The Best Literal LOLS in CW History Part 2

Part 2 of my Top 20 Literals in CW History!
"Hang on, this sounds complicated. Lemme write it down."
The quotations marks are "helping."
And last but not least, The Cake That Started It All:
Thanks to Kate L., Dana G., Cristina B., Emma C., Kathryn S., Melissa O., Naomi H., Anony M., Kristen H., & Abby G. for being the one to first send me that photo, which quite literally (zing!) inspired this whole silly little cakes blog.
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Reader Comments (35)
No comment. Just a blue background.
hee-he-he!! I love these. And can't help but think Cake #3 (perhaps due to its unfortunate color choice on the writing) would make a perfect Happy Menopause! cake ;)
Underneat it all, we love you Jen!
The "Adam with blue flowers" cake makes me wonder what you would get if you asked for "Susie in the sky with diamonds".
I have so enjoyed these trips down memory lane. Many hugs to you and John (thoJ)!
Merry Christmas!!
Wishing you all a season of peace, joy,
and *if there's room*,
I've been following you for several years and bought books last year as Christmas gifts! You brighten my every morning. Thanks!!!
Bwahahahahahahahaha :D
"...this whole silly little cakes blog", she says! I nominate that for the "Understatement of the Year" award! I've never heard of such an award, but if it's out there somewhere, there should be cake for the ceremony. May it be a wreck. I can't help but wonder if the perpetrator of the original inspiration ever knew what he or she started? =^-.-^=
Some of these absolutely have to be intentional. Bakers can't all be that bad at understanding the difference between instructions and desired text. They have to be messing with the customers because they're annoyed at their boss or something.
The really important question: Why did they decorate "Seth" 's cake with guacamole?
I'm still trying to figure out the cheesecake one. o.O
Great, I just stopped having nightmares about the scary monster thingy on Seth's cake and now it's going to start all over! Thanks guys!
And the NO Periods thing sounds just about perfect!
Asterisks AND quotes. That Seth is a lucky guy!
What is on #4? Is that a knock off Disney World topper? "Mickey Park!"
I like the "Nothing on It" cake! Maybe there should be another cake right beside it with "Nothing near it"! Oh, wait- even better: Have the wreckorators wear a snug little cap that reads "Nothing IN It", with a little arrow pointing down... =^~.~^=
These are my favorite category of wrecks, bar none. "Under Neat That" will never get old.
Thanks, Jen, and John (thoj)!
Write mine on all the slices except 1 and yours on 1 slice. How hard is that???
Hey, I wish just like that I could have no periods!
Poor Seth has green poo. Needs some antibiotics.
"Silly little cake blog" has been my home away from home for several years now.
What bothers me the most is that the flowers are gorgeous, but the writing is ugly/misspelled! You'd think it'd be the other way around!
Love this blog, and the Literal LOLs are my favourite. Thanks for all the laughs you provide even on my worst days :)
I'm guessing a lot of these "professional" cake decorators are either illiterate or non-English speaking...all they know how to do is to literally copy whatever is in the "Message" block of the order form! (And their bosses didn't realize it until now...Oops, busted!
"Comment with witty sarcasm:
My friend Jan commented: There are a number of stories from the early China Trade of gentlefolk who would order porcelain dinnerware sets and wait patiently for a year or two -- only to have the sets finally delivered with the instructions for the design meticulously copied out onto the pieces as well as the design itself.
Bwhahahahaha. Oh man. These cakes are so pretty too. Even most of the handwriting is pretty. Now if only they could combine both and pay attention to the orders they might just make it as cake decorators lol.
Sigh, and the writing on the second one is so nice. Also the 4th. And the 6th. And the...
I meant, "And the seventh. And the... "
"Nothing on it"??? And they WRITE "Nothing on it"??? HOW effing STUPID do some of them have to BE???
@ukelady: Oh, WOW. And we make this much of a stir when we've only been waiting a few hours for a cake. Do any of these china sets still survive today? I imagine they would be quite the collectors items. Are there any websites on these kind of wrecks??
So in other words, we owe all this to Suzanne. Someone really ought to get her a cake. Oh, wait...
Thank you Jen, John & the rest of the team for all that you do - you are a force for good in the wild and wacky interwebz.
Shortly after reading this post, my 10.9 year old daughter was sketching how she wanted me to decorate her rainbow birthday cake. Showing me her design with the colors labeled on it, she said "but don't write the names of the colors on the cake."
I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when the people went to pick up these cakes. Lol!
HOW do these people remember to BREATHE??? If they gave one second's thought to WHAT they were WRITING...
Asked for the cake to have the image of the flag of Slovenia on it. I gave the baker a small flag so that they would know how to decorate the cake with the Slovenian flag design. I got a plain cake with the small flag (which was meant to be an example) stuck right in the middle of it. I did say I wanted a flag on it . . .
@ KathyD
How about writing the names of the colors in colors other than the ones the names describe? Like the word 'orange' piped in purple icing, 'green' piped in red, etc.
(Just to yank her chain for insulting you like that. After all, it's never too early to start messing with their minds.)