
I must admit, I've been dreaming of the day when I could name a Cake Wreck "Cake Rex" for a looong time now. Heck, we're talking prime potential-mascot material here, folks! So will today be the day? Will it?
Well, let's see:
Uh, this looks like someone was going for a dinosaur-skin rug, but forgot to skin the dino first. He's kind of straddling the lines between alligator, lizard, and dinosaur, too. And what's going on with the back end?
Yikes! Are we sure there's actually a cupcake in there, Ian T.?
Next there's Jacqueline S.'s Nessie:
Actually, since there's two of them, maybe it should be Nestor & Nessie. Looove the shoestring necks and Nessie's pig snout, but those candles are just cruel. Not sure I want to get into the debate over whether the Loch Ness Monster is a dinosaur, either. Next!
Hey, look: someone decorated a block of floral foam with an "after-the-meteor-hit" vignette! The petrified dinosaur skeletons and the still-burning remains of the local vegetation are spot-on. We may not know the occasion, Gwen F., but at least Greg - whoever he is - is being greeted really enthusiastically. (Which is kind of ironic, given the whole death-and-destruction theme.)
So anyway, those are the remains of dinosaurs - do we have any with their skin still on?
What the heck... is that someone's small intestine draped over the side?!? And how much of that is actually cake, Shani H.? It looks like solid plastic.
Um, I don't think this is worthy of being called Cake Rex, either, but get a load of the itty bitty dino-arms sticking out next to the head. Kinda reminds me of my all-time favorite Dinosaur clip:
I've watched that about 8 times in a row now, and that arm-waving action still cracks me up.
Well, that concludes today's search for the ultimate Cake Rex. I'll just keep looking, then, shall I?
Reader Comments (105)
I LOVE that clip about the little arms :o) It's nice to know that I am not the only person who giggles every time I see the clip...
But, that green dino-thing is quite scary - it made my teeth ache just looking at all of that frosting!
I sent you a half dead dino with it's tongue out on 12/3...he's for sure worthy of being a cake wreck
I was about to comment on how the first cake so closely resembles a pile of green poo, but in that back end shot I see the poo is actually off to the left there. (what else could that glob of icing be?)
They obviously missed the previously mentioned "how NOT to make icing look like poo" class.
Oh, that first one looks like it's covered with green witch fingers! And that frosting will definitely be nasty on it's way out, if ya know what I mean! ;)
That was nice of them to at least include the dinosaur-skin rug's knocked out teeth next to his face.
The first dinobyte today....I am not sure the decorator has ever heard of frosting the cake as opposed to covering it with green for lack of a better term turds. This is especially true on the back end.
The first is an armadillo. A very sick armadillo...
The video clip is exactly how my brother describes me: A big head and tiny arms!
The rest are... um. Yeah.
WV- reacno. A non-reaction.
Despite the misplaced pooper, I kind of like that first one.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
Leslie, I was basically going to say the same thing you did, but then I got to thinking...maybe that's actually what they were going for??? That's what the big hole on the back of the dino and a strategically placed pile of poo-esque icing tells me. Plus, the look on his face is what my puppy looks like after he's had an accident.
The little guy is cute in the first photo, but: green poo. Poo, poo, poo.
When I first looked at the destructo cake, I thought, "Wow, they're going for detailed realism. They've got some herbivores dining on... orange and red peppers." Then I noticed the herbivores were actually just skeletal remains. That one makes me laugh.
In the last pic... does anyone know what the little yellow sign says on the right side of the cake?
Maybe Greg! is a big ol' Ross Gellar...and he really like dino skeletor...maybe...
Intestines, bwahahahahaaa
Love the gallery, Jen. But the first dino is actually an asparagus monster. It's obvious hon. Get with it.
The second one is kind of cute in a way. But still... what situation calls for a cross-eyed dinosaur cake? The mind! It boggles!
The first cake is supposed to be a Fat Buddy. Mike Terry created those (and even showed them off at the ICES convention this past year). I'll try to find a picture in my files of the real one so you have a "missed mark" to compare it to.
Ummm....I really have no comment. Just a horror-struck expression as I shake my head over these wrecks.
Amy B
the green thing...is it foam around his mouth or knocked out teeth? that is truly monsterous...I think he might be as close Rex-worthy as you're going to get. Shiny rows of green poo? Priceless...
~Bonnie B~
For the first one my son said that it's a "Munion Spider" (whatever that is). After looking at several pictures he said, "Why did they do that?"
