
My Other Blog

What's a Wreck?

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.

Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)

- Jen

The Post Sell-Out Post

My fellow wrecky minions,

For 8 years I have steadfastly refused buy-out offers, sponsored posts, full-page ads, and every pop-up ad my network allows me to opt-out of. I have turned down "free money" in the form of after-the-click jumps, slideshows, and other unscrupulous posting practices. In short, I have done everything I possibly can to make Cake Wrecks a fun place for free laughs while still allowing John and I to do this for a living. It gets harder financially every year, as we've long since had to let go our part-time helper & guest writers, but these are standards I've never wavered on, and never will.

I thought it would be funny, then, to do something so WILDLY out of character for April Fools that you regular readers would immediately get the joke. I decided to make a CW post that looks like most other blog posts these days: a tongue-in-cheek, "sponsored post" parody.

 Unfortunately, even after 8 years of writing online, I still managed to drastically underestimate the knee-jerk, jump-to-the-worst-conclusion-and-then-gather-an-angry-mob reaction of the interwebz at large. Not to mention their inability to check the calendar, and/or remember they were on a humor site. o.0

At first I took it as a compliment that so many people were falling for it, but within a few hours it was obvious things were getting out of hand. We lost readers. There was lots - and LOTS - of yelling.

 Some even called into question the legality of what we were doing, while others bashed poor Wilton, which of course knew nothing about our post, much less gave us a single cent in compensation.

I like to think the silent majority got the joke, had a laugh, and moved on, but regardless, John and I received a sound virtual thrashing yesterday.

I'm still rather bemused by the whole thing, but to be honest, I can't help but think: this is our thanks. This is what we get, after all these years, thousands of posts, thousands upon thousands of hours of hard work and heartache and just trying to do the right thing by our readers. After showing you guys who we are, after building a sense of trust and even community here alongside the giggles, all it took was one ill-received joke to turn us into pariahs.

Worse, it wasn't even a hurtful joke. Nothing tasteless or thoughtless or targeting any individual or group - just a parody of what everyone else online seems to be doing. Something that if we DID do (which we wouldn't), would only be because we needed the extra money to keep CW running.

To be fair, a few readers yesterday - who still didn't get the joke - were supportive. They wrote to say they understood, and everyone has to make a living, right? - and I was weirdly grateful, even while thinking, "How can you believe we would do this? Don't you know us?"

So anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to the silent majority who remembered what day it was yesterday, even if you didn't think my post was funny. And thanks to those who would support John and me even if we did "sell out." But mostly, thanks to those of you who took into account every post before yesterday's, and showed a little trust.

Now, let's get back to cake.

Because hey, I think I finally have an excuse to post this one:

No foolin'.



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Reader Comments (424)

I'm another of the silent majority commenting for the first time. I only discovered Cakewrecks a few months ago (so late to the party!), but have read a lot of the old posts/archives and have never missed a day since I found you. I've been battling with depression for about two years now and Cakewrecks has helped give me a lot of laughs when they've been hard to find. I'm sorry you were treated so badly yesterday. You certainly didn't deserve that. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy the site and appreciate all you do for it (and us)!


April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterRene

I read it yesterday and thought "Wow, that's the weirdest post ever...." and went on with my day. Now that I realize it's an April Fool's joke, it's really kinda funny because it wasn't so obvious! Thanks for brightening a small portion of each of my day with your hard work. :)

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

Jen and John (thoj)

Jeez, so sorry to hear you got such bizarre reactions to your April Fool's day post. There's a radio guy in our area who talks about the phenomenon of "pitchfork nation" where people rise up and over-react to something they get self-righteous about - with the interwebs as it is, just takes one or two people to stir up such a reaction.

Your steadfast fans and loyal followers know better.

The post was FUNNY, even if you didn't realize it was April Fool's day. It's like expecting the articles from the Onion or Andy Borowitz to be something other than satire (tho Borowitz's work gets cited by Yahoo as truth frequently). If those folks who were "confused" and angry yesterday don't get that, they're reading the wrong blog.

Love your work, and I hope you didn't get too discouraged.

