"Write!" Said Fred

It's handwriting analysis week, minions, so I'm here to demonstrate this fascinating science.
What does your baker's work say about them? Let's find out!
- Passive-aggressive
- Uses "jazz hands"
- Writes erotic Zombie fan-fic
- Cries during yogurt commercials
- twerks
- Collects spores, molds, and fungus
- Has to pee
- Pushes ALL the elevator floor buttons
- Gym grunter
- Conspiracy theorist
- Magician
Hope this helps you see those wrecks in a whole new light, minions! And remember: an upward slanting signature with extra long loopy bits means you have excellent taste in websites, so congrats on that.
Thanks to Kate M., Jill S., Johnny E., Sara G., Sarah S., Kelly D., David F., Jasmine K., Lacey C., Jenny H., & Shelly D., who are all too sexy for my party.
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And from my other blog, Epbot: