
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

The Post Sell-Out Post

My fellow wrecky minions,

For 8 years I have steadfastly refused buy-out offers, sponsored posts, full-page ads, and every pop-up ad my network allows me to opt-out of. I have turned down "free money" in the form of after-the-click jumps, slideshows, and other unscrupulous posting practices. In short, I have done everything I possibly can to make Cake Wrecks a fun place for free laughs while still allowing John and I to do this for a living. It gets harder financially every year, as we've long since had to let go our part-time helper & guest writers, but these are standards I've never wavered on, and never will.

I thought it would be funny, then, to do something so WILDLY out of character for April Fools that you regular readers would immediately get the joke. I decided to make a CW post that looks like most other blog posts these days: a tongue-in-cheek, "sponsored post" parody.

 Unfortunately, even after 8 years of writing online, I still managed to drastically underestimate the knee-jerk, jump-to-the-worst-conclusion-and-then-gather-an-angry-mob reaction of the interwebz at large. Not to mention their inability to check the calendar, and/or remember they were on a humor site. o.0

At first I took it as a compliment that so many people were falling for it, but within a few hours it was obvious things were getting out of hand. We lost readers. There was lots - and LOTS - of yelling.

 Some even called into question the legality of what we were doing, while others bashed poor Wilton, which of course knew nothing about our post, much less gave us a single cent in compensation.

I like to think the silent majority got the joke, had a laugh, and moved on, but regardless, John and I received a sound virtual thrashing yesterday.

I'm still rather bemused by the whole thing, but to be honest, I can't help but think: this is our thanks. This is what we get, after all these years, thousands of posts, thousands upon thousands of hours of hard work and heartache and just trying to do the right thing by our readers. After showing you guys who we are, after building a sense of trust and even community here alongside the giggles, all it took was one ill-received joke to turn us into pariahs.

Worse, it wasn't even a hurtful joke. Nothing tasteless or thoughtless or targeting any individual or group - just a parody of what everyone else online seems to be doing. Something that if we DID do (which we wouldn't), would only be because we needed the extra money to keep CW running.

To be fair, a few readers yesterday - who still didn't get the joke - were supportive. They wrote to say they understood, and everyone has to make a living, right? - and I was weirdly grateful, even while thinking, "How can you believe we would do this? Don't you know us?"

So anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to the silent majority who remembered what day it was yesterday, even if you didn't think my post was funny. And thanks to those who would support John and me even if we did "sell out." But mostly, thanks to those of you who took into account every post before yesterday's, and showed a little trust.

Now, let's get back to cake.

Because hey, I think I finally have an excuse to post this one:

No foolin'.



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Reader Comments (424)

I'm one of the silent majority that read it, enjoyed it, and moved on. I wasn't sure if it was a parody or not, but I certainly don't see anything immoral about adding an advertiser. In fact, I see Wilton as a long-overdue sponsor. I think they have great products!

I'm so sorry you were trolled-you definitely don't deserve it! That song is perfect here- "haters gonna hate, hate, hate. Shake, shake shake" or what ever the words actually are...

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

I think you should just go with the assumption that everyone who complained was just trying to pull an April Fool's joke on you by pretending that they were upset. They must be joking because I don't see how anyone who visits this site even semi-regularly would think that your post was an actual ad for Wilton products.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterStella

Hi, so sorry for the awfulness you endured. I looked at the page , enjoyed it, then went about my day. I don't usually post and that post was no different so I didn't see the mean awful things to defend you. Anyway, big hugs. You guys are awesome. The 'lost' readers didn't deserve you anyway. p.s. I think you should be able to comfortably do some sponsored posts without hate. You gotta make the monies to buy kitty food! :)

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMissy

Wow! I am SO relieved! Not because you aren't going the NASCAR route (but, seriously, how funny would it be to see Jen and John's desk and chairs slathered with sponsor stickers??) but because I KNEW I was missing something.......somewhere. Health issues have rendered me wee brain addled, so I 1) forgot the date, 2) didn't click the links, 3) really missed the fun by not reading comments from all the nerd herders whose thumbs fell off (figure out THAT reference!).

Thank you for 'splaining & you can do whatever you want - sell out, out sell, I don't care! Just please don't ever quit having fun!

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterTay

When I was reading it I thought it was kinda strange and a little sell out-ish, but then I thought Wilton was really a new sponsor & thought that was cool, then realized it was a joke & thought it was funny! I'm so sorry for you that so many people took it so seriously & can't look past it. Please don't ever stop doing what you are doing! I have been a faithful reader for years now, I own both books and calendars & want to see more more more! Don't let the bummers bum you out!

