
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

The Post Sell-Out Post

My fellow wrecky minions,

For 8 years I have steadfastly refused buy-out offers, sponsored posts, full-page ads, and every pop-up ad my network allows me to opt-out of. I have turned down "free money" in the form of after-the-click jumps, slideshows, and other unscrupulous posting practices. In short, I have done everything I possibly can to make Cake Wrecks a fun place for free laughs while still allowing John and I to do this for a living. It gets harder financially every year, as we've long since had to let go our part-time helper & guest writers, but these are standards I've never wavered on, and never will.

I thought it would be funny, then, to do something so WILDLY out of character for April Fools that you regular readers would immediately get the joke. I decided to make a CW post that looks like most other blog posts these days: a tongue-in-cheek, "sponsored post" parody.

 Unfortunately, even after 8 years of writing online, I still managed to drastically underestimate the knee-jerk, jump-to-the-worst-conclusion-and-then-gather-an-angry-mob reaction of the interwebz at large. Not to mention their inability to check the calendar, and/or remember they were on a humor site. o.0

At first I took it as a compliment that so many people were falling for it, but within a few hours it was obvious things were getting out of hand. We lost readers. There was lots - and LOTS - of yelling.

 Some even called into question the legality of what we were doing, while others bashed poor Wilton, which of course knew nothing about our post, much less gave us a single cent in compensation.

I like to think the silent majority got the joke, had a laugh, and moved on, but regardless, John and I received a sound virtual thrashing yesterday.

I'm still rather bemused by the whole thing, but to be honest, I can't help but think: this is our thanks. This is what we get, after all these years, thousands of posts, thousands upon thousands of hours of hard work and heartache and just trying to do the right thing by our readers. After showing you guys who we are, after building a sense of trust and even community here alongside the giggles, all it took was one ill-received joke to turn us into pariahs.

Worse, it wasn't even a hurtful joke. Nothing tasteless or thoughtless or targeting any individual or group - just a parody of what everyone else online seems to be doing. Something that if we DID do (which we wouldn't), would only be because we needed the extra money to keep CW running.

To be fair, a few readers yesterday - who still didn't get the joke - were supportive. They wrote to say they understood, and everyone has to make a living, right? - and I was weirdly grateful, even while thinking, "How can you believe we would do this? Don't you know us?"

So anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to the silent majority who remembered what day it was yesterday, even if you didn't think my post was funny. And thanks to those who would support John and me even if we did "sell out." But mostly, thanks to those of you who took into account every post before yesterday's, and showed a little trust.

Now, let's get back to cake.

Because hey, I think I finally have an excuse to post this one:

No foolin'.



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Reader Comments (424)

I can't believe I missed your April Fools post! Headed over to read it now & get in a good giggle. I love you guys!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterCassie

I didn't visit the site yesterday so I clearly missed out on all the crazy! Looking at the post I cannot imagine how anyone in their right mind would not see that it was meant as a joke. People are bizarre. I don't blame you for being angry. Just know that - I hope - the majority of readers would get it and even if they didn't get it - would not react like idiots in response. I can't speak for others but I love this site and Epbot and I think you guys are awesome and lovely and deserve all the love and also apologies from everyone who reacted like morons over this. Xx

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterLucie

As a faithful reader, I've enjoyed every one of your posts. Many more than once! Thank you for your hard work and great blog. You never fail to entertain. Keep up the good work!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterFrench Toast

I'm a long time reader. I just want to say I love you both and I'm sorry you were hurt by thoughtless people yesterday. I hope you, John, and my fellow minions can wreck on together for many laughter filled years to come!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAnnette

I am really sorry you went through that yesterday after all that you do FOR FREE! The Internet can be a truly horrible place. Just look at what Microsoft's Twitter robot was turned into after 24 hours! At least you guys aren't Hitler-loving racists. (Or ARE you?)

I love every post, ever day. I followed Cake Wrecks before I became a cake artist. Heck, Sunday Sweets was the reason I BECAME a cake artist. So bravo to you for still keeping us laughing every single day.

And you know what I love the most? One of the cakes you've featured has become a real-life meme in our house. 'Congration, you done it' is uttered every time my son puts a dish in the dishwasher (he's 16), or one of his friends closes his book on his homework or I remember to buy Nutella for breakfast.

Congration, Cake Wrecks. You done it.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterLesley

That post was friggin' hilarious. I am so sorry people got ridiculous and forgot to look at the date.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterShawnette

I forgot the date and thought it was a sponsored post, but I thought there was nothing wrong with it. It is a completely legit practice that many respectable bloggers do. It was the usual Jen humor that I've loved since 2009 when I learned of this site. Sponsored or not, I enjoy you guys every week. Keep it up!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMeghan

Wow. I love you guys! There were all kinds of AF gags around yesterday and it never occurred to me that you would not participate. It was a brilliant joke and I laughed as always.

I've been a fan of yours for years now and recommend your site at least a couple of times a week and often share your posts on Facebook. Being out of work right now, I'm always grateful for the giggles you provide. I even go back in the archives on particularly tough days.

Blessings to you and yours!

Hi guys! I loved yesterday's post. I thought it was a great joke. I really do appreciate all the work that both of you put into this site and making us laugh. Maybe those that lashed out at you didn't get enough sprinkles on their last cake.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterWenchie

I thought it was Hilarious! I even made my mom look you yo and read it! I was sorta hoping Wilt on was in on the joke too. I thought them poking fun at themselves would be funny buti figured they weren't. It wasa great joke! I think if you got money to make fun of companies like that it would be pretty awesome and just add to the page. Those lame trolls are just poopheads that like to destroy happiness!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered Commentermamakitty

That you wrote a post about it says it all about hurtful yesterday was. I can almost feel you getting a step closer to rage-quitting. I like to think of it as natural selection. The dumb-dumbs get weeded out by their own outrage and the ones who stay are your people.

I've loved this site for years and loved Epbot from day one. If the internet didn't keep eating my comments, I would thank you every day for my daily dose of joy, laughs, and sometimes, nausea. Would you consider a Patreon page? I'd donate so you can feed more than the cats.

[NOTE FROM JEN] Thanks, teabunny. You've always been one of the good ones. ;) We're still on the fence about Patreon, but if we were to ever join, it'd be over on Epbot, where you guys know me better.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterteabunny

I forgot what day yesterday was and just thought that you were poking fun at Wilton. I'm kinda disappointed in myself, because it would have been even funnier as an April Fool's joke. The funny thing is, I like Wilton products. They make a good cake pan (I've got dozens in all shapes and sizes) but some of their things really are a bit silly. A practice board? I just piped on a spare cakeboard, much cheaper... Anyway, keep up the good work. Love both your sites!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKathryn

Boy, wouldn't it be nice if all those who accuse you of selling out decide to buy a book and support you? Keep up the amazing work.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMarnie

Well...It just stinks that you had to endure such abuse and then explain what your point was. Those who laugh at Less-rons (those below Mo-rons) who produce such side-splitting, face-palming cakes and then bash you for an April Fool's joke are no smarter than the ones they laugh at. Duh, Folks! Get a grip! Love CW, whether yesterday was a joke or not! Keep it up!! Keep laughing until life makes sense!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterStarrGirl

I'm also someone who reads your blog everyday, though I never comment, and I'd like to join the others in saying that you guys are amazing, and I'm sorry about the people who didn't get it. Though honestly, even if they didn't get the joke, I really don't see what in that post deserved hate even if it was made in all seriousness. Your "corporate sponsorship" was pretty mild. Honestly, it was a great joke for that. I feel like you guys laid it on just enough that I had to think a bit before laughing, which is the perfect April fools joke scenario. Keep doing the great work; you're an inspiration.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterFiona

Whaaaaaaaat? I thought it was hilarious, and I didn't get the actual joke at all! What the what is wrong with people?!?!?! I have never posted here today, because, yes, I am part of the silent majority, but for goodness sake, that's rediculous. This is a FREE HUMOR SITE! Oh, immernets, please get over yourself! I love you, and I hope you never give this up. I laugh out loud on a regular basis and am so happy to see nerds like me being awesome and doing what they love.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMeghan H.

