
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Sunday Sweets (560)


Sunday Sweets: Sesame Street

Sesame Street is turning 40 this week, so consider these Sweets a few virtual birthday cakes for everyone's favorite Street.

Was Baby Cookie Monster ever on Sesame Street? More importantly, when the cake is this adorable, does it matter? :)

(By A Cake For You)

Aw, look at lil' Bert & Ernie:

Robyn and her mom made this adorable number for little Miller:

And here's our fondant-free cake of the week:

(By The Whole Cake and Caboodle)

And lastly, a few of my favorite characters. The Count...

(By Cake Central user jaklotz1)


And what has to be the world's biggest Big Bird cake:

Awesome. This was Mike's Amazing Cakes entry for the Food Network Sesame Street challenge. (Well, technically, this was their practice cake. Here's the final entry:)

(photo by Lauren Kitchens)

So happy birthday, Sesame Street! Here's to 40 more years. :)

- Similar Sweets: Sweets to Make Henson Proud


Sunday Sweets: Twilight

This week I've discovered that there are billions of Twilight cakes out there, most of which fall in the "regrettably hilarious" category. Granted, you can't expect fan cakes to be professional quality, but it did make finding the good Twilight cakes a bit of a chore. And then, most of the nice ones I found were one of two designs: either this...

(By Sweet Austin, who I think made it first.)

Or a book cake, like this:

(Submitted by Jilly, made by Sugar Honey Tea)

Or this:

(Submitted by Annie, made by Cakes by Francesca)

I like how she used photocopied pages from the book on the cake board. It really adds to the presentation, don't you think?

Since I don't want to post a bunch of cakes in the same style, though, here are the best I could find in other designs:

(By Chocmocakes)

This one takes the book-cake idea and adds some great details:

(Made by Camille over on Twilighters Anonymous)

See the little fork? Cute!

A few cake artists did some impressive portrait work in buttercream. Check it out:

(Found here, but the baker isn't credited.)

(Submitted by Emily S., baker unknown)

Others focused on the chess pieces from the latest cover, Breaking Dawn:

(By Katie of Macon Cakes)

(Submitted by April B., baker unknown)

As always, if you know one of the bakers I don't have listed, please let me know!

And please, if there's to be any debate in today's comments, let it be over which cake is your favorite - not over the relative merits of the Twilight series, eh?

- Similar Sweets: Fantastical Beasts