
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Sunday Sweets (560)


Sunday Sweets: Fun Wedding Cakes

Let's face it, weddings can be a little, well, predictable. That why we love it when a couple breaks out of the mold and, say, boogies down the aisle. Same thing with the cake: sure, white-on-white is pretty, but it's also kind of boring. How about a little personality? A little fun? A little pair of adorable bride-and-groom ghost toppers?

Yes! Like that!
(Found by JT and made by Sugar)

You've probably seen this one, for a pair of Katamari fans:

(Found by Christina H. and made by Mike's Amazing Cakes)

And for movie buffs, here's an ode to Event Horizon:

(Sent in by Lydia B-R and made by Peachtree and Ward.)

Now, you're probably wondering if it's possible to have a themed cake that's also elegant. I think so. I mean, check this one out:

(Found everywhere. Anyone know who made it?)

Is that not gorgeously geek chic?

Or how about this one?

(Submitted by Amy K and made by Michelle's Cake Scapes.)

That's King Kong scaling a skyscraper on top, and yet I think the baker managed a gorgeous, almost art deco feel to the cake. Sophisticated without being too stodgy, you know?

And lastly, my absolute favorite:

(Submitted by Angie Z and made by CakeFX)

Hilarious and sweet all at the same time. Sure, the topper is the first thing you notice, but check out how the baker "stitched" three different cake styles together. [kissing fingertips] Fantastico!


(Dr.) Horrible Sunday Sweets

If you haven't watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog - or even know what it is yet - then this post is for you.

And if you *have* seen and love Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, then this post is really for you.

I was late in discovering Joss Whedon's internet gem, but within 5 minutes I was in love, and have been looking for an excuse to feature it here ever since. Fortunately, Pfoinkle of Hurry Up Cakes has provided me with several truly excellent excuses:

But I'm getting ahead of myself. First and foremost, you should know that Dr. Horrible is an award-winning musical film made exclusively for the Internet. It has a super catchy soundtrack, hilarious super-villain spoofs, and an unexpectedly sweet story. You can watch it for free online in three 14-minute segments, too. In fact... [furious clicking in the background], watch the first few minutes of this and just try not to get hooked:

[NOTE: Sorry, guys; I just learned that the above vid is only viewable here in the U.S. So if you're not in the U.S., you can either schedule a trip or buy the DVD on Amazon. (Go here to watch the trailer.)]

Ok, enough intro. Back to the cake!

First up is the geekalicious goggle cake:

Below Dr. Horrible's signature goggles are the label and some schematics for his death ray. Turn the cake around, though, and you'll see...

...the Thoroughbred of Sin himself, Bad Horse!

Next we have Captain Hammer's cake:

Penny's frozen yogurt cake:

"What a crazy random happenstance!"

And lastly, a few mini cakes to represent Hammer's groupies and Bad Horse's chorus:

Plus, if you want to make one of these cakes yourself, Pfoinkle (Her real name? Discuss.) has provided extensive photo tutorials on her site here. Thanks, Pfoink!

Thanks to April P., who I think was the first to submit this.

- Similar Sweets: Candy!!