I mostly lurk, but came out to comment because you should not have gotten the flak you did for the post yesterday.

Ok, I fell for it.. mostly. But by the end of the post, I was thinking Oh!! April Fools'. Ha!

It was early in the day, about 10am, and there were a few comments from people being snarky, I figured they would be the minority. So I didn't post a comment.

I got it, it was a good prank. Now that I see the flaming and yelling from yesterday, I guess others didn't think so.

I'm sorry your joke fell flat. I love you! I mostly lurk, but came out to comment because you should not have gotten the flak you did for the post yesterday.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

I got it, thought it was funny, and didn't check the comments so I missed the blow up. I hope you keep up the humor even if a vocal percentage don't get it.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered Commenteremistem

You had me going at first. But by the time you mentioned W*lton for the 9th time i figured it out. (I'm a little slow some days!) LOL.
And if you ever have to go the sponsored route, we've learned on many other sites to ignore the dang ads anyway. LOL. Why don't marketing people realize that? But the jerkoff moving reloads are a pain. People get all bent out is shape for any reason, or for no reason at all, try not to take it personally, although that's more easily said than done.

Thanks for your posts that brighten my day and the wonderful job you do without help. Hugs.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMoonflwr912

I figure this might be a good time to share what you both have done for me... I have been going through a tough time. I have had a lot of random health issues, and panic attacks almost nightly because of the health issues and their mysteriousness, not to mention I still wake up each day to go to a job in an environment that I find to be incredibly stressful, participating in long meetings and managing a difficult team. Well. I haven't always had the best time of keeping my head above water with all of it, and I'm certainly bad at staying chipper in times like this, but looking at Cake Wrecks helps. It helps me A LOT. Basically, my husband now correlates me looking at my phone and smiling or laughing out loud with Cake Wrecks, because he knows how its hilarity leads to me being in a good mood, for once. xoxo Thank you for all that you've done over the years, it truly is appreciated. <3 I know there are others out there like me, too.

{NOTE FROM JEN: Many hugs, Heather. If you want to talk more with fellow panic sufferers, I've shared quite a bit over on Epbot re: my own attacks, and there's a great community of support in those comments. Either way, thank you for sharing.}

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

I'm so sorry. Sorry that we live in a world of humor-impaired people who can't read a calendar. I am and will always be a diehard Wreckie. I grew up in a house where the kitchen looked like a Wilton test lab. Your post made my tea come up the wrong way I was laughing so hard. Good times. You do you, CW. You do you.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMarcie

I have been visiting your site for YEARS. It has always been good for a laugh, especially when things are not going as planned. I can turn to your site and have a good giggle or WTF moment. Imagine my surprise as I read your post yesterday. I've been a Wilton Method Cake Decorating for over 15 years, and as such, I do tell my students about your site as many times, what they do in Course 1 are far better than what appears on your site.
In the past two years, due to the proliferation of on-line classes, I have seen my enrollment in classes decline. It's sad because I truly LOVE what I do, but understand that in this day and age, it is what it is. And then I see your April Fool's day post. I don't care if it was just a good prank - you directly suggested that to avoid these horrors in their home that they should take a Wilton Class. There's no way I could reach a market like you just did. There are instructors all over the country that would be thrilled to know that their new student came from such a silly prank. I know I would!
So thank you for all you do. I'm sorry so many people put a damper on what was an otherwise hilarious post. And, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for suggesting taking classes. I know Wilton isn't the 'be all, end all' in the world of cake decorating, but they must be doing something right as they have been in the business of education for over 85 years and have people come from around the world to learn how to become better decorators.

