Sunday Sweets Assignment

Ok, Wreckporters, your mission (should you decide to accept it) IS:
Seek out and report beautiful NON-Wrecks in the theme of Winter Wonderland. Send your nominations to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
The theme is open to interpretation; it can be snowmen, ice castles, bare trees, etc. Search your favorite bakery's website, photo hosting sites like Flickr, or even submit your own cakes: the "professional-only" rule doesn't apply for Sunday Sweets. (Be sure to include the web link where you found the cake, so I can give props where they're due.)
I promise we'll have more interesting and/or unique themes later: for now, I figured a season-appropriate one would be a fun way to start off. Leave your suggestions for future themes in the comments!
Reader Comments (12)
I tried to email you a pic, but the email addy won't work for me. :(
you a couple :)
Tonia: If you didn't already try it like this, I'm pretty sure that Sunday Sweets and Cake Wrecks should each be one word.
Ahh, you're branching out. Good for you.
Oooh! We've added a new day! Sundway! ;)
There's a mithspelling in your title---
unless you really meant "Sundway"
LOL - whoops. Yeah, "Sundway" - I'm smooth like that.
We really should petition Blogger to include the title field in the spell check! ;)
I would like to see some really well made cakes from non professional people. Cakes that are not super slick and perfect but rather have charm and character, without being 'wreckish' I guess.
DISNEY SUNDAY SWEETS!!! PLEASE I BEG YOU! I'm having a Disney Wedding and I want a classy Disney cake!! Princess inspired preferably. PLEASE JEN!!
Future suggestion: Elvis! His birthday is January 8 (just like me).
Suzanne aka anonymous
I agree with Diana, DISNEY SUNDAY SWEETS is perfection!