
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Cake Stories (10)


Let's Play Telephone!

"Hello, and welcome to the Systems Calibration Registry for Engineering Wireless Upgrades!
As you all know, this is a big year for our Brunswick team: they successfully released version 2007.18 last week!

[polite applause]

"Great job, guys!

"Now, before we get started on our exciting 5-day agenda of software and development lectures, why don't we break the ice with a good old fashioned game of Telephone? Johnson, you start."

Johnson whispers to Carrier:
“Thanks and congratulations 2007.18 upgrade team.”

Carrier to Dorsman:
"Thanks and graduations! 2007 ate lean, up late teen."

Dorsman to Yates:
"Fangs and Conga lactations, tooth house and 7up! Clean up, laid Queen."

Yates to Lau:
"With all due respect, Governor, I do not own the rights to this monkey."

Lau to Mangan:
"Thanks and congratulations 2007.18 upgrade team."

Mangan to Gjertsen:

"BWAHAHAHAHAAA!! AHAHAha...ha...hee...hoo...

"Wait. Who ordered the cake?"

Enjoy the convention, Ashley M! We'll be lecturing on Day 4 in the North Wing Restroom at 4:30 pm. See you there!

And yes, the cake really was supposed to read "Thanks and congratulations 2007.18 upgrade team."


Hold On to Your Hats, Sports Fans...

Wreckporter Barry B. gives us the skinny:

My wife went into a cake maker to get a small cake for my birthday. They asked what she’d like on it and she said, "How about the Chicago 'C', like The Chicago Bears’ 'C' logo? Is that possible?"

They said, "The Chicago C? No problem." was the funniest present I’ve ever received.

Let's hope that Justina felt the same way about her University of Michigan cake, which was supposed to look like this:

But ended up looking like this:

Oh! A swing and a miss!

Karen M.'s son asked for the Alabama "A" on his birthday cake. To help the bakery out, his aunt brought in a photocopy of his Alabama hat to use as a reference.

(Can you sense where this is going? If not, then you really haven't been reading this blog long enough. Heh.)


Here's the cake:

Thank goodness they didn't bring the actual hat in; that icing would take forever to clean off.

- Related Wreckage: Sports Sense