[NOTE FROM JEN] True story, Kelli; Cake Wrecks came to be directly because of a Wilton class. John and I took all 4 courses in a row at our local JoAnn's, loved them, and began making cakes for friends as a hobby. A few wks/months later, I got the idea to start a blog for all the funny cake pictures I was finding online - pics that kept popping up when I was really looking for PRETTY cake pictures. So I credit a lot to Wilton, and was more than happy to throw a little business their way yesterday. I hope it does help get more people in your classes!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKelli

You got me. :-D Only one all April Fools Day (though I could have sworn this was one too: - turned out to be real, weirdly). I didn't twig till the last bit! :-) Figured I'd comment and say thanks again for all your work (don't usually on this site) to be another positive voice as you'd gotten so much hassle. /hug :-(

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterGina

Regular reader of quite a few blogs but I'm not much of a poster. Seems like most internet April Fools jokes don't go over very well. People just seem to forget that it might be a joke. I got it though! And I still very much appreciate your work here.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered Commentersilent majority

I rarely (if ever) comment here, but I got it and I thought it was funny and I'm sorry people were doodieheads about it. And if you did have to take sponsors? I'd rather that then lose this site, which never fails to make me smile.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

Internet comment threads can be a scary place. I got the joke, I'm just not much of a comment thread person. Thank you so much for bringing us a lot of laughs and those gorgeous Sunday sweets! You ARE appreciated!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterLori

The most important thing: Just know that your work is greatly loved and hugely appreciated by thousands upon thousands of people. Don't change a thing! Your comedic instincts are dead-on.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKaren in Cambridge

Long time readers here. Didn't visit yesterday so missed the furore.
Your playground, your rules. So what if you did decide to have someone sponsor you to reduce cakewreckery in general? It's hardly a crime...

And thanks for the laughs. Keep 'em coming!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterDave and Nancy

((Hugs)) from an occasional poster and semi-regular lurker. Don't let the internet get to you, it can be a little socially inept on occasion.

Do you know though, as I was reading this post, I looked up at my AdBlockPlus button and realised that this is one of the few sites I have it switched off for. At some point in the last few years, I decided that I wanted to support your blog, and you've obviously never abused that trust or I would have switched it back pretty quick. Thankyou for the content over the years, and I really wouldn't object to a few unobtrusive text ads anyway.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterLouise

I also didn't really get the joke yesterday, but still thought the post was funny and can't believe people would react negatively. What ever happened to having a sense of humor??? People need to stop being offended at every little thing and enjoy life. I for one enjoy this site and will continue to tune in. Sincere thanks for all the laughs you provide!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterNicole

I thought it was hilarious! you guys are the best, and I read cake wrecks and epbot every day. It's too bad that people felt they needed to be jerks about it. Keep being amazing!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterBB

Love to my favorite bloggers. I'm sorry it was a rough day. I have to admit, I didn't get it, but that's on me, I'm slow sometimes. Keep on keepin on, and if a few ads is what it takes I'll gladly ignore them to get to the laughs. April 2nd love to Jen and John (thoJ)!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterCBushLite

Hi! Another long time lurker wanting to show my support. I've been a fan since my now-7-year-old was born and I am in the silent majority who got the joke. I had a chuckle at the "sponsored" post and went about my day. Yours was one of only 3 April fools jokes I enjoyed, the others being Library and Archives Canada releasing James "Logan" Howlett's service journal and Jeph Jaques also posting about "selling out." Keep up the good work!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMary Murple

All the hugs! I was one of many who realized what day it was, had a chuckle, and moved on. I'm sorry to hear so many people were so upset at the joke - you don't deserve that kind of vitriol even if you *did* decide to go the sponsored route. All the hugs to you and John, and thank you both for giving me a little something to look forward to six days a week.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMary

I was laughing the whole time, but read some facebook comments that made me sad. I've been reading CW daily since "radioactive zombie butts' back in 2008 after a friend emailed me the link. I truly hope that the shortsighted individuals who swore they would leave will come back, if for no other reason, so you are able to continue to survive and continue bringing me my daily belly laugh. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK - TOO MANY OF US OUT HERE LOOOOOOOVE YOU!!!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJulie Roper

Totally got that it was an AF post.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterDeb T

