
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

Sunday Sweets: Gingerbread Goodies!

If ever a baked good was meant to be played with, it has to be gingerbread.

So, since it's that time of year again, let's take a look at some gorgeous gingerbread creations to get us all inspired and googly-eyed and stuff.


Of course, we HAVE to start with traditional gingerbread men, right?

Er, wrong.

By Sweet Pudgy Panda

Hee! Love it.


Ok, we WILL start with a traditional gingerbread house, though:

By Sweetopia

Is that porch light a jelly bean? GENIUS.


Hey, ever see a birthday gingerbread house?

By Graella

You have now! (And now I want one. So. Cute.)


We just saw some of Nevie Pie's fabulous painted cakes last week, but she also does fanTAStic painted gingerbread houses:

By Nevie-Pie Cakes

Do you see the tiny little mushrooms on the center roof? Do you?

And did you squeal like a little girl over those teensy painted blue flowers? Did you?

Ok, good. Just checking.


I'm pretty sure this is my all-time favorite traditional gingerbread house:

By sassybeautimus

Check out the oh-so-intricate piping under the windows! And the cookie assortment on the roof! (I want to grab off the mini chocolate bundt cake. Mmm.) Oooh, and the ice cream cone fence! It's just all so, so good.


Less traditional, but how can you not love all these pretty swirls?

Baker unknown.

Yay, whimsy! And the snow drift by the door is so clever.


Ah, but perhaps you're like me, and not really wild for the taste of gingerbread. (Just me?) In that case, how about this so-cute-you-will-melt-into-a-small-puddle sugar cookie house:

Also by sassybeautimus

Between the pastel rainbow roof trim, the pink woodgrain door, and that sparkly sugar roof I am now a limbless heap of cooing girliness. DO WANT MUCHLY.


Seriously, I'm not sure I could possibly be more excited about anything in today's....hang on.

What's this?

Submitted by Margaret B.; made by Ann Zeleny


It's a companion cube made of gingerbread! AAIEEE!!


Sorry - I promise that won't happen again.

Well, unless someone made something like the Burrow from Harry Potter out of gingerbread - but really, what are the odds of THAT ever...hang on.

By mezcraft; found via craftster.

Oh. My. Potter.

How is that thing even standing? What architectural genius is this?

Hit the links above for more detail shots; Michelle even made Molly Weasley's famous homemade sweaters to hang on a clothes line!


And now, more cute:

By the decorated cookie

As a button, you might say.


I have no idea how, but this next one even lights up:

By Somethin' Sweet

I want to ask where the wires are, but I feel like it might spoil the magic if I knew.


If there are little gingerbread houses in heaven, then I'm pretty sure they look like this:

By De Koekenbakkers

Am I right? It's just...heavenly.


Ooh, and here's the cherry on top:

 Also by De Koekenbakkers


Btw, I never knew how much I wanted a lollipop tree until just now.


Ah, and speaking of trees...

By Gigi M.

Gives a whole new twist to "peppermint bark," doesn't it? :D

Now, I *think* these trees are made from stacked cookies, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, Gigi.


And finally, let's go out with a jaw-dropping gingerbread house bang:

Submitted by Lisa M. Spotted at Circlefest at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens; baker unknown.


Hope you enjoyed today's Sweets, guys! And remember, if you have a Sweet to nominate, just send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.

P.S. Have you checked out my new book Wreck the Halls yet? It's less than $10 over on Amazon, and makes a perfect stocking stuffer/hostess gift/generic present for that person you have to buy for but don't really know all that well or don't want to spend much money on.

Wait. I mean for that person you love dearly and would spare no expense on. Uh, yeah. [winkwinksecretfistbump]



There's been a lot of speculation over the exact course of that errant Mythbusters cannonball that went flying through a suburban neighborhood this week.

Yes, gone are the days when cannonballs will fly in dependable straight lines and plop down with nice dependable kabloomies. These days they use the front door, ricochet through bedrooms, bounce up hills, careen through streets in a drunken fit, and generally behave almost exactly the way cannonballs don't.

Fortunately, we can trace the trail of wreckage and piece together exactly what happened. So let's follow along, shall we?

4:14 PM: The cannonball "myth" fires.



From there, it bounded over barriers, sailed through suburbia, and ricocheted off the top tier of the Kyle-Deckard wedding cake:

Followed by a quick bounce off the Maitland anniversary cake:

...a quick hopscotch through a local pound cake display...

...and a sliding skid through a nearby birthday party.

Next it executed a tight right turn, picking up speed while narrowly missing these two characters:

Nice reflexes, guys.

Then things REALLY got interesting.


The shockwave from the ball's* passage knocked 3 out of 4 turkey's heads CLEAN OFF.

*"Ball's". Heh. Aheh. Heh.

...AND blasted the cake right out from under a Mr. Louis E. Tully's frosting:

"And that wasn't fondant, man," stated Mr. Tully at a press conference later. "it was buttercream. Anyone wanna take my picture?"


Next, according to a sheriff's spokesperson I am totally not making up, "the cannonball took a few unfortunate bounces."

After which it bowled through an innocent tray of cupcakes...

...repeatedly pummeled a defenseless ice cream cake...

... and, apparently just for spite, rolled behind the counter and scrawled grammatically incorrect insults on all the waiting orders.

This was one nasty cannonball, guys.


Finally, after literally bringing down the house...

"Oh, oh, oh!"

...the cannonball came to rest in little Arthur Dent's birthday cake:

Where it was iced over and sold by the pound.



Thanks to Katie M., Jessy A., A.S., Bre D., Alexis G., Michelle M., Joel F., Kevin P., Jennifer E., Monique R., Lisa B., Beth J., & my all-time favorite cannonball wranglers, the Mythbusters gang.


And now...


Submitted by James B. and made by Ginger Pops, aka Faeries-Demise on DeviantArt


Say, is Adam missing an eyebrow? :D