
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Sunday Sweets Steams It Up

If you read my other blog, Epbot, then you know I have this eensy teensy tiny obsession with steampunk. This past week I featured some the most amazing steampunk weddings I could find, which of course set me off hunting the most amazing steampunk wedding cakes I could find.

You know, like this:

Submitted by Ellie G. & made by Christopher Garren's Let Them Eat Cake

You'd have to stare at this cake for a looong time to notice all of the details, but don't miss the goggles, keyboard, tiny top hat, and gramophone. Wow.

(Oh, and this was featured on WE tv's Amazing Wedding Cakes a while back, so if you want to see more, check out their season 3 premier.)

Steampunk style often involves dirigibles and hot air balloons (which I love), so this next design gave me a big geeky grin:

Made by Crystal of Candied Apple Pastry Company

There's even a dapper little robot couple in the balloon's basket:

Cute! And I like the bright teal paired with all the brass and gold; so bright and cheerful.

Of course, you don't have to go overboard with detail: a few well-placed gears and a quirky robot topper can bring steampunk style beautifully:

Submitted by Miri R., made by New Renaissance Cakes.
So pretty!

The topper is by Builder's Studio, which seems to be THE source for steampunk robot wedding toppers; three of today's Sweets have them.

How about some cupcakes?

Goggles and pocket watches and gears, oh my!

Here's one of my all-time favorite architectural designs:

Made by Spense

This support structure is genius: it looks more like a miniature vignette than a cake. Also, check out the piping (as in copper piping, I mean. Heh.) on the dome, and the tiny rivets in the portholes around the base. Such great detail!

And really, when it comes down to it, steampunk is all about the details. It's about looking closer, and really appreciating handcrafted artistry.

Like this:

Made by the Artisan Cake Company

And this:

Submitted by Danica K. and made by Wild Cakes

And this:
Sub'd by Chelsea K. & made by The KupKake Tree

Here's a funky industrial design:

Submitted by Samantha J. and made by Sucré

And a fun top hat:

Sub'd by Ingred C. & made by Molly H.

Try as I might, I can't quite make out what the top is supposed to say. Can any of you?

[Update: It apparently says 'Oscar.' Or possibly 'Epcot.' Thanks, guys!]

And finally, another wedding cake made for TV:

By Amanda of Venus Cakes

Is your jaw on the floor? Yeah. Mine, too.

This was featured on The Great Cake Bake by Wedding TV earlier this year. Once again, I'm awe-struck by all these details:

A corset-inspired back:

And gorgeous gears, flowers, and gems galore!

Oh, and tassels. C'mon, just look at all that! Amazing!

(More detail shots on Amanda's blog here.)

So, did I miss one? Or do you have another Sweets genre or cake that I simply *must* feature? Then e-mail it to me at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com!


The Beefy Toad

Does your frog need to jog? Does your newt need some gluts? Is your salamander... getting fat? Then hop them over to the Beefy Toad Gym, and take a leap into fitness!


Here at the Beefy Toad, we host extensive aerobics classes to keep those frog legs moving... matter how many there are.

Your toad will be dizzy with excitement over our top-of-the-line equipment.



He'll really dig'em.

The Beefy Toad offers personal trainers, too, so you're sure to get the most groans for your greenbacks!



"Ok! So! [clapping] We focus the first six months on arms, then we move on to legs!!"



Plus we serve premium low-calorie insects, worms, and snails at our snack bar!



"Wait. There's gym equipment here, too?"



At the Beefy Toad Gym, we'll turn your puny pet...

...into a fabulously fit amphibian!

All in just a few short weeks!
So hop your frog on over to our pad, before he croaks. Better hurry; time flies!



Hey, Keith R., Jacquie G., Meredith, Terri C., Marisa H., and Emily H., if you tell them Jeremiah sent you, you get your first visit free!




Congrats to our final give-away winners, carandavis, musikartlvr, Canadian Emily and ::miss m::, and also our Facebook winners, Alissa Kuizinas Carscallen & JayJay Stroup! Please e-mail us your mailing addresses, guys.


And for those of you who didn't win, you could always buy one of my two sizes of Cake Wrecks 2011 wall calendars currently in stores and online. [eyebrow waggle] There's a mini and a large, 52-week version that's pretty spiffy looking, if I do say so myself.

Also, don't forget that the book is a hardcover with more than 75% all-new content, and at $12.95 or less, it makes an excellent cheap gift. You should really stock up. [more eyebrow waggling]

Oh, and if you'd like your book personalized, I have bookplates available on our Stuff page.

This concludes my bi-annual bout of shameless self-promotion. My publisher and I thank you for your support. ;)