Silent Majority here as well - totally thought it was funny, never batted an eye lash over the April Fool's Day post. Try not to be too 'frosted' over the trolls - there has to be a post on that idea alone. Clearly, you have to know you're both pretty beloved by your regular audience, including this one. Hang in there and read all the love in here!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAnnette

Big, warm hugs to you and your man… I'm sorry that happened. :(

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterStrangeAngel

Wow! I was shocked to read others reactions yesterday. It was so obviously satirical. You guys are comedic geniuses, and I have loved your site from the beginning and will continue to do so regardless of what you guys had chosen to do. Thanks for keeping me in stitches and for helping me know I'm actually a pretty damn good decorator on everyday posts, and for keeping me humble with the reality of the amazing work displayed in every Sunday Sweet non-wreck post. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterCari

Yet another poster speaking out from the silent majority. It took me a beat, but I definitely got it yesterday and found it funny to boot. My son and I love your site, and I never would think you'd sell out to be a corporate shill. It'd be much more likely that you'd throw in the towel (especially over days like yesterday), but PLEASE DON'T! Many people love you and would be so sad to see you go!!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterManz

I also wanted to comment support. I will never understand readers who "freak out" or demand things from their favorite bloggers. I've been a reader for a long time and appreciate your work. I think it's great that it can also support your family. Thank you for what you do.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterCaseykay68

What a bag of penis (I was going to swear, but I read the disclaimer). I love your site; it's a hilarious break in my day. But god damn internet, you really have nothing else going for you in your live that you have to lambast someone for gaining sponsorship?
The thing is, reading yesterday's post, you did a really good job parodying a real ad. Too good. I totally would have believed you had made a deal with Wilton. But...BFD. Who cares. If I don't want to look at an ad, I'll skip this post. Trolls, I know you know how to click buttons. Click any of them. The ad will go away!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKate

I laughed so hard I was crying at your post yesterday and it took me a minute for April Fools Day to sink in, it was just that well done. I don't comment often but I am a loyal fan.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterEm

That's what I get for going a day without reading the comments. I laughed until I cried yesterday, then went on with my day. Thank you SO MUCH for all you have done over the years to bring a smile to my face! Way to trick so many with a great joke, and don't let the overreactions get you down!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAnnie

I think you guys are amazing! Some people can be so touchy!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterBrianna

Another lurker here to pat you on the back for "A good one!" Honestly, they can't have been true loyal readers because those of us that have been around for years A- wouldn't dream of knocking you for getting a sponsor if you needed it, and B- Can take a damn joke! Sending virtual hugs, and an assurance that my week would be a lot sadder without you guys in it!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda

I saw it in the morning and had a good laugh and didn't realize it had caused such a stir. It was so obvious that it was a joke. It is crazy people were freaking out. I have a friend who makes a living blogging and I swear every freaking post is just some way to make a commercial for Walmart. "I have four kids and am so tired, grab a snickers." "I'm potty training my son, check out pull ups at Walmart" A very famous blog I used to follow is just as bad. They did a whole thing about how it is ok to use formula and it was basically just a commercial for sam's club formula. You guys have never done that and it was April shocks me people didn't get it. And for all those Wilton bashers shesh give it a break. Not every cake needs to cost $2000. Sometimes you just want a birthday cake...yikes ;)

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered Commentercrys

It makes me sad that people hide behind their computers to spew hateful things. To put it in perspective, doing so is all about who they are than who you are. I've never read a more funny, heartfelt, genuine blog - your people love you, including me. I'm one of the silent majority and I'm here to voice my support. Thank you for doing what you do. It doesn't take the sting out of all the hurtful words, but I'd love to think something positive might come of it, which is hearing from all those of us who quietly read Cake Wrecks every day, follow every post of Epbot, and have the utmost respect for all you do. xo

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered Commentermichelej

I got yesterday's post right away and laughed my butt off! Keep doing what you do, I love it!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKelly

I love you no matter what! All is well and I am glad (sort of - you need to be able to make ends meet!) that you didn't "sell out" I frequently don't remember what day it is, even with the calendar in the corner...I thought it was a funny post...

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

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