
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Entries in Beyond Bizarre (263)


Because We Need More Holidays

It's been SO LONG since Halloween, and Thanksgiving isn't 'til Thursday, so what's a bakery to do?

Invent a holiday that goes in-between, of course! So...

Merry Hallowgiving!

Yep, for this fun holiday, vampire pilgrims will chase you through jellyfish graveyards and attempt to force-feed you turkey.*

And after THAT, we'll have Thankmas:

...during which we'll all desperately try to avoid actually using the term "Thankmas" for fear of offending someone, and poo tornadoes will emblazon every hearth. Aww. Don't you just love the holidays winter?

Kate F., & Nikki B., I think "winter, underlined" is going to be my holiday greeting of choice this year. Care to start a trend with me?

- Related Wreckage: The cake that has "winter" underlined on it.

*For some reason I initially had "turkey" capitalized. When I proof-read it later, I wondered why (not to mention how) a zombie pilgrim would try to force-feed someone a Mediterranean country. Which made me snort. Loudly. I even considered leaving it. But we all know what would happen then, right? EPCOT. Yeeeah.


Cue Cards, Please?

Last week we looked at cakes that took labeling a bit too far. Today, let's look at the other side of the coin: when cakes really need to give us that hint.

See, once you read the text, and figure out that this has something to do with some sort of ski, it suddenly all makes sense! (Sort of.)

[smacking forehead] Oh, of course! It's TNT! How could I have missed that?

Now, if you're going to give us hints, Wreckerators, it helps if they're at least somewhat legible:

Do you KNOW how long I squinted at this thing, trying to figure out why there were black jellyfish on it? Well, do you?!?

(No, I am not going to tell you what it is. I squinted hard for that knowledge, peeps.)

It also helps if the hints are spelled correctly:

So, we've got a fat anthropomorphic top lip with arms, and it says "Gone Crabiy." Oh kaaaay.
(Well, I guess the word "crab" IS in there...)

Then there are the more cryptic hints:

"Cakes" like this (and I say "cakes" because, as you all know, cupcake cakes are NOT real cakes) can help us brush up on our deductive reasoning skills. Observe:

1. There is a number on the shape, and the cake board reads "Win! Win!"
2. Numbers and winning are often associated with sports.
3. Therefore, the "cake" is a stretched out, radioactive uterus.

Meg, Paula B., Robbie, Kaycee M., & Julie M., with that 8 on there the temptation to make some kind of OctoMom crack is rather strong - but I resisted, just for you.

You're welcome.

- Related Wreckage: Say What?