I Can See Clearly Now... And... EW

I don't remember my 2012 slang very well - was this an actual thing people said?
"You're eggs is prego."
There are so many things wrong with that sentence, my brain just imploded.
Still, at least it was a "closed belly" shower.
What does that mean?
The "Peek-A-Boo, I Eat You" Appetite-Suppress-Inator!
(Have I been watching too much Phineas and Ferb this week? Yes, yes I have.)
Now, that's pretty good, but you must admit: the baby-embedded-in-clear-gelatin is kind of hard to see.
So for maximum Inator effectiveness, we're gonna need to open that baby belly up.
Better, better...
...but is it possible to make the whole thing shinier?
You know, in a more seeping, moist, and gelatinous kind of way?
Just think, with these Appetite-Suppress-Inators, soon, Cake Wrecks will RULE the ENTIRE TRI-STATE AREA! Mwuah-ha-haaaa!
Thanks to Rish, Rachel G., Karen Q., & Diana M., who'd all look adorable in brown fedoras, I just know it.
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Reader Comments (74)
You know, if I read that first one as "Your Eggo is Preggo", that makes much more sense. At some point, the OED will just give up, cave to the uneducated masses, and make Your and You're synonyms.
Oh gawd, they're so *urp* SHINY! And not in the Firefly sense. These are decidedly non-shiny shiny :O
I thought the first cake said "Your eggo is prego"
The boobs on that last cake... are they boiled eggs? *hurk*
Once again proving that just because you can do something, it doesn't mean that you should.
Who decides these are remotely "tasteful" (and not in a flavorful/edible sort of way)?
I'm with SherryLou - I read the same thing on the first cake.
I think I might have to go and sit down in a darkened room. Eeeeeeeeee.
2012 may have been the height of the "all your base are belong to us" meme. I read "eggs", but was more disturbed by the capitalized Prego. Granted the canned spaghetti sauce association disturbance was soon overshadowed by the shining chests and floating babies. You are the reason I don't need coffee.
Eww!!! Where is the actual (edible) cake in those? Not that I could eat them anyways, but still.
There's something so disappointing in knowing that anyone pays for those.
Your eggo is preggo, from the movie Juno
When I initially saw the first one, I thought "why is there writing on Totoro's face?" (Once you see it...)
Is it bad that I think you could totally use the form from one to make a fairly acceptable Totoro cake?
"Aren't you too young to be making cakes?"
"Yes. Yes, I am."
That's Phineas's excuse; what's theirs?
Why are the gelatin cakes even a thing?
Why, I ask you, WHYYY!!???
The inventor of the "mommy torso cake pan" should be taken out and shot. There is nothing that makes these cakes elegant or classy. The peek-a-boo babies are gross, the boobs look like am man designed their boudoir clothing (seriously, how many women wear super low cut crap when they feel like a beached whale?), and the whole pan idea only screams for wrecks to be made. As for the tasteless masses who ORDER these crapcakes, I honestly feel for you. Maybe some remedial learning on what is classy vs what is trashy are in order. I guess the saying is still proving true...you can't buy class. Sheesh.
Over here in the UK we have been getting the baby shower stuff for couple years. We are waaaaay behind USA in in some things, let's hope it stays that way! Keep your gelatinous belly's. They remind me of those alien egg toys that were around a while ago, they were gross too.
In the class for EMT/Medic, as a female instructor, I've show the Delivery Video to them, stand back, smile and watch their faces, especially the men, go from 'macho, I'm tough I can take it' to "I'm never having sex again!" LOL, trust me, real video of a delivery and birth, full color, close-up with sound. and yes, I get satisfaction as a female from seeing the men in horror as they watch. So slap me, lol. However, from now on, I'll just show them this post, or better yet, order one of the cakes. Then whoever has the guts to eat a piece, will get a big gold star and an "A" for the class!
SuBee? I can't wait to see your song for this one! You rock on girl!
so.. uh.. where's perry?!
Uh oh, I think you started an Epcot with "You're eggs is prego." Guys! It's a joke! And "You're eggo is prego" is BARELY ANY BETTER.
I think the first one is a reference to Juno (but with poor spelling and handwriting).
I will never attend another baby shower, for fear of running into one of these horrors.
Not sure when it came out but the line "Your Eggo is Preggo" is from the movie Juno, though I think it was before 2012.
