
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Catchin' the Spirit

I've jokingly told my friends and family that I'm boycotting Christmas this year, and I bet a lot of you can relate: too much stress, too little time to sit back and remember what it was that you used to love about this time of year, and too many annoying advertisers screeching that you're a bad parent or friend or loved one if you don't BUY STUFF - and lots of it.

But here's the thing: buying the usual run of candles and foot massagers and, yes, even outrageously funny gift books [wink wink] for my loved ones doesn't get me in the holiday spirit. Frankly, most of these gifts don't get them in the spirit, either.

"Gee, you shouldn't have. No, seriously."

I found inspiration in the form of Wreckie Collette Yates (no relation) and the Charity Cake-Wreck-a-thon she and some friends recently put together in Brighton. See, they asked friends and community members to bring in horrendously decorated baked goods (and boy, were there some doozies) which they sold at a local train station. In one afternoon they managed to raise 450 pounds for two cancer-fighting charities.

(From the left, that's Rachel, Collette, & Helen)
The power of Wreckage, used for good!

Now, Cake Wrecks is the sole source of income for me and John. (We used to be painters, but the economy nixed that.) However, thanks to you readers we can still afford to to give a little.

Which got us thinking: If 3 gals can use Cake Wrecks as a springboard to organize something that cool for charity, why can't we? And since Wreckies are some of the most creative, giving, and nattily dressed folks we know....

(You continue to rock, Mary Beth.)

...then why not get you, the evil wrecky henchpersons, involved?

So here's the deal: instead of buying gifts or trees or decorations this year, John and I are going to donate a minimum of $200 to a different charity or worthy cause, every day, for the next two weeks.

Which ones?

Well, that's where you come in.

See, we have a few organizations in mind, but certainly not 14. So, I'm asking for your recommendations.What are you passionate about? Where do you volunteer your time, talents, and money? Who do you know that needs help? Tell me in the comments (not e-mail!), so that we all can read and learn and maybe even give a little together.

Oh, and if you're worrying that CW is going to turn into a charity-pushing propaganda site for the next few weeks: don't. I'll just be adding a footnote to each day's post giving you the name of the organization, a one-sentence summary, and a link if you want to learn more.

Now, John and I will be choosing each day's charity based on our own individual passions - which might not match up exactly with your own - but even so I'm going to issue you a little challenge. Ready? Here 'tis:

Give one dollar to each day's charity.

If you each give one dollar - just one solitary smackeroo - together we can raise over $80,000 each day. BAM. Just like that. Imagine that 14 times over, all for worthy causes. Imagine the number of lives that could impact. Imagine, if you will...the bragging rights.

Yeah, you heard me. When you get involved in something that awesome, you get major bragging rights.

Ok. So. You pumped? You with me? You...ready for this post to be over? Heh, I hear ya.

Today's charity is Charity: Water. These guys use 100% of all donations to drill wells and provide clean drinking water to developing nations. Believe it or not, 1 out of 8 people on the planet lack this basic life-need, and every $5,000 builds a well that serves over 250 people.

Go here to donate your $1. That's the CW campaign page, where you can watch our progress, leave notes, and learn more. (Watch the video: it'll make you do a happy dance.) I've set us an easy goal - just $20K, or 4 wells - so I can't wait to see how far above and beyond that you guys are going to get us.

It's just a dollar, guys. C'mon. Let's do this together.

Note: PayPal *is* an option to donate, if you click here and hit the red donate button. A few caveats, though: PayPal takes $.30 of your dollar in fees, and your donation can't be tracked as part of the CW campaign that way. However, the point here is to give, so if you're only comfortable using PayPal, then please do so!

Update: One well down! That's right, guys, as of 4PM EST, we raised enough to pay for one well! Just three more to go...

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Reader Comments (1529)

The above website is a local charity (for me anyway) that I like to support. It is Save a Forgotten Equine. They take in abused/neglected equines that would otherwise be killed and they either find them new homes or let them live the rest of their lives in a foster home.

