Ahh, the first day of Spring! The air is crisp, the flowers are blooming, and the garden slugs are JUST peeking out from their hidey holes:
...in our cakes.
Maybe we should go back to the flower thing.
After all, flowers make everything prettier, from weddings:
...to anniversaries:
...to birthdays:
...to, um, chicken feet?
(I'm sure the baker would have labeled it a dead cactus, but no one can read her chicken scratch anyway.)
Hey, you know the only thing better than rosebuds on the first day of Spring?
A double feature of The Tell-Tale Heart.
And while we're talking flowers that look like body parts:
Here, I'll zoom in:
They're like tiny little fists of doom, preparing to flip us off with their tiny little chubby fingers.
Of doom.
For that matter, the whole cake is kind of a bad trip gone worse, am I right? Random fist flowers, poo nuggets, an abstract bow/bat being attacked by giant dots...
I feel perhaps I'm getting a little "off point."
So, in conclusion: Yay Spring. Until the bee sperm bumble tadpoles X-Wing Bees show up.
'Cuz that's a honey boo-boo if I ever saw one.
Thanks to Caroline L., Amanda D., Sarah M., Ferryn, Lizzy E., John W., Syd D. & May for putting an extra Spring in our step.
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