A faithful reader for I can't remember how long!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAddie

Never underestimate the stupidity of the masses! I very rarely comment, but I read regularly and frequently recommend you to friends with a sense of humor.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMisty o C

I'll be honest, I read and laughed at yesterday's post just like I do every weekday but it didn't occur to me it was an AF joke because I had forgotten it was even AF Day by the time I got home from work yesterday and jumped online (my mind was preoccupied with looking at real estate listings after CW because we're wanting to move soon). I am also completely naive to how blogs work so I thought the definition of "site sponsor" was jut a company that's buying ad space on your sight. ... Oops, looks like I got that definition wrong.
Anyway - Sorry I missed your AF joke and the internet trolls beat you up, but wanted you to know at least 1 person was not offended by the post nor did I think you guys were sell-outs.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered Commentergypsi81

Hi Jen and John, just wanted to send my support and thanks for what you do. For what it's worth, I thought it was pretty funny! I love your blog and your humour. Keep up the awesome work.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJasmin

I am one of the silent majority that enjoyed your post yesterday. I thought it was very funny and fit perfectly with the blog. I love Cake Wrecks and Epbot. You and John are wonderful. Keep up the great work!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJenn

You are the BEST! Funny, intelligent, snarky, clever and etc;-)
I enjoy your smart and hilarious posts everyday. Please keep it up and know that you are cake preciated.
I won't comment often, but trust me, I get it and love it.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterCincy

I love you guys. People are dumb. Maybe this means you have to start a THIRD blog called "Wiltonbot" or something. And I will read it every day.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAllison

I'm one of the silent ones. I read the whole thing yesterday, at first thought maybe it was real, then remembered who i was dealing with and started laughing. I can't believe folks thought it was real. I'd never leave you guys over something like that, and even if you DID get sponsored by wilton, well, like they say, people got to make a living! But i knew you guys wouldn't sell out like that...and certainly NOT on April Fools Day! thanks for all the laughs!!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

I laughed and chortled mightily yesterday, but didn't comment... should have! It's a MOST EXCELLENT April Fool's! I cannot fathom that people actually complained! Or yelled at you in a nasty way. Shouting "HA-HA- YOU GOT ME!" is what those yellers should've been doing. I suppose if you post on the Interwebz, the nasties are to be expected. I'm sorry that you felt you had to post an apology for an April fool's joke post, which, was and is brilliant! honestly, folks need to relax, not take themselves too seriously (drop the illusions of grandeur), and laugh every once in a while. And I would say that anyone who threatened to boycott CakeWrecks because of an April Fool's joke really shouldn't be reading CakeWrecks (and are probably just pouting because you got 'em real good!). The rest of us will enjoy every single post and joke and wreck from you both! Thank you for all your hard work, effort and talent to make us laugh. BTW, anytime I have to buy something from Amazon, I click through CakeWrecks. Please let us know other ways we can support you and CakeWrecks!

One of my favorite political bloggers has a small "donate" button on his blog page. He also doesn't do ads or any of the other things that bloggers often sodo to support themselves. The donate button goes to Paypal and you can even set up a regular monthly donatioyt?n amount, for those who want to. I think a small, tasteful donate button (perhaps featuring babies on flying carrots) would give your true fans a way to say "thank you" for the many years of wrecky fun that you have brought us.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAllison

Another silent reader here--I learned to decorate cakes using the Wilton method and am not ashamed to admit to that. I thought the post was hilarious!!! Those who didn't get the joke need classes in sarcasm. Keep up the fabulous job!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered Commentermarcie

With your long experience on Teh Interwebs, I know you would have expected some backlash but there must have been a perfect storm of the clueless for you to post this. Alas, those clueless ones won’t read this and are off to unload on their next victim. But Spring cleaning to chase out trolls is always good, no? The rest of us are still glad you are always here, a cake-y oasis in the bakery of day-old insanity. Or something like that.