I love your idea of giving just $1 / day to each charity. AMAZING! About 6 years ago out of necessity I told all of my friends and family that I would not be giving gifts and that I didn't want them to give me any gifts. That was the best decision I have ever made about Christmas. Instead of fretting over what gift to give someone that I couldn't really afford I focus on getting together with friends and family and celebrating our friendships!

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShana

There is also a petition that everyone could sign and this many extra signatures would really help. The Gwendolyn Strong Foundation's goal is to find a cure for Spinal Muscular Atrophy-the number one genetic killer of children. Most children diagnosed with SMA type one won't live longer than two years. Research shows that a cure could be found in as little as five years with the the right resources. Please give it a look and consider making it one of the charities you will choose. If everyone donated a dollar AND signed the petition, that would be a wonderful thing. Thank you for doing this, it's really wonderful!

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJustine

This is our cousin Tyler's baby:

This is copied from their website because they explain their mission much better than I can:

The majority of our world’s population lacks access to life’s basic needs. We develop and implement human-centered products to help them thrive.

Technology can empower and liberate. A single, effective product has more potential for worldwide impact – by providing clean water, food, shelter, or income – than any other existing development approach. Through the introduction of inexpensive and simple yet life-altering products the lives of more than 2 billion poverty-stricken people around the globe can be dramatically improved.

Catapult Design is a non-profit design consultancy providing engineering and implementation support to the thousands of organizations in need of technologies or products capable of igniting social change. We are engineers, designers, implementers, and educators – we design products, introduce technologies, and foster trends that are appropriate, self-sustaining, environmentally friendly, socially responsible and culturally sensitive.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterblythee

I feel like Goodwill and the Salvation Army are often overlooked, but are doing really wonderful work!

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCeci

I love this idea. I'd like to suggest a local charity that I help in Utah. It's called Friday's Kids Respite.

"We are a nonprofit organization providing respite care to families who have children with special needs. On Friday and Saturday evenings, caregivers bring their children to Friday's Kids while they enjoy some well deserved time off. Our volunteers spend one-on-one time with the children while parents get an evening to finish the laundry, run errands, spend time with their spouse, or simply relax."

They are doing a matching grant right now. So your $1 will count as $2! What a way to help out.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

There are some great ones!

March of Dimes - Friends of Maddie

And Adventures in Missions!

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBonnie

What a fabulous idea!!

I actually do a "Christmas for Your Insides" on my blog each year. I'm a big believer in giving to those in need, as so many of us already have too much stuff and don't really need more. I also do a Charity of the Month feature.

Some of my favorite charities are:

Operation Gratitude - Sends care packages to our soldiers.

Any food bank - the need is so great right now!

Project Linus - Making blankets for children who are ill or traumatized.

Thank you so much!

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLawgirl

Check out Polaris Project, a charity which works to combat human trafficking worldwide:

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFeathers

Rock and roll guys! Great idea. I'd like to submit Mocha Club ( They do a number of different projects - they help child mothers & women at risk, provide clean water, care for HIV/AIDS patients, provide education, and care for orphans. The basic idea is that if we each give up two mochas ($7) per month we can make a difference.

It's enough money to impact the world but not enough, generally, to hurt a person's checkbook.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterstance.

Wounded Warriors Fund would be an awesome charity to donate to. My hsuband is stationed at Ft. Campbell, KY and my coworkers and I have wanted to do several things for them but have been feeling the economic crunch. There are lots of soldiers here deploying next month and they all need our support

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCassidy

Love this idea! :)

I'm nominating Nevus Outreach:

Our friends' little girl was born 18 months ago with a nevus covering part of her face and top of her head. It was a shock at first because it was so unexpected. This organization has provided limitless support for them, and has most certainly been a key reason that this little girl is almost completely rid of her nevus now (thanks to surgery by an amazing doctor). This is a smaller charity and they don't get the same recognition as some of the bigger charities. Yet they are crucial to anyone facing life with a child with a nevus. Thanks!! :)

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteralison

This is a fabulous idea. I always want to donate to charities, but I sometimes wonder how my donation will be used...But I trust that you and John will find good, worthwhile charities that we can trust! Thanks for doing this--what a great way to use the power of the internet for good! Merry Christmas!

