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What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Sunday Sweets (560)


11 Gingerbread Houses To Make You Drool

Buckle up, Sweets fans, 'cuz I'm about to show you the best gingerbread house creations in all of the interwebz - and you're going to want all of them.

(By Goodies By Anna)

Sugar glass windows, candy cane porch pillars, and teeny-tiny chocolate sunflower seed flowers. These are the things dream homes are made of, my friends.


Or maybe you're more of an urban high-rise type?

(Baker unknown)

FACT: Baby deer make the best doormen.


Or how about a spin on the open seas?

(Baker unknown)

In my mind, of course, the seas are made up of hot cocoa. MMMMM.


I've seen a couple of cookie vignettes before, but this one just blows me away:

(By Jeziba)

Look at that picture-perfect piping! And I love - LOVE - the tea light cut-out in the middle. Makes for such a gorgeous display.


Of course I had to include the gingerbread bakery, now, didn't I?

(Also by Goodies By Anna)

Check out the goodies in the windows! And the roof cresting on top is STUNNING. I assume it's made with royal icing, but to get it all installed without cracking? That's gotta be insanely hard.


Ok, time for a geeky side trip:

(By Debbie Ruff)

... to Hobbiton! (It's all about that round green door, am I right? Although I'm also loving the snow-covered trees.)


I am completely enamored with these colors...

(By Paradox Pastry)

 ...and that swirly chimney "smoke."


This gingerbread cottage looks straight out of Disney's Fantasyland:

(By Mary E. Found here)



See, now, I want to live in that cottage, but I want this one on my desk so I can stare at it all day:

(By Sassy Beautimus)

... right after I finish eating the roof.


And my very VERY favorite of hers:

(Also by Sassy Beautimus)

The girly squees are strong with this one.

Seriously, pastel rainbows and gingerbread brown are a match made in heaven.


And finally, the perfect traditional gingerbread house, with a heaping side of cozy goodness:

(Baker unknown. Anyone know?)


So, who else is off to buy a gingerbread house kit now? :)


Want more? Then check out my previous gingerbread Sweets for 2009, 2010, and 2011!


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Sunday Sweets: Your Holiday Happy Place

By now many of you are no doubt in that stress-filled haze of pre-Christmas panic - the one that results from too much shopping and too little eggnog. (Because, seriously, EGGNOG FIXES EVERYTHING.)

So listen, I want you to just sit back, relax, and let allll that holiday stress go. Because this, my friends, is your happy place.


(By Karla's Little Bakery)

Is this not the sweetest, artsiest bit of edible quilling you've ever seen? So perfect! Now I want to try quilling again just to make this pattern into next year's Christmas cards.


And speaking of cards, doesn't this remind you of all those vintage-styled pretties - the ones on thick cream paper with embossed lettering?

(By Alliance Bakery)

I think it's all the handpainting; it's just SO perfect it looks printed.


And now, ruffly goodness:

(By Inspired by Michelle Cake Designs)

See that pattern on the white? I love that pattern. I want it covered in crystals and made into wrapping paper - which I will then hoard, Smaug-style, along with thousands of rolls of sparkly Christmas ribbon, because I seriously can't stop buying that stuff.



You may have heard that the Three Wise Men brought the baby Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, but did you know they also brought something a little more festive?

(By Yuma Couture Cakes)

Because it's not a birthday party 'til there are balloons, dangit.
(That silhouette is too, too cool.)


This one makes me hum "Walking in a Winter Wonderland" - and with the right words, even!

(By Chanata sweets 'n Decoration)

That pop of lime green in the middle with the teal is just about the cheeriest thing ever, and I love the dusting of powered sugar snow on the chocolate pinecones. And did you notice this is an anniversary cake? SO SWEET.


This next one is as cozy as your favorite Christmas sweater:

(Photography by Simone van Den Berg, cake by Evelien Keijer)

It's also baffling the heck out of me, since I have no idea how the baker did it. She couldn't have individually piped every single "stitch," right? Right?? Please, someone tell me; I may lose sleep over this.


Another handpainted beauty with a vintage vibe:

(Found here, anyone know the baker?)

I'm digging the "snow" dripping off those berries and branches.


And this one manages to be modern and classic at the same time:

(Artwork by Illustree and cake by Three Little Blackbirds Cakes)

Black, white, and sparkly red glitter will never go out of style, people. NEVER.


And don't underestimate the power of a little red accent on a soft gray palette, either:

(By Of Cakes and Cupcake (and Apollo too))

Airbrushing done right makes me all happy inside.


You know, I've seen a lot of cakes, and I generally pride myself on being able to spot what's edible and what's not. This next one, though? Completely fooled me:

(By Gateaux Inc.)

I thought those were stacked hat boxes, but nope; it's cake, and everything on it is edible. The bells, the silky gold robe, and of course the sheet music sides. Plus the solid side has this gorgeous shimmer you can really only see up close:



And if you thought that was stunning, then hold on to your giant pearly antlers:

(By Cake Heart)



And just like that, blue is my new favorite color.


Well, I hope you enjoyed, my friends, because your happy place is now closing. So get on out there, and go drink some eggnog. [lifting cup] Cheers!


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