Now what you did do was achieve the true April Fool joke. You can feel (secretly?) proud about that. You can also feel proud about not being Microsoft unleashing Tay on Twitter (bad timing for April Fools there). Maybe Wilton celebrated April Fools early, too, with some of their gizmos shown. If I used the lettering tool, I could still misspell “Satherhood” and would probably get sued by the Olympic Committee for using colored rings on a cake.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAl the K

I love Cake Wrecks! It makes me laugh every day. This is my first time to comment because I just want you two to know how much you make people smile, LOL and spew beverages. :) You definitely have the support of your loyal followers. The ones you lost are clearly losers. Their loss. Can't wait to see your next post. Thanks for the laughs! :)

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAngel

I was surprised at first. Then went to one of the links. Rick rolled. I then sent several humourous minutes checking each link to see if I was it was the same or if you had done others.
I'm sorry that people were jerks. I was part of the silently amused.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterLizzy

You are awesome. I've read all of cakewrecks through at least 3 times. I bring it up in conversation way more often than I should (I'm terrible at retelling jokes). To be perfectly honest, I thought you had gotten an amazing sponsorship deal that you just couldn't pass up, but it was still funny, so it was fine by me. You're the only one who got me this April Fools. I'm sorry people are sucky, and I hope they come back and give you lots of money.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterEmily Z

Ha! I totally fell for it AND I was impressed that Wilton sponsored you!! Too funny! You guys rock and bring a smile and usually a chuckle every day!!! Love your blog, love your sense of humor, love Cake Wrecks!!!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKristin

I just thought the post was funny and moved on :) I'm sorry this brought out the worst in people but I wanted to comment and let you know I've enjoyed your site for years and love introducing it to new people :) keep strong there are still a ton of people that love your site and you guys!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterBeth

Wow. Just wow. Sorry you guys got a lot of grief yesterday. If I could send you a cake it would say, "It's not you, (UNDERNEATH THAT) it's the internet." Thank you for making us laugh. You don't owe us a darn thing.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterLiz

I don't often comment, but just wanted to throw in my 2 cents here. It took me quite a quite a while to realize that your post yesterday was a joke, but I think that it was a great one. Even if there does come a time when you do get a sponsor, I would totally understand. You guys are awesome and I love that you created this site for so many to enjoy. Keep up the great work and wreck on! ;-)

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterVicki

I didn't realize it was a joke at first (because I forgot that it was April 1st) but most of the commenters knew and reminded me. Were the haters so blinded by rage that they did not see those posts as they scrolled past them on the way to complain? Were these the same people who blame every wreck on the customer, scolding "you shouldn't have insisted on buttercream"?

I would not like to see fully sponsored posts like yesterday's the other 364 days of the year. I would, however, have nothing against Cake Wrecks hosting a few paid ads (in the style of the ones for your books) on the bottom or the right side of the page if it would give you and John a decent income and allow you to continue entertaining me daily.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJane

I have never posted before, but I visit every day and love your site. You have given me countless laughs and I am grateful. How people who don't pay anything to enjoy your site could even think about complaining that you might get a sponsor I do not understand. But people seem to get offended about anything these days, so I guess it's to be expected. I hope that you will not let the craziness get to you! I would be very sad to lose my daily laughs.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterShana

Here's another silent majority. I usually think bloggers or whatever you geniuses are called that tickle my funny bone so masterfully, don't have the time to read comments. Especially since its usually the whackos and sociopaths that need an audience for their every messed up thought. I echo each of the prior commentors on this post with one exception-I just recently discovered this site. A thing came up on facebook, I was interested, and have been OBSESSED since. How you find these is incredible. Your comments brilliant. I actually shared yesterday's post to all my friends because it was so funny and brilliantly executed. You deserve thanks for entertaining us, and know that I know that you care, I will be sure to share the positive comments more often. Thank you and continue to make ME laugh. Really, please. Love you guys!!!!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany

This is the first time I've posted on your site. I check your posts from time to time and always enjoy the laugh. Although I'm not a religious follower, I still caught that it was a parody. So, I just wanted to say thank you for confirming that I still have my sense of humor and a functional brain (some days I wonder).
Keep up the Wrecks! Because of you, I know that if I ever get a massive disaster cake made for a life changing special occasion, that I will be able to laugh about it... as soon as I get out of jail, of course.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterJeanie

Oh! I'm sorry you had to deal with stupid people. I thought it was hilarious! Hang in there and keep doing you!!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterFrances

Don't let those haters get you down!