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterCyninin

I wondered if the AFD post was a joke, but since the pics and products were real, decided it wasn't a joke (about the sponsorship). And I had no problem with it. Hey, people gotta make money. shrugs. i'm sorry people got up in arms. love your site. (hugs)

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered Commentertia

I never thought for a second that it wasn't an April's Fools Day joke. How funny the difference in people's perspective! But, in my opinion, you could do whatever you wanted to do with your page and I know it would still be hilarious, and people have no right to freak out over something like Wilton showing up on your page. It truly was funny, but I'm sorry that you lost readers (although they surely just don't "get" you guys to begin with.)

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterElizabeth

Part of the (mostly) silent majority here. Ditto for all the positive comments you've received. For all the good you do on both your sites, I'm flabbergasted at how quickly some people will turn on you. That adage about writing a nasty response then walking away for awhile before proofing and clicking the "Publish" button would have been beneficial for some people. These folks need to lighten up!

Jen and John, know that we faithful readers are backing you up all the way! You provide fun, and intelligent humor in a positive manner to us every day. Please don't let the Debbie Downers take that from you (and us).

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAnne-Marie

I missed the Apr 1 post. (I don't always get to go to all the sites I want to go to). But I've appreciated your site for years, and often share your FB posts, especially Sunday Sweets. So here's a short fan letter.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered Commenternobody much

P.S. Yesterday I got Rickrolled in the grocery store and immediately thought of you two - hee!

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAnne-Marie

Jen and John, I am so sorry this happened to you. I myself didn't get the joke until the very end, but clearly wasn't stupid enough to scream at you. I would not blame you if you shut down Cakewrecks for a while, although I really hope you don't. So much love to you both!

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJammies

Right you are about the silent majority. People (especially Internet people) will always find an excuse to get angry, about anything really, but they are a tiny minority, to be sure. I don't quite understand what would drive people away even if they did think the post was sincere. But it's their loss indeed. Your posts are funny and witty and wonderful, and I'm so glad that you can stick to your guns and continue to be who you are. We in the formerly silent majority are truly thankful.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJason

One of the silent majority. Between the internet commenthaters and political campaigns my slogan for understanding the world becomes more valid every day. Just shake your head and say it with me "People are crazy." It's not about you and nothing you do will change the fact that people. are. crazy.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJulia

Another of the silent ones here. Just wanted you to know how much I love the site. I have been reading for at least 5 years and still have the calendar from a few years ago. My dream is to run into you in a non-threatening way in Epcot one day. Just to say hi cause I don't think you'd appreciate a hug. Happy continued wreckery on whatever terms you see fit.

[Note From Jen: Hugs are almost always welcome, Anne, so BRING IT. Also, John & I regularly schedule park meetups with readers over on Epbot, so feel free to shoot us an e-mail sometime to make a date!]

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAnne

The comic Questionable Content did a similar gag. I'll admit that I fell for his for the first few sentences of the post, but caught on quickly and had a little chuckle. "Sell out" jokes are not uncommon on April Fool's day. I'm sorry that you got the rough end of it. As one of the "silent" majority, know that I read the post, chuckled, and moved on with my day. I hope those that took it upon themselves to try and make you feel bad see this post and have the guts to apologize.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterCandice

Never commented before but want to give you a hand! I thought it was a great 'making fun of infomercials' jokes for April Fools and it had me giggling helplessly in my bed when I checked it before sleep. And even if you guys had occasional sponsor posts this reader would completely understand! (Although I really appreciate the lack of annoying pop ups).

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJespren

I'm going to join the rest of the silent majority in speaking up in support of you guys. I can't believe people would overreact that way, and I am so sorry you had to deal with that. Thank you for all your hard work, both here and on Epbot. I check both every day and always love what I read. You two rock!

(I admit I was fooled for a bit -- I was surprised but understood that ad revenues are tanking for everyone). Then the penny dropped :) So, for me at least, it was the perfect April Fool joke!)

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterCynthia

Long time reader, first time commenter here. I have been choking with laughter over your posts for years. You are without doubt, one of the funniest blogs out there and I regularly check in to snicker over the wrecks. Please don't let the jerks get you down. We, the silent majority, would be so sad if Cake Wrecks went away. And honestly, even if you did some sponsored posts, I wouldn't care. I would still click and love CW.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterFelicia

Hey there Jenn and John.
Since it's probably a kick in the ... belly for you to get such hurtful comments, I'll pop up, too and try to make things better - as have others done already.
I've been a fan of this site since a few years ago, when I found it and read EVERY SINGLE PAGE you'd posted before then (and it were a damn lot of them). Took me days to get up to date, and couldn't even remember when last I'd laughed so loud and so long. I honestly cried from laughing so hard.

I never really comment, because I don't know what to say, but I follow you ever since and I love everything about this site. And I've become fond of your long-time commenters, too.
This is a fun site, and even though I really didn't get the joke - I suspected something because duh... April 1st! (or is it April 1th? ;-) ) - I had still lots of fun with the cakes. I'm kinda amazed about all the stuff you linked (if it's real? I can't tell!) - I'm from Germany, and we kinda just got infected by the idea of covering perfectly good cake in fondant, so I had no idea what strange things the cake-industry invented!

Anyway. I hope this post gets you a bit happier, with all the lurkers coming up and saying "Hey, we're here too, even if we're the silent types with the nerd-glasses in the last row!"
Don't get too sad about those that hurt you - it's not worth it, on the long run.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterFritz the Cat

I'm sorry people are jerks. I thought it was hysterical.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterCookieD'oh

ALL THE TIME you post about how professional bakers misuse professional tools to make cakes look worse than amatuer. Plus the very first "ad" was for a fondant that could handle 8 hours in a hot car. I wouldn't want to put something so chemically stable that it wouldn't change after being exposed to so much heat for so long in my body. Seriously even granola bars can't pull that off.

I'm glad you're here, and I'm sorry people were mean.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterShine

I've been a fan of Cake Wrecks for a few years now, though this is my first comment post. I just wanted to let you know I got the joke, and am sorely disappointed at anyone who gave you any backlash. Hopefully, there are enough loyal fans to make up for that. (Hugs)

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterBermom2

I was upset when I realized it was joke, I clicked on the "link" to the Wilton cake pans....I REALLY wanted to see what new cake pans they had! LOL I did think it was funny and laughed.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterStacey

You guys are so awesome and I am sorry some people are so horrible. I hope the love from the rest of us will lessen the sting of their hurtful comments and actions.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMama bird

Don't let the vocal minority get you down!

We want you to be successful. Please consider adding a tip jar so readers have the option of giving you money directly. A few pennies on the dollar via Amazon is well and good but it's slow going. Just like fundraisers at my kid's school, I'd rather give you 100% of a small amount than a tiny percentage of a larger one!

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAble April

I'm embarrassed to say I didn't realize it was a joke -- I knew what the date was, but your post was so well done, so "typical" of a sponsored post, I figured it was real. I didn't like the idea at all, but I was in the "you have to make a living" camp.

Sorry so many people got upset about it!

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterThistle

If I could offer up some tough love... you've just got to suck it up. Accept that the Internet has many people who will vent faux outrage at pretty much anything. Frankly you shouldn't give a toss.

Congratulations on having such a great original blog with genuine humour and character.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterLegz Akimbo

Wow. CW fans definitely showing the love here. I hope some of the former fans who got their knickers in a twist because they don't get April Fools jokes see this post. Jen and John (thoJ), you are awesome and make me laugh. Thank you.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterjuice

People who have no sense of humor should not read your hilarious emails or blog. Go home joyless trolls! Cakewrecks, please resume your daily giggles and seriously... ignore the trolls. The world has gone mad and your little corner of the universe brings a daily smile.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterLuana

I thought it was so obvious it was April Fool's (and it was a well-done joke, unlike all too many others yesterday) that honestly what I thought was that I'd been meaning to get back to decorating and I should probably go get some fondant. I'm sorry people didn't wait before sounding off.

Thank you for all the years of jokes and cakes. You've posted cakes that have inspired me and amused me, and I look forward to seeing your posts every day.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterCass

Wow, I didn't realise that this could be such a problem for people! I love this blog, have followed for ages and haven't ever commented, but decided to come out of the woodwork to tell you I thought it was hilarious and I got rickrolled four times because I wanted to get those products!! Silly me :P
Thank you for all your work on this blog - I hope the critics don't deter you too much :(

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJess

I found it hilarious, but I was aware of the day. Well done! .

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterEagle

I'm in Australia where the day's time difference meant I didn't read it on April Fool's, not that I would've realised, since I fail to realise every. Single. Year!
You guys are awesome and principled and hilarious and a breath of fresh air and completely taken for granted and I'm really sorry about that. The haters need to go force feed themselves some cake covered with piles of frosting that look like poo.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

I absolutely LOVED your post! And at the same time thought to myself, " Hey, maybe I should get that practice board! My shell borders look like crap." Then maybe I would have the confidence to do something other than stars on my cakes! You guys are awesome.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterShelly

I've been reading your blog for years, although I've never commented before. (I'm definitely a "silent majority" type.) You do good work, and you do good work consistently.
I'm not going to tell you to ignore the haters because that's really not very helpful. (It's like telling someone who's just been hit by a car to "ignore it.")
What I am going to tell you is to take pride in the great work you've done and know that there are many people, like myself, who invite your weird and wonderful sense of humor into our lives. You make us laugh, (the really bad cakes make us cry), and we get some perspective on our lives.
I do, at least. No matter how bad my day is, I can always come to Cake Wrecks and say, "Yup. It could be worse." :-D

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterBridget

We love you guys and all your posts. Please keep up the good work!