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbamatam

My charity of choice is the US Metric Association (

We're stuck on an old measurement system that's holding our country back. Everything from lost trade to people ending up in E.R. (or worse) because of measurement conversion bungles. There's also the large capital losses like the Mars probe or the money wasted last year because congress decided to buy carbon credits, specified it in english tons instead of metric tons and then got the conversion wrong.

These kinds of losses happen all the time throughout our entire country and are needlessly holding us back. It's time to move forward and finish the conversion to full metric.


December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaul

The charity that I'm super passionate about is Penn State's Dance Marathon (THON) that raises money for children with cancer.

THON is the largest student run philanthropy in the world; last year alone, Penn State students raised well over 7 million dollars. Months of fundraising culminate in a 46 hour, no sitting, no sleeping dance marathon.

THON benefits the Four Diamonds Fund which aims to conquer childhood cancer by assisting children treated at Penn State Hershey Children's Hospital and their families through superior care, comprehensive support, and innovative research.

Through my experiences with THON, I've been able to meet so many amazingly brave kids and families who are fighting cancer and I have been able to see, first hand, how THON effects them. No matter how much pain you know they're in and how much they've been through, you can't find anything but the largest smiles on their faces come THON weekend.

There's tons of more information, pictures, and videos at Thanks for being so amazing during this holiday season!!

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSarah

I love your site and can't wait to check it every morning for a chuckle while at work!

My recommendation for charitable donation is Heifer International.

Your money will go to the actual purchase of animals (like chickens, ducks, pigs and cows) that provide a means of economic stability and sustainability AS WELL AS a source of substance for their families. People sell the eggs, milk, cheese or offspring as a means of income. So you aren't just giving them 1 meal - you are giving them something that keeps going! I think it's brilliant!

I believe the percentage of your dollar given used directly for the purpose of the program is 78%. This is important to me - as I want as much of the money I send in to go to the intended use - not just administrative overhead.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Hi Jen! I love your site and you and your husband get major props for what you are doing this Christmas. You guys are really remembering what it is all about.

My Charity is the American Cancer Society. My family have organized a Relay for Life team in memory of my grandparents. All eight children and their families get together and we raise money that go locally to for research or patients themselves. The passion of volunteers and people who donate is so overwhelming.
My family (The Buracker Bunch Relay for Life Team) are dedicated to such a great organization and would love to spread the word about their good deeds.
Merry Christmas and God Bless you and your husband. You guys are amazing for this gesture.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJessi

What an awesome idea! One charity that is near and dear to my heart is Dogs4Diabetics in Concord, CA (

This nonprofit organization procures and trains service dogs for people with insulin dependent diabetes. These wonder dogs are trained to sniff out and alert their partners when their blood sugar is too low or is dropping rapidly.

Our 14 year old daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 3 years ago and has been partnered with Olivia for about 1 1/2 now. This has given me peace of mind that I haven't had since she was diagnoseed! Olivia goes everywhere with Margaret, including high school every day.

My whole family volunteers at the training facility and also by helping to "finish" the dogs with a little on the job training in our home. They are really making a differnce in the lives of diabetics!

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBeth

What a lovely idea. Have to go find a credit card and donate.

My suggestions:

Hope's Home:

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

Hey there. I've been reading for a long time, and I think this is a great idea. My charity involves a family very close to me. My husband's brother & his wife have three children, and they are very poor. They were working toward changing their lives through education, but in early November, he was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. They've given him six months--almost two are already up. He's 39 years old. He is now too sick to work. They are becoming unable to afford the basic needs of life while they travel three hours for his care, and could use a helping hand that I desperately wish I could provide. They are wishing for miracles, and in the meantime they are struggling to survive even in the most general sense. I hope you'll consider the Jeffery K. Miller Benefit Fund. There is a tax ID number so that everyone can give a tax deductible donation. Thank you! April

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkahlna

The Victory Junction Gang Camp is a camp for handicap kids. This was started by Kyle Petty in memory of his son Adam who's passion was this camp. Many NASCAR stars donate to this camp and it is a great place to donate to.
Please consider this as a charity you want to donate to.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertexasnascarcowgirl

What a cool idea! Count me in!
I'm also going to suggest what others have and say March of Dimes :) And St. Jude's Children's Hospital.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda

Awesome idea guys:)

The charity I want to throw into the ring is The Baby Loss Awareness Campaign which was inspired by Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day here in the US and involves five US & UK organizations including The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust, The Miscarriage Association and Sands Stillbirth & neonatal death charity.

These groups offer support to women like myself who experienced an Ectopic Pregnancy two years ago that nearly took my life and had never heard of it before then nor could I find any local support group or anyone to relate to about it. They work to educate the public, medical professionals and world governments and raise money for research to find the causes and eventually prevent the loss of babies and infants.

I don't know what the numbers are for miscarriages and stillbirths but 1 in 50 US pregnancies and 1 in 100 UK pregnancies end as Ectopic or Molar, many of whom don't fall into the "standard" causes yet there doesn't seem to be any push in this country to do more research. So maybe if we raise enough money we can tell the scientists to quit making the umpteenth pill for erectile dysfunction and focus more on women's reproductive issues!
::getting off my soapbox now::

PS This is a page I created while dealing with my EP where I've compiled all the research and information I managed to find:

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMiranda

My charity of choice is the US Metric Association (

We're stuck on an old measurement system that's holding our country back. Everything from lost trade to people ending up in E.R. (or worse) because of measurement conversion bungles. There's also the large capital losses like the Mars probe or the money wasted last year because congress decided to buy carbon credits, specified it in english tons instead of metric tons and then got the conversion wrong.

These kinds of losses happen all the time throughout our entire country and are needlessly holding us back. It's time to move forward and finish the conversion to full metric.


December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaul

What a great way to renew your Christmas spirit!

My family and I have done many things for the Central Florida Children's Home, and will continue to donate and volunteer for many years to come.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSara

I suggest

They're the only cancer charity I know of, breast cancer or otherwise, who as part of their mission statement, refuse to take money from drug corporations. This is the single most important step in REALLY finding a prevention as well as a cure, for cancer.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I love TBFriends...a group devoted to rescuing race horses from slaughter.

St. Jude's is always a worthy charity, as well.

Keep up the good work!

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

This is such a wonderful idea. I've been feeling like a grinch this year, but this makes me so happy.

My suggestion for a charity is the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I think it's a wonderful organization.

I would also love to support Habitat for Humanity, Invisible Children, and the Humane Society.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

Hi guys! It's Lara H. from Austin, (the poo wreckplica lady). The reason I could so accurately depict the poo was because I volunteer, and foster, for Austin Greyhound Adoption! This all-volunteer org rescues, fosters and finds loving homes for these hard working dogs who didn't have a choice about where they were born, or the hard life they lived, but with our help they can now live like a regular dog, in a house, on a couch, with toys and love. Go to for more info! Money goes to vet bills, food and medicine for the hounds.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLara

RSD is a chronic pain syndrome is triggered by a nerve injury. It is characterized by debilitating and relentless pain often disproportionate to the original cause. Early diagnosis is key, unfortunately it is often misdiagnosed because health care professionals and the general population are unaware with this condition. Though early treatment could lead to recovery, most people with RSD report seeing about 5 doctors before getting an accurate diagnosis.

Please help spread awareness about this disease.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKelly L.

This is a great idea! For a charity I would suggest the National AIDS Foundation. They do a lot of good work around the world:

I second the suggestion for the ASPCA.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGrrrowler

Wow, what a great idea, thank you! There are so many worthy charities, it's tough to choose one. Intitially, I would choose the Leukemia foundation, since my father died from Leukemia a few years ago.

