I'll Take My Chances

Either this is the new "Russian Roulette" event in a Competitive Eating Competition, or someone is trying to tell the cake-lover in their life to start prioritizing. If said cake-lover is anything like me, however, he or she would be reading the word "Poison" with 3 bon bons already stuffed in her cheeks, chipmunk style.
And lest you think the odds are 1 in 6, like I initially did, look again. There are actually bon-bons ringing the whole cake, so your odds are more like 1 in 30. Well, assuming you only eat one, of course, which we all know would be against the laws of nature.
Aside from the possible poisoning attempt, this cake also breaks the laws of good taste by employing a sporadic color palette, sickly-looking yellow "flowers" (I use the term loosely), and a general over-use of the star tip: it looks like someone decorated the whole thing with a Redi-Whip can. Also, if we're to assume those red things are berries (see, John? I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt!), why are most of them centered on the "leaves"?
Reader Comments (31)
Those "creepy yellow" flowers? I'm thinking they're pasta. Nothing says love like death and noodles.
While I suspect they mean one of the many Bon Bons on the cake is poisoned, I chose to read it as: "One Bon Bon is poison" so you must eat many!"
Maybe a song lyric? http://www.amazon.com/Bon-Bon-Love-Token-Allyson-Shaw/dp/0974822914
I think it's pretty! And I love the handwriting! I would totally hesitate to eat it, tho.
Yea, I'm with laurie on this one. The cake overall is a tragedy, but I really like the handwriting!
As an amateur baker/cake decorator who JUST started out selling my stuff, I'm SO glad to see that even if I screw up, it CAN'T be as bad as some of these!!!
LOVE the blog!!!!
Maybe it was Christmas and those are holly berries......Maybe?
While my first thought is to agree with anonymous, that the idea is not to eat only one bonbon...
...I also have this notion that they served this cake at one of those Dinner and a Murder parties.
A cake worthy of (movie-verse) Wednesday Addams ;)
While the multi-colored icing rosettes were a bad choice, I think the cake idea and wording is hilarious. I plan to copy the idea at some point for a birthday cake for a family member w/ a good sense of humor & a sweet tooth for bon bons. :-)
That cake looks absolutely delicious. You fools who are making fun of it because of some malformed flowers, you're just leaving more for me!
The comments on this cake made me cry I was laughing so hard I could not talk. And yes, I would be that person eating the Bon-Bons too late to realize they were poison. Great writting. I laughed for 30minutes
The old joke goes like this:
A woman who did not like to have people stealing bon bons from her candy dish put a sign on it that read "One Bon Bon is poison" to deter thieves.
The next day, the sign had been changed to "Two Bon Bons are poison"
Oh good lord, I find the cake while not exactly attractive somehow deliciously wicked, in a non-literal sense (having not tasted it myself). I'd love a cake with a wicked sense of humor.
I love this handwriting, though. The best I've seen on any of them as I peruse your blog. I've had to label it "time burglar" as it is wasting much productive time.
I would put Poison Control on Speed Dial and then eat them all anyway.
I actually find that cake hilarious and besides the slightly disturbing message, a very acceptable dessert :D I think you might be over-criticising this one.
Would love to know the true story behind the cake. I also love the handwriting
Fran probably had this cake made up for her birthday at the office and included this clever little inscription to deter some of the cake hogs so that they wouldn't eat it all before she got a piece. It was a pretty good trick too, because those aren't even bon bons. Those are Cream Puffs.
I kinda want this cake for my next birthday...
At least the handwriting is nice ... Yikes.
I think it'd be better if it said "one bon-bon isn't poision" then you really help dieters *snicker*
When I first read it, I read "poison" as "poisson". It made the whole thing that much more ridiculous and confusing. I want someone to put that many cream puffs on my birthday cake!
It's ok, I was planning on leaving one. *grin*
Laurie said...
Maybe a song lyric? http://www.amazon.com/Bon-Bon-Love-Token-Allyson-Shaw/dp/0974822914
my friend wrote that book! how odd to find a reference to it here.
I feel like I ought to wait till nobody's looking, then add "Now there are two" to the message. (You know the old joke?)
Maybe it possibly was supposed to be "One Bon Bon Per Person"?
Just a guess.
I was wondering about the words being a reference. I couldn't find the contents of the Allyson Shaw book Bon Bon Love Token.
What I did find is lyrics to a song by Swedish group A Camp:
"Who told you love is the alpha and omega?
And that your heart will lead you to the only one?
It`s a curse, it`s the hammer that will break you,
It`s a poison hidden in a bon bon."
Are the friends of a heartbroken recipient encouraging her to try again using the sweetest medicine known?
The video is available on youtube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUVMpluF7kQ
Actually, the cake itself is not horrendous and I adore the dark humour behind the inscription. I'm sure it must be a theme cake for a party--I know my daughter had me make a cake for her eighteenth birthday that said "Cake or Death?" on it in a reference to an Eddie Izzard sketch.
"Nothing says love like death and noodles."
I think this is the best comment on the entire page. I'm still laughing. Thank you, Laura!
Maybe it was supposed to say, "One Bonbon is Passion."
The bakery? http://engrishfunny.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/engrish-funny-poison-bakery.jpg
Aw, come on, not true! There's not one bonbon which is poison...
I mean, ALL of them are poison!
(Do bear in mind, the difference between remedy and poison is dosage after all.)
About the cake: actually, not bad at all. I dare to say, it's rather pretty. The writing is legible and well done. Some decorations, such as the flowers, could be better done, but that matters little when your mouth is full of bonbons, poison and all.
Now, if you'll excuse me, gotta go straight to the bathroom, dunno when I leave... worth it, tho!