While I have never posted before, I have been a reader for YEARS and it is obvious you and John put a lot of work, but more importantly, LOVE into this site.

And honestly--even if you were to accept some sort of a sponsorship, that is your prerogative! We don't know your circumstances, and I think the majority of your readers would rather see you take a sponsorship if that meant the site could keep running than lose CW.

So, in summary, I bet your truly loyal readers are still here--and likely, those **so offended** at the thought of a sponsorship will probably miss your colorful commentary in about a week or two, so don't be surprised when those numbers start to climb :)

Keep up the good work and don't beat yourself up. And hey, maybe you can take comfort in knowing that GMail EPICALLY lost April Fools Day.. *insert Minion mic drop*

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKylie

Honestly I was a bit confused, but I know nothing about Wilton and don't really see it as a "sell out" so I didn't think to much of it. I did see the date, but things do actually really happen on April 1st sometimes, but by the time I saw the post the links went to youtube, I knew it was a prank then, so I listened to some nice music and went on with my day.

Sorry you had to deal with people who can't take a, harmless, joke.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterThor

I'm surprised people took it seriously. I read it, snorted, shook my head at the silliness and moved on. Didn't even read the comments because I was in a hurry.

I'm sorry people attacked you. I know it must have been very stressful. You guys deserve better. The internet can be a mean place and people react in a kneejerk fashion, feel proprietary (about something they get for free!), and forget there are real people behind the screens.

Cmon guys--this is about funny cakes, so let's not beat up the creators of all these funny posts about funny cakes over small things or perceived issues that aren't even real! Sheesh.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKim

I got the joke right away and thought it was funny, and then went about my day.
So, so sorry to hear your day ended up much, much different from mine. I don't know what else to say but --- there really ARE people who get it, Jen and John (thoj). Please don't stop what you are doing. We love you and need you in our lives.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMaureen S

Now I'm sorry the majority of us *were* silent. If all of us had posted something, even just a little ":D" that we got the joke, we would have drowned out the rest. I just grinned, gave you an imaginary fist bump, and mosied on. I took you for granted, and I genuinely apologize.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterRobin in Kansas

You guys rock. Haters gonna hate. You make me laugh every single day. Sorry I don't comment regularly to thank you for all you do. Hugs with extra sprinkles, Jen and John.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterChristy

Cakewrecks is the most consistently funny site I've ever read. You are total prefessionals, and I admire you both so much. Thank you x 1000.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterMary Jayne

I've never written a comment but have read your blog for a very long time. I've scrolled alllll the way back to the beginning to read from the start. I read them several times each. Needless to say I love it. I don't get on every day so I have the pleasure of binge reading several days at a time.

So I need to say thank you. For the entertainment, the fun, the "wishing I could see what was really behind the epcot picture" moments, and just the sheer enjoyment of knowing I am not alone in being human.

I for one am glad you do not have sponsors. I have stopped reading blogs because I can't find the words over the ads!! It really shouldn't be that hard if you have something important to share. Which you do. And you do it well.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKim E.

Speaking up to say thanks for every wonderful post you have served up for all these years. You bring me smiles every week and if I could click an ad to pay you back for that, I would! Just don't make us click any dread cupcake-cakes (ptoooey!) I gotta draw a line somewhere. The notion that people would send you guys hate mail is inconceivable, inconceivable! (Hmm I'm going to go watch The Princess Bride now)

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

Another member of the silent majority chiming in for the first time to say I thought it was really funny! I'm not into April Fools, so I wasn't even thinking about that. Just thought it was another excellent post from my the only blog I check on a daily basis - apart from Epbot :)

