
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Guess What (41)


Hey Dad, Guess What!

Here's a fun game for Father's Day: tell dad you got him a special cake that represents your relationship together. Make a big deal out of it - maybe work up a tear or two, if you can.

Then hand him this:

...and just look at him expectantly.

Remember, if you laugh, you'll totally ruin it.


I know you're scrolling down here looking for the answer, but in all honestly I have no idea what that is. Someone told me it's a hat, but I'm just not buying it.

Speaking of which, here's another "hat" I'm not buying:

You know, if it weren't for these punny sayings I wouldn't know what half the wrecks I see are supposed to be.

Not that this label is helping me any:


It looks like one of those awareness ribbons. Is there some new Handyman cause I should know about?

"Stop Corporate Tools. Support Your Local Handyman."

Dang it, now I kind of hope that's it.

Don't even tell me if I'm wrong; I need this to be a thing.


And now, some unfortunately fishy pole action:

Talk about the catch of the day!

No, on second thought, we'd better not.

("You should have seen it, guys! It was THIS BIG.")


I think I've featured this next cupcake cake [patooie!] design every year since Cake Wrecks began, and yet STILL the bakeries keep churning it out:

Seriously. Can you tell what this is? NO YOU CANNOT. Don't even pretend. If you can tell what this is, you're probably a witch. Or you weigh the same as a duck. Or you've been turned into a newt.

Harsh? Maybe a little. But you'll get better.


You don't mind a little course humor, do you?

Although, really, all I see is a sea-sick Fail Whale.

What, you don't see it?

[pointing] A WITCH!!



Father/child hand prints are SO last year. The newest thing?

Skeleton hand prints.


(Five bucks says you just counted those "fingers.")

(You did, didn't you?)

(A-HA!! I knew it.)

(Wait, what are you doing? Where are you taking me? WHY IS THIS DUCK HERE?!)


Ashley W., Leah Q., Jen W., Matt A., Kathy J., Jessica P., & Kat J., I'm NOT a witch. I'm not. And tell John to stay out of this discussion. THAT LEFTOVER BURRITO WAS FAIR GAME. Plus I was hungry.


Head Scratchers

Fellow wreckies, you will never in a million years believe what this cake is supposed to be: 

Go on. Try to guess. I'll wait.





Did you guess a buck-toothed snake?

Did ya? Did ya didyadidyahuh?

'Cuz that's not it.


Here, I'll give you a hint. It's the same thing THESE are supposed to be:

(Pay no attention to my snazzy photoshopping; I had to take out a piece of flotsam that might give it away.)

So now you're wondering what a buck-toothed eel has to do with a leprechaun's pots of gold.

Good question.

Ah - but the plot is about to thicken!

Much like these mashed potatoes.

And yes, this is also the same thing those other things are supposed to be.


Ok, if you haven't figured it out by now, here's the clincher:

All clear now?


Ok, ok, then THIS one will do it for sure:

Or maybe I'm just messing with your head.








(So that's, you know, coming along.  I've been working with a vocal coach. Which, come to think of it, doesn't make much sense when I TYPE everything...)


Thanks to Zack Z., Jayme H., Jason C., Colin G., & Melissa K. for the boot to the heads.