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJunebug

I started following a whole bunch of blogs about 8 years ago, the only one that has not changed is this one. The rest have followed each other down the rabbit hole of sponsorships, the latest one I unfollowed had a different sponsor for every post!!
You keep being you, authentic and fabulous!

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterangora

Another in the silent majority. I've been offline a few days and missed the whole thing. I love Cake Wrecks, I love Epbot, and I love what I know of you two from following you for the last 8 years. I wish more people would take a deep breath and count to ten before they post things, and that goes quadruple on April Fool's.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

I got it! Which is unusual for me, because generally I'm gullible enough to believe anything. But yeah, even if I'd believed it was real I'd have just rolled my eyes and shrugged a bit.

Some people just like yelling on the internet (I do too, actually, but I confine it to consensual confrontations on messageboards with mutual anonymity where the people I yell at are free to yell back at me, which I think is only fair).

Keep up the great work, and rejoice that you've helped so many people realize the dangers of flying off the handle before they understand all the facts!

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKimstu

Well this is horrible! I only have time to catch your website every few days, and I usually start from the latest post moving backward to my last read.

But now I read the mea culpa before the April Fool's post. Its like hearing the punch line before the joke! Now I will never know if I would have gotten the joke. Though "Generic" and a YouTube link were fairly obvious, it was too well put together to be certain.

I'm going home to cry!

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterStranger...ThanMost

Silent majority member who understood here. I've been following CW for 5 years, and I don't know if I've ever commented. I do appreciate that you appreciate your readers, and I actually hadn't been visiting as often (as a result of no longer having a desk job more than the content), but I returned as a daily reader last year, mostly because your posts are always funny, and because your site annoys me the least. Congradulations, Congratolatons, and Congarts on being the least annoying of all the websites!

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJanalyn

I've been reading for 8 years and never felt the need to comment before now, but please know that I REALLY appreciate your refusal to sell out, and have purchased your books and gear as a way to lend support (and because they're great). I thought the post was a clever (and not annoying) April Fool's joke, so sorry you weren't feeling the love from us silent "read, laugh, and move on" types. Thank you sincerely for your ray of cakey humor lighting up the dark and apparently pitchfork wielding Internet.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterDanielle

Wait -- you're not getting money from Wilton? But you so (Funyuns) deserve it!!! Seriously though you do! I didn't catch that it was a joke because you work your (donkey) off Jen & John and you have 100% earned the right to sell commercials on your site. For real. But if anyone (spoke disagreeably) to you they can go (reproduce) themselves. Sorry I'm not usually this obscene but you two have such good hearts and are so kind, I just can't imagine anyone being nasty to you. They need to get (spanked) or something.
Ah (poo-poo) just saw the tag asking me not to swear. Ok, will revise and edit before posting!
Keep being awesome Jen!!!!

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterHeather

Hi! I too am a silent lover of your page! At the end a bad days, scary days, days filled with tantrums, days of love, days of horror etc. I end all days with you! I started on your page years ago(never have commented and probably never will again!) When I could fall asleep because I was in a new house, my babies in separate rooms from me and the Internet reading before bed had me hating the world or frighteneed me, that I couldn't fall asleep. I clicked on your link somehow, added it to my homepage and now, before I close my eyes every night, I read your post so that my head is filled with humor and I quickly forget that abductions and bombs exist in this work! Keep on making us laugh!! You guys are awesome! ! Screw the haters!

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterChristina

Sorry people were jerks about your joke. I love your site and appreciate what you do.

April 3, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMartin

You guys are great. I've read your blog since the beginning and its brought me much laughter. I know you put so much into this site, so please don't be discouraged by the negativity. Keep bringing joy to the interwebs!

April 4, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

I thought the April Fools post was great.
This website always keeps me in stitches.

April 4, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKaylee

If you lost any readers, consider it separating the chaff from the wheat. Who needs 'em?!

April 4, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterCali Kath

There are 3 websites I check on a daily basis and Cake Wrecks is one of them. What you do is hilarious and much appreciated - don't go changing! X

April 4, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterEley

I'm so sorry people were mean! I love Cake Wrecks. Your posts are always funny and kind-hearted. Thank you for providing my daily dose of funny!

April 4, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterDebN

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