I didn't have an answer for him
At least that last one says "For Display Only"----no one will suffer for the eating of it! LOL
Everytime I see that swirly frosting made from the huge circle tip I don't know the number of, I want to throw up in my mouth a little. It just seems it can't look like anything BUT what it looks like! And as I type this, I must add the irony of the "word verification" which is showing, "HEINI". There you have it.
That first one looks like a drunken 'baker' tried to make something out of Dr. Seuss! Thanks for posting, you're really helping my diet : )
Awesome! That green "cake" is particularly horrifying! I'm all for icing, but it looks like nothing but icing. Please tell me that no one ate it! They'll have green teeth for a week!
I believe that would be the large intestine, or colon, actually. Not that that really improves the situation.
The plastic-looking dino - there is a sign at the lower right of the cake that says "for display only." ??
Y'all don't think that first one looks like a green armadillo?
And the T Rex looked more like "T Rex head on a platter" to me.
Yes, the pile of poo in the first pic is amazing. And is that milk in a Corona bottle?
HAHA my mom and I went to see Meet the Robinsons JUST for that dino!!! :)
the last guy looks like he's being sucked into the primordial ooze... yuck!
The first two were actually very adorable. The last couple were just plain SCARY! Why were the dino's dead?... On a cake? Creepy!
That is the BEST clip ever!! That first "cake"... oooh the green poo... And check the weird lizard 'tocks on that thing!!
"What the heck... is that someone's small intestine draped over the side?!?"
Thank you for putting Monday back on better ground--I laughed out loud (loudly and for a long time) at this question.
I don't know, that green glob of a cake up top is the worst thing I've seen in a while.
Is the rest of that plastic dinosaur IN the cake? Disturbing.
Oh, and I love the "little arms" clip too!
That first cake looks like an http://www.gan.ca/images/hooks/armadillo1.jpg" REL="nofollow">Armadillo to me. Well, you know, if Armadillos were green :D.
I love too that the cake decorators have just given up on decorating and just chucked inedible plastic on the cakes instead :).
love the video clip I had to buy the movie after seeing it on the comercials and it is hysterical...
that first wreck reminds me of ... do you recall that tube of stinky plastic stuff with the straw that you globbed it on the straw then were to blow it up like a balloon? well it looks alot like it... or a really sick critter laid some nastys... EWWWWWWWWWWW
The one with the head sticking out makes me think of the Jurassic Park ride at Universal Studios... anyone been there? It's fairly fun, but there's one part where you are on the boat going under a pipe, and all of a sudden the pipe bursts open above you and the massive dinosaur head comes down on top of you.
I love the pun possibilities. Totally Rex-tastic. :)
I think that first one would be a great mascot! Hooray for Rex! :)
Love the video clip!! But I feel sorry for ALL the cake recipients of today's posts.
Word verification: scropow - the noise a punch makes in a graphic novel scene.
Oh good I'm not the only adult that laughs my head off at that clip no matter how many times I see it.
I think the green poo-somewhat-resembling-a-flattened-dino cake is definitely a Cake Rex.
I think I'm going to poo green just from looking at that thing.
Courteous Chihuahua....you know you're right. I don't know how I missed the gaping sphincter staring me in the face.
I never thought I'd use those words when referring to a cake though. I think a little piece of my childlike innocence just died.
Earlier this year I was at a party with one of that last cake. The ratio of frosting to cake on that thing is so dangerously close to 1:1 that you might as well think of it as a giant CCC.
For those playing the home game, only the middle of the top is plastic and motion-sensor-activated dinosaur.
are you sure the yellow sign says, "for display only" or
"to display UGLY"?
You can include me in both the group that thinks the first dino design is a little scatological and the group that cracks up at the tiny arms clip.
That is my absolute favorite clip from the entire movie. The movie is awesome enough but that makes me giggle all the time. Plus the "I'm just not sure this plan was well thought out." Hee!
I love your blog and sent yesterday's link to a friend who loves Coach purses. She thanks you profusely for finding it.
I don't want to know how my uhm toilette left overs look after having eaten the green one
Maybe it isn't an enthusiastic greeting. Maybe Greg is responsible for the mayhem we see.
These two posts have ADORABLE winter cakes. The penguins are so cute :)
I've been a lurker for a while and never posted, but now I must. That first green... dinosaur... thing looks like it was made out of asparagus. Dinosparagus. Bleh. Bleh! BLEH!