Aaauuuggghh these could be weight watcher aids
Those are insanely big bellies for insanely tiny babies. This is what creeps me out the most.
It looks like Katy Perry wrote the inscription on the first cake...
I read the first one as if it was supposed to say, "Your ex is preggo." and the whole story played out in my head. It was a sordid romance that ended badly.
@Addie Well, compared to some of the other pregnancy cakes that have been featured here, these ones <I>are rather "tasteful". There's no strawberry jam gore, no demon-babies tearing their way out of the belly, not even any detailed depictions of the mother-to-be's genitals! Here's hoping this "fetus-in-clear-jello" trend will replace the aforementioned ones for good!
@ Miss Paper I was thinking the same thing about the cake pans. However after googling "pregnant belly cake pan" I found a tutorial (actually several, but this one was at the top of the pile) for making a tasteless belly cake. Evidently there is no actual "belly-cake mold", but they instead they're misappropriating Wilton's innocent sports ball cake pans!
Following the example of psuedoephedrine, a once common OTC decongestant which is now strictly regulated in many places due to it's rampant, illicit misuse to make meth, I suggest restrictions be placed on purchases of Wilton's sport ball pans, accompanied by harsh penalties for belly-cake-making abuses!
How low have I gone when my second thought (after "ew" as the first thought) was "Well at least none of them have chocolate sprinkles down there or visible nipples"?
Maybe the "You're eggs is pregs" cake is just an ugly Christmas sweater/bikini? Intentional?
About the embryos: gelatinous-glow and shininess notwithstanding, what flashed into my mind almost instantly were images of 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). Especially the last one...so wild! Did Kubrick direct this wreck? =^-.-^= (Hmmm...do I smell a new Oscar award category in the baking? "Best Cake Wrecked In Honor Of A Film"?)
It looks more like "You're eggs are pregs" to me? Which rhymes but, eh, that's about it ...
Dear Jen, please tell me that when you mentioned little brown fedoras, you meant actual fedoras, as in Indiana Jones. And not trilbies, like James Bond wore in, for example, Dr. No.
Please tell me it is so, or part of my respect for you might evaporate!
[Editor's note- The only fedora is an Indiana Jones fedora. -john (thoJ)]
Am I the only one who wonder why all of these boobs look like perfectly round silicone implants?
Nagzilla, I saw Totoro right away as well!
I don't know why - I must have been reading too fast, but I thought the first cake said "you're eggs is frogs". And I was REALLY confused.
I think the first cake is supposed to be "your eggo is preggo" which is a line from Juno.
Is there any record of a person ordering a "gelatin" cake, and getting a "genital" cake instead?
Ahahaha, I was trying to figure out the script on the first one, that I didn't even notice that it was yet another improbably upright breasts in a ridiculous looking nighty. Once again, I ask myself would any woman really order that cake for a baby shower? Especially the baby floating in gelatin cakes...Just ewwwww.
What the actual you know what? I don't think I could be gracious and thankful if I got one of these. They are terrible! I actually felt nauseous looking at the pictures. I'd probably dry heave if I saw them in person.
How appetizing. And by appetizing, I mean -completely- unappetizing!
Is it strange that I'm most curious about whether the fetus in the gelatin is edible, or if it's like the whole king cake fiasco?
Someone please tell me that I'm not the only one who thought that cake #2 looks like...*ahem*..."female anatomy?"
I thought the first one said, "your egg is a frog." I was so confused.
Also, the size of the belly is totally out of proportion to the fetus.
But...but...but...the reason a pregnant belly is big is because the baby is big?? When the baby is tiny like those, the belly is small. My brain, it hurts.
What are these cakes made of, are they completely gelatin? How are they so shiny? Doesn't look like fondant to me but the second cake the bottom edges look to be cut like fondant, how would gelatin cut like that?
What are those cakes even made of? They look like plastic. Not even edible.
Where's the self destruct button on these Inators?
The entire tri-state area would be a much better place if you were in charge.
Now you will see my Beautiful Party Cake Decorator! Every cake I zap will look exactly like the one in the bakery binder! People will be soooooo distracted by the beautiful cakes, they won't even notice when I take over the ENTIRE TRI-STATE AREA!
Curse you Perry the Platypus! You've ruined everything. You've turned my Beautiful Party Cake Decorator into a Terrible Party Cake Wreckorater! Of course, in retrospect, I probably should not have installed that Reverse Switch...