
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Sunday Sweets (560)


Sunday Sweets: More Potter!

Once a week here on Cake Wrecks we post the best of the best of the best cakes out there. And most of the time, the comments go a little something like this:

"Oooooohh pretty!"

Last week, however, sparked a debate rarely seen in these parts, and instead of comments we got seven page dissertations on popular 20th century children's literature and its effect on modern culture and resulting religious, racial and socioeconomic implications. And guess who had to moderate all those comments? That's right: me.




So this week, we're going to look at some more Potter sweets, but we're gonna do it a bit differently. This week we're gonna look at the pretty pictures, and when we're done, we're gonna do our comments Twitter style, meaning 140 letters or less. Capisce? Everybody with me? Okay then. Here goes.

(Made by Yulia)

Ooooh, pretty.

(Made by WhiplashGirlchild)

Lookit the potion bottle! Cool!

(Made by Courtney Clark of Cake Nouveau)

Game of Quidditch, anyone?

(Made by Pricilla from Pricilla's Cottage)

Bernard, you lucky bum.

(Made by Chotda)

This is a Mandrake, and I'm pretty sure the pot is cake, too.

(Made by Springlakecakes)

It must have been deeply satisfying to take a bite out of the Monster Book of Monsters.

(Made by Britta)

It lights up! Like magic!

(Made by Deanna's Aunt Despina and found here)

Awww. Hedwig's looking charmingly chubby here.

And that wraps up our Potter Sweets - hope you all enjoyed!

As always, if you'd like to nominate a Sweet you can send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.

- Similar Sweets: Harry Potter


Sunday Sweets: Harry Potter

Years ago, Jen and I were in an airport with nothing to read. So, like so many other hapless victims, we decided to peruse the local den of thieves (aka airport gift shop). On a whim, Jen picked up Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Little did I know that that would be the beginning of what has become a minor obsession in my life. We've been to midnight book releases, I listen to the audio books at work over and over, and naturally I'm far more excited about the movies than any grown man probably should be. So, with the sixth film coming out this Wednesday, I asked Jen to let me do this week's Sunday Sweets.

Now, put down those Fizzing Wizzbies, and let's admire the works of some of the finest Muggle bakers around!

You guys asked for more 2D cakes, so check out this awesome fondant-free example:

We're pretty sure that's either a chocolate or butter cream transfer on the top - cool, huh? I found it on Decolicious!'s Flickr stream.

Next is Margie's amazing Sorting Hat:

For those of you who are not (yet) die-hard Potter fans, the sorting hat is a magical talking hat. Who sometimes sings. Or produces swords. Or bursts into flames. (Just read the books, Ok?)

This next one is reeeeally exciting [pushing up glasses]:

It's a book cake, yes. But not just ANY book cake; a book cake with the very last line from the series on it:

"All was well." [tearing up] This is so beautiful. It's from the aptly named Mike's Amazing Cakes.

And finally, here's the Hogwarts cake Duff and his team from Charm City Cakes made:

I think this was for the last movie's premier.

Here's a closeup:

I know what you're thinking, and yes, there actually are more great Harry Potter cakes out there. You'll just have to tune in next Sunday to see the rest of them. (And if you have one to nominate, you can send it to us at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.)

And finally, I know there are still some folks out there who don't like Harry Potter, for any of a number of reasons. I doubt I'll be able to change your mind if that's the case, but I do want to share what I think is the best end result of JK Rowling's work:

Little kids reading 800 page books - now THAT is Sunday Sweets worthy.