
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Oh Poop (60)


Autumn's Equal Knocks

Ahh, fall. The time of year that puts a little nip in the air - not to mention our bakeries!




Fall just officially started yesterday, but bakers are already WAY ahead of us:

You can almost smell it, am I right?
The Autumn air, I mean.


Oh! And look!

A poopkin!

Ahh, how I've missed those.


Plus this business is happening:


And this:


And can't forget the Unicycling Femme Bots!

Love these.


But really, I think this design sums up the season best - which is probably why it's so popular:



Yep; lazy days and a HUGE pile of... [side eye]



Thanks to Mary V., Kate O., Fawn K., Kayte K., Jaimz D., Alicia, Barbara G., Sarah D., & Amy Jo, who can make like a tree, and poop all over innocent cakes. (But PLEASE DON'T.)


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Chocolate Day Scat Fest

For Chocolate Day we decided to illustrate a beloved children's classic.

I highly recommend hitting play and reading along:

(Note: Mild language at the very end.)


Everyone Poops

An elephant makes a big poop.


A mouse makes a tiny poop.


A one hump camel makes a one hump poop.

A two hump camel makes a two hump poop.

Hahaha, only kidding.


Fish poop...

...and so do birds.

And bugs, too.

Different animals make different kinds of poop.


Different shapes, different colors, even different smells.


Which end is the snake's behind?

What does whale poop look like?


Some stop to poop, others do it on the move.


Some poop here or there.
Others do it in a special place.


Grownups poop. Children poop, too.
While some children poop on the potty, others poop in their diapers.


Some animals poop and pay no attention.
Others clean up after themselves.
These poop by the water:


This one does it in the water.
He wipes himself with paper then flushes it down.


All living things eat, so everyone poops.


Thanks to Stephanie M., Beth W., Lisa R., Dede H., Robin, Robin E., Anony M., Anna O., Anthony S., Wendi P., Anita C., Cassandra M., Christie D., & John W. for our crappiest post yet.

(Can you believe none of those were supposed to look like poop? Except maybe the rainbow swirly one - which I'm guessing is unicorn poop, and therefore gets a free pass.)



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