway? Is that a "any publicity is good publicity" kind of dealio?
Congrats on your notoriety!
"No you aren't, you're going to send it to that cake wreck blog like everyone else."
wouldnt this be telling you something as a baker? to me it would be quite the hint to get some more decorating staff.
LMBO!!! Maybe they should make cakes they KNOW are ugly!! Hmmm... what a concept.
You have arrived!! I'm just waiting for a guest appearance on Ace of Cakes next. You are like the QUEEN!
so if they know a bunch of people are trying to submit their cake to the cake WRECK blog, why is the cake still on display????
That is absolutely hilarious!!
That's absolutely awesome!
What I like most about this story is that the shop people appear to be aware that the cake in their window is wrecktastic. But their solution to that problem is not, say, replacing it with a nicer cake. Rather, they just hope that nobody manages to surreptitiously photograph it and send it here. Brilliant!
Please say that that didn't really happen. You mean they knew the cake sucked so badly people were coming from miles around to see this herrendous cake and they still left it out? OK Now the mission if you choose to accept it. GET THAT PIC!!!
That is freaking hysterical!
You'd think if more then one person was taking pictures and you KNEW they were going to Wrecks then MAYBE you should REMOVE THE SPIDER CAKES!
Erm. If they know their cake is a wreck, why don't they take it off display? Like everyday average Joe Plumbers don't know a piece of crap cake when they see it?
That aladdin reference was the icing on this cake(wreck) blog. :)
Well, if their cakes are THAT bad and they're onto the fact that they are Wrecks, WHY ARE THEY STILL MAKING HORRIBLE CAKES?? Take a class or two, admit defeat!!
I'm off to check my local bakery...
Wait, so they knew this cake was Cake Wrecks-worthy, yet they still put it on display? That's just asking for trouble!
If they know it's a wreck, why do they still have it on display? You'd think they'd just remove it.
Geez! If they both knew it was bad, why didn't they remove it from public view? That doesn't sound like good marketing to me.
Their cakes must be really wrecktastic if everyone else tries to get pictures of them too. Now I really want to see it.
I would've told them to make better looking cakes, then they wouldn't have to worry about it. If your cakes are ugly they deserve to be posted here.
AWESOME! So funny that they knew the cake was bad enough to be WRECKED but left it out to sell anyway.
Tooooooooooooo FUNNY!
That's awesome. If I brave the rain today to go to Kroger, I must remember my camera as there is a cake there that is awful. Must remember!
LOL. That is so the win. Crappy cake decorators live in fear of you.
But remember.. with great power comes great responsibility... :P
Those bakery people are sort of missing the point, don'cha think? Perhaps they should worry less about photos and more about making non-wrecks.
That is awesome! You'd think they'd have fixed the problem if others had already tried to take pictures!
That's awesome. Now I'm wondering what other cakes they have "featured" on the site!
The other day, I saw my husband taking pictures of some cakes at our local grocery store. I don't know if he sent them to you, but that was the first thing that came to my mind while he was doing it. Luckily, the bakers either didn't notice or don't know of your blog yet, or both. ;)
Oh, and in response to the other day's blog, I've been wondering which of my cake wrecks to send to you.
Makes me wish I had a camera phone. I soooo wanted to snap a pic of a 'Godzilla' CCC in a mega mart for you last weekend. Alas, no camera. I had to be content to share a covert laugh with my husband at the green horror. Without Cake Wrecks, I never would have noticed it before.
Apparently this particular bakery has been stung before. Instead of getting pissy, maybe they ought to take the hint!
I see people need some practice taking sneaky pictures. Always pretend you are texting, you'd be amazed at how many people fall for that. ;)
My wife took a photo of a cake at the grocery store the other day (because it was a wreck, of course) and I was worried that this was exactly what would happen if they saw us. I guess my fears were more right than I knew.
So, you were Jafar all along. I knew it!
This is AWESOME!
You might want to let your photographers know that it is in their rights to take photographs in public locations!
And possibly, carry copies of this!
I once saw an employee at an FYE store claim that photography was not allowed in the store, and I REALLY wished I had a copy of this in my bag.
Ahhh, this is exactly the kind of thing that would happen to me if I tried to take a sneaky photograph! Hmmm... I should rush to the shops right now ^.^
That's so ridiculous. It's kind of like saying 'don't talk about our cakes, you might say they're BAD!' Everyone has the right to tell others if they found something silly like that if it's in public.
...Anyway, I can think of no better person to RULE THE WORLD than cake wrecks! It is sure to be full of awesome.
I wouldn have bought the cake just to get the picture!!!! Congratulations you have arrived.
Take one for the team, guys! How much was the damn cake? BUY IT!
I'm DYING to see what a spider wreck looks like. I hope someone got a picture.
At least they're aware of how awful their cakes are!
"...Like everyone else..." slays me!
Says volumes.
Too funny!
Because of this site I go around from store to store looking for a cake wreck!
What an incentive to go grocery shopping now!!!! We have a local stop n shop with these awful cookie monster head gagging on a cookie cupcakes.
This is SO funny! And sad, that they know it's a wreck and haven't hidden it away at least!
Unfortunately, supermarkets are not public spaces. They are private spaces that are open to a wide section of the public.
Notice how supermarkets can refuse service to anyone, and *they* ultimately get to decide when they're open and when they aren't, within the limits of the law?
They just seem *like* public spaces.
I had wondered if anybody else caught the Aladdin quote -- high five, Emily!
Not to get all overly serious about this, but I don't think it's legal for the bakery owner to prohibit someone from taking photos of their cake that is on display in a public area. Unless they want to argue that it's a violation of their intellectual property rights, which seems kind of ridiculous.
Next MUST be an appearance on Letterman or Leno !!!!!! I look forward to it !!!!!!!!
:-) :-) :-)
Cake Wrecks has become part of my morning routine. Laughing in the morning makes the whole day better! Thank You!