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAmy C

I got the joke and I am sorry that some of the people who didn't decided to be rude about it. I usually don't read comments so I had no idea that was going on. I want to tell you that there are days when I am anxious or depressed and going here and or Epbot is one of the things that helps keep me afloat. A few years ago, my job was super stressful and it wasn't the kind of job where you could go online at work. Even on my lunch break, I usually had work to do so that I didn't have to stay super late so emailing back and forth with friends which is one way I let go of stress wasn't an option. Cake Wrecks was a place I could go quickly and have what I called "My moment of Jen" (no insult to John- it's just that his name doesn't rhyme with any eastern spiritual practices I am aware of). I probably should have thanked you before, but I am thanking you now. You are good people and you bring moments of lightness into people's lives. People's lack of trust in you says a lot about them and nothing about you.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterLauraD

Not only is this site funny, it's educational. I'd never heard of "rickroll" before. Keep doing what you've been doing for years. We love you!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterNobodee Home

You know, I read it yesterday and I thought to myself that it sounded a little out of character but hey, who could blame you? Everybody thinks doing this is free. People don't understand the time that goes into all of these posts. They don't understand that it is a full-time job. So if you were to have decided to get a sponsor deal I wouldn't have blamed you because perhaps it would've made life easier for you guys. But yes, it was April fool's and I suspected something was afoot.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda

I understood it was a joke, I thought it was funny. I'm posting to show support for you guys and to show that not all of us are crazy. I love this blog, keep showering us with other peoples' disappointment!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterThe Zed

I totally got the joke yesterday. I mean - duh - it was April Fools Day. How can you believe anything posted on that day?

I love your quirky sense of humor which is why I've been a long-time, loyal follower of this site as well as Epbot. As a member of the silent majority I am speaking up today to say "Well Done, Again!" and to please continue!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterShannon first, I was bummed that you were getting a sponsor...then realistic about the possible need...then I remembered what day it was...then loved that all the links were changed to rick-roll very bummed that people got seriously upset. *sigh* ...people... *sigh*

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterpreacherspice

When I read yesterday's post I didn't remember what day it was. I didn't notice the "sell out" either. I just thought it was another funny post from you guys. I did click the first link because I was thinking, "They really make that stuff?" After I clicked the link I thought "OMG that was hilarious!" Then I remembered , "Oh yeah, it's April 1st." Then laughed some more. After reading today's post however, I have lost the ability to even (as you once wrote). I can't even. I can't even begin to understand why people would think yesterday's post was anything but another funny post from you guys. I have been following Cake Wrecks since I found out about it, which was before you started Epbot. I check it every single day! I check Epbot everyday too and wait patiently and understandingly for the next post. I follow both your blogs because, Awesome! You guys are Awesome!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterHeidi

"Wise people ponder their thoughts, silly people proclaim them." -- Heinrich Heine
I'm glad I took the time to ponder the wickedly wonderful post yesterday! Jen & John (thoj), you absolutely rock!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterEmmay

I didn't think it had been a joke, but also didn't care. That's not to say I think less of you: in fact, after years of watching privately owned blogs, youtube channels and so forth, and all of their heartfelt pleas their users not be mad they needed the sponsor money, I really stopped thinking of it as 'selling out'.
It's sad to see that people react so harshly, even if it hadn't been a joke.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterElise

Also unlurking to say I've been saddened by some blogs in the past that sold out, were taken over by new people and became a wilted shadow of what they were before, so loved your very tounge-in-cheek joke. People can be so daft, please don't let them get you down!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterRK

Jenn & John....
I'm so sorry! I love your site and look at it all the time. Used to work at a library and when your book came in for circulation, we showed it to each other and laughed and recommended it to patrons.
People suck.
Thank you for all you do to make your site truly entertaining and giving a laugh to all of us who need it!
Hang in there!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterShawna

Silent reader here. I love your posts and look forward to them every day after work. I'm sorry you got flack from people for your post yesterday. When I read it, it took me until the comments to realize the joke (I plead that I had about 2 hours sleep the night before and a long day at work, hence being slow on the uptake, but I digress). Please continue to post witty, hilarious content despite the naysayers. The internet is full of them and they are not deserving of your time and energy. You guys are amazing and I love the dose of humor you bring every day. Take care and all the best. :)

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterKitKat

Awww, I completely missed it. Did anyone grab screenshots? I would have liked to have just seen what it looked like!!

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterRachael

Your site has cheered me up countless times. Thanks for all you do.

April 2, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterVC

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