But, I am going to offer a different foundation towards rare diseases because it is one that doesn't get much publicity. People suffering from rare diseases don't get the benefits of insurance coverage and affordable medicine because they are so experimental the patents aren't released for so many years to make "non-experimental" versions that can be covered by insurance. It's a sad tale for people already struggling through so much financially considering that most of these disease are extremely debilitating, scary in that many people have to travel for care due to the rarity of their disease and no cure exists.

Anyways, here's a little more information about it:

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLittle Lovables

Suggestions for charities:
Micro lending! See

and Habitat for Humanity.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

Excellent idea!

Very worthy inaugural charity, too!

I'd like to humbly submit" rel="nofollow">Child's Play to the queue.

Any of you who are readers of the webcomic Penny Arcade will know about this one, but in a nutshell, the charity purchases toys, games, books and other forms of entertainment (or just makes cash donations) for kids in hospitals around the world.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

I reccommend "Invisible Children". It's a personal favorite of mine. Basically, it's attempting to stop the war in Uganda, which is Africa's longest-running war. Joseph Coney, leader of the "rebellion", takes children (as young as eight) and forces them to fight and kill for him. Many children who haven't yet been forced into battle are "night commuters" who walk for miles every night to find abandoned buildings to hide in, so they aren't kidnapped.

Invisible Children helps by spreading awareness of Coney's war crimes, rehabilitating former child soldiers so that they can try to have a normal life, and creating steady, paying jobs for those displaced by the war. These jobs include making bags and bracelets to sell here in the U.S. to raise awareness. All of the money goes straight back to the workers.

The website with more information can be found here:

Thanks for bearing with my wall-o-text,

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMargee

Science Club for Girls -

They provide free afterschool programs for girls (generally in lower-income neighborhoods) to increase the girls' self-confidence and science literacy. They are a fabulous organization.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbetsey

This is a quiet, unassuming horse barn in western Michigan that offers therapeutic horseback riding for the handicapped year round.

Equest started in 1991. I've been there since. We serve all disabilities and funtion on the blood, sweat and tears of priceless/countless volunteers.

A horse's movements are similar to a human's so the wheelchair bound's body gets the same workout as you walking. The physical and emotional benefits of the freedom of riding can't be duplicated by conventional therapy.

I've watched head injury victims learn to walk again; abuse victims learn to trust again; the shy come out of their shells to talk with their horses. There's always a magic moment in the making.

No rider is ever turned away for inability to pay. We run on a wing, prayer and donations. Money is always too short and the waiting list to ride far too long.

Please take a minute to poke around the website and watch the videos on the front page.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJulie - Lead Volunteer

I would like to put in a plug for "Give Kids the World" - as a Disney nut (and Disney Travel Agent), it speaks to me, but I also know terminally-ill kids who had the opportunity to experience a dream before they died.

For those that don't know, check it out at

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMegan

Also, serious LOLs to the person on the donations page who quoted Adam Sandler in Waterboy! I wish I'd thought of that!!

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda

I grew up on a reservation South Dakota, and winters there get bitterly, hellishly cold. Many native people live in poverty and are unable to properly heat their homes. My vote for a charity is Warm Woolies. They provide hand knitted, wool items to the reservations, and also to orphanages in Eastern Europe. I knit for them almost exclusively.

If you're reading this comment, they are always looking for knitters/crocheters!! If you knit for fun, why not knit for good?!?

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

I have a suggestion for one of your charities: SMA research. SMA, or spinal muscular atrophy, is the #1 genetic killer of children under age 2, and yet it is relatively unknown by the public. I had never heard of it until my cousin's baby was diagnosed with SMA Type 1 when he was 6 weeks old. Sadly, he passed away just days away from his 5-month birthday on June 4 of this year. This charity, Unite For the Cure, raises money for SMA research, and also helps to educate women of childbearing age on the importance of asking for a genetic screening before starting a family. You are doing a wonderful thing by suggesting we all give to charity this holiday season. Please consider SMA research as one of the worthy causes. Thanks, and I love your blog! (And I'm buying the book for my friend who loves baking and making fun of bad cakes as much as I do!)

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlana Willis

Love this!

Heifer, International is a wonderful charity. We support them too.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChris

This year my 6-month-old daughter had a liver transplant. We were so blessed that I was a match and could give her part of my liver, and we are both doing well, but it was a very tough year. I suggest giving to, an organization that offers free websites to people undergoing serious health events, allowing you to stay connected to loved ones and friends. They are totally dependent on donations. Our transplant center was far away from home and we were there for quite a while, away from our other children and family. This website was such a comfort because we could update them as often as we wanted and they could send us encouraging messages. It was wonderful to have little bits of home while we were away.

This Christmas, our daughter is our most precious gift.

-Natalie W.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

What a wonderful idea. :) Hubs and I donate to the ASPCA and St. Jude's Childrens' Hospital. The ASPCA is always my pick, and St. Jude's is always his. I'll be looking forward to finding new charities to support through all of these comments.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNicole

I always knew ya'll were awesome and this just proves it. What a wonderful idea. There are a few charities that I have been touched by this year.

Camp Smile a Mile here in Alabama is a wonderful charity. They have a camp for children with cancer.

Jimmie Hale Mission is a food shelter. They feed the hungry, provide shelter and clothing and Spiritual support. They also run Jessie's Place which is for women.

Ronald McDonald House. Many families have been helped by this wonderful organization. They provide a place for families with sick children to stay so they can be close to the hospital.

Lastly I have followed a family online and they are having a Christmas drive at the hospital. Kate McRae is a beautiful 5 year old girl who was diagnosed with an agressive brain tumor. She has kept her spirit and spunk and they decided since she will be in the hospital for Christmas they want to give every child on the oncology floor (and even more if they get it) a present for Christmas. It can be gift cards for the families, money to help with expenses or toys for the children. You can visit her Caringbridge site at Her project is called Kates Crazy Cool Christmas.

May God continue to bless you and John.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

I'm gonna ditto donating to a food bank. I know that the food banks have been really hard hit the past few years because so many more ppl need that assistance.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

One charity that I have in mind is a fund set up for two very young musicians who were victims of a shooting in Savannah, GA. One man suffered injuries to his vocal chords but was otherwise okay. The other man is now paralyzed. Jason, the paralyzed man, is a newlywed and he and his new wife have been struggling to pay for the medical care and additions to their house that he needs. It has been over a year now, but both men (Jason and David) are still dealing with the emotional and financial costs of such a random, senseless act of violence.

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEm

For charities to consider...

Central Asia Institute, lead by Greg Mortenson (have you read "Three Cups of Tea"?!?). In this time of war, they have such a positive and inspiring story.

I also highly recommend Heifer International.

Love the idea...let's make a difference!

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCassy E

The ASPCA is one of the most deserving organizations. They fight for those who cannot speak up and fight for themselves. Animals of all species deserve are compassion, yet so many people abuse them because they know there won't be any consequences in the same way if they were to abuse a child or another person. Animals can feel, think, and love just like the best of us humans, perhaps even better.

So, I nominate the ASPCA. Lastly, I LOVE this blog. It makes me laugh everyday.

-Bridget, Binghamton NY

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

A very specific idea for you -- I no longer live in Kansas, but I do know of an awesome place in Wichita, Kansas -- The Lord's Diner. Each and every day, they provide a meal for anyone who is hungry, with no questions asked and no stipulations. They help everyone from the choronically homeless to those who might just be a little short on money for the month -- individuals and families. They've seen their numbers skyrocket this past year, due to the economy, and need all of the help they can get. I wholeheartedly believe in their mission and encourage you to consider them as one of your organizations:

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMeg

As a military spouse I would be remiss if I suggested anything BUT the USO! It is such a wonderful organization that benefits our men and women in uniform, their families and our brave veterans. We have been fortunate enough to be on the receiving end of some of the wonderful things the USO puts together from a comfortable place to wait at the airport, to care packages for my deployed husband and a place to escape the heat on a summer day in Chicago.

Please consider as one of your charities of choice :)

December 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